Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Living in a Dystopian Novel Is No Fun, but Never Fear: Our God Reigns!

I used to read a lot of science fiction and enjoy science fiction films. Many of the stories were set in dystopian societies where the people were controlled by elitists keeping the masses hypnotized and quiet with bread and circuses and deadly "entertainment" by the enslaved. Think of the Hunger Games!

No need to read or view dystopian fiction these days since we're living it every day. The BLM/Antifa riots reminded me of dark scenes in the popular trilogy series, Back to the Future. The contraceptive and abortion culture of lust is summarized in Brave New World. The listening computer Hal from 2001 a Space Odyssey is in our homes known as Siri or Alexa. (Is a woman's voice less threatening than a man's?)

Every morning when I read the headlines, another jarring detail comes to mind. This morning it was this from earlier this month:

More gloomy news from Biden! White House says it's open to plan that would BLOCK sunlight from hitting surface of the Earth in bid to limit global warming

One more arrogant attempt to control the world and life itself. When will these fools stop? 

I can't help thinking that this is a demonic attack on God Himself. The sun is our literal "light of the world." It gives us warmth. It makes the crops grow. Hey, we love a sunny day at the beach or the pool. If the sun disappeared and didn't rise tomorrow, life on earth would end. 

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is our light and our life. Attacking the sun seems to me to be a metaphor for attacking the Son of God, the light of the world. 

Every looney-tune "conspiracy theory" we hear about these days turns out to be true. The only people with open eyes seem to be the ones accused of wearing tin-foil hats. To remain sane in a dystopian society, the wise man clings to the Way, the Truth, and the Life. 

I'm praying my rosary today with eyes wide open and with confidence that the Kingdom of God begins here as Jesus promised to those who love Him. 

Never fear; the kingdom is here. 

You're present in the kingdom of God at every Mass when the Light of World answers the call of the priest to descend upon the altar taking us back to that moment of salvation on Calvary. The tyrannical fools may be able to block the rays of the sun. They can never block the graces poured out by the Son of God through His Mother Mary on those who beg for them. Jesus, in Your light, we see life.

I expect the persecution against Christians to grow, as if it isn't significant already. But we in the United States have felt the impact much less than so many others, especially those living under Islam. I expect expansion of suffering here in the U.S. Many among the millennials want those who refuse to use the "correct" pronouns to face jail time. Climate and vax "deniers" are already censored and ridiculed. 

But I also believe that "All things work together for good to those who love the Lord and serve according to His purpose." We are not alone. As Our Lady of Fatima said to the children,

“Are you suffering a great deal? Don’t lose heart. I will never forsake you. My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge, and the way that will lead you to God.”

"Pray, hope, and don't worry." Trust in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Have you had them enthroned in your home? 


  1. Maybe mankind will cause the 3 days of darkness ourselves. What a fitting punishment for our arrogance and pride!

  2. The dystopian movie precedent for the 'block the sun' approach is Snowpiercer. An attempt to reduce global warming results in an ice age.

  3. Reminder to those leaving comments (that means you, Jim). I don't post anything that insults the Mother of Christ. Jesus kept the 4th Commandment. I'm sure He is offended by those who attack His Mother. She is not in competition with Him; she magnifies Him!

    "Do whatever He tells you!" Not, "Do whatever I tell you."

    God chose to defeat Satan using the most humble instruments, our model of humility, Mary and the lowly archangel Michael. Satan was the highest of the angels. He was kicked out of heaven by one of the lowest order of angels.

    God has a sense of humor!

    Think of the humiliation to Satan of being defeated by a young girl. That's why Satan hates women so much he's trying to erase us altogether. May God rebuke him!
