Sunday, July 2, 2023

The LGBTQ Extremists Boiled the Water Too Soon!

What happens when you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water? The critter leaps out lickety split. No thank you! Not for me, babe!

Now, the LGBTQ agenda for a long time hid exactly what they had in mind. "Oh, it's all about love," they told us. "Our same sex love is no different than heterosexual love." And, "Hey, we don't want to pervert your children. We only call them chickens because they remind us of sweet baby chicks, not because they're fresh meat."

And so the purvayers of perversion infiltrated businesses and schools and, as After the Ball, Kirk and Madsen's book about taking over the culture describes, they "jammed" us with homosexual propaganda day in and day out.

Everything those advocating sodomy told us about their "love" was a lie, but many ordinary Americans who like to pride themselves on their tolerance didn't want to rock the boat, so they swallowed the lie. Some have self-identifying "gay" family members which contributed to accepting the lie to keep the peace. Perhaps they felt a little uncomfortable, but, after all, these are our family members and we don't want to alienate them by disapproving of their lifestyle. Just live and let live and if that means going and celebrating a same sex wedding... oh well...that's just the price you have to pay to make sure your children don't get angry and disown you as troglodytes and homophobes. 

And so it goes and has been going for decades.

It appears, however, that the LGBTQ crowd has overplayed their hand. Instead of letting the frogs enjoy that nice warm water until they got acclimated, they tried to throw all the frogs into the vigorously boiling water and they are jumping ship...well...jumping pot actually. 

Going full steam ahead with perverting children alerted parents who pushed back hard. The Loudoun County, VA parents who objected to the school board about scandalizing children with perversion and radical race theory were called "terrorists." The real terrorists are those forcing little girls to use the same bathroom as adolescent boys. Rape anyone?

The extremism of the pervert crowd propelled Glen Younkin into office as governor of Virginia. That move gives my state a hope that we can turn red again. The fight is going on all over, with responsible parents challenging woke school boards and even running and winning and replacing the looney-tune board members with staunch conservatives. 

The pornification of the culture is being exposed as well as the LGBTQ crowd's deliberate targeting of children. At a New York Pride March this month, participants chanted "We're here. We're Queer. We're coming for your children." And they are! Marchers tried to dismiss the chant as "just rhetoric" mocking the stereotype of gays, but drag queen story hours and library books in the children's section shilling for homosexuality prove it's anything but "just rhetoric." They are, indeed, after your children!

And it's working. The number of children, especially girls, identifying as "trans" has skyrocketed in the past few years. While medical intervention with puberty blockers and surgeries has grown (about 270%), talk therapy has grown only 63% which indicates the medial community is more interested in the money than the health of kids. Want more proof? Planned Parenthood is now up to its neck in the latest "cash cow" targeting confused kids. 

It's horrible, but parents are waking up and fighting back. More groups are forming to fight the brainwashing in school.  A mom who saved her daughter from the transgender movement started the group Our Duty. More and more celebrities are refusing to play the pronoun game. Megyn Kelly, Jordan Peterson, Tucker Carlson and others are finally saying no! I'm not a big fan of Megyn Kelly but this video explaining why she won't use the "entry drug" of preferred pronouns anymore is powerful. 

Pray for all parents trying to protect their children from a culture gone crazy. I think this to some degree illustrates the scripture passage saying, "a little child will lead them." Many of these parents are waking up because of love for their children. Grace builds on nature. For some this may encourage them to embrace the fullness of the truth. Let's pray for that.


  1. I like your optimism but these are only tiny, tiny victories.
    All of the forces of Satan are arrayed against all people who promote decency, good sense and true Catholic values.
    The demonic is having it's day.
    They will physically attack our churches and the people in them.
    If you go to the darker side of the Internet, they are virulent in their daily outrage and hatred. They do make threats of harm.

    Continue to pray the Rosary every day. And keep your eyes and ears open.

  2. I agree with jv as to victories being miniscule.
    Trumpkin (youngkin) talks nonstop about parents rights but does he bother to expose the obergefell Trojan horse that has infiltrated the ranks of parents? That should be job one. You can't really promote parental rights when there's a whole fifth column inside the parent group procuring their children and accepting government "school choice" money to further validate their identity as "parent" .

    Trumpkin has parents fighting school boards when they can't really win given all the stealth indoctrination going on and the unstated need to accommodate Adam and Steve "parents". True parents should spend their extra time homeschooling. Vote with their feet and demand counties reimburse taxpayers for each exiting student.

    Homeschooling is not that expensive; mainly the forgone second income. We should demand student loan forgiveness for mothers retiring to homeschool. And may those freed up jobs and higher wages go to heads of household. Double dipping two career couples have no business grifting off the soup kitchen.

    Would that women were never included in the 1964 civil rights act... Their influx to the work force grabbed jobs and wages from black fathers just at the very time the jobs were opening up to them. Then can the one two punch of welfare excluding them from the family.

  3. Where is the Church? A heretical pervert was just appointed as head of the Congregation For The Doctrine of the Faith. The Synod to complete the destruction of the Faith is about to begin. Will no one stand up to these heretics, including the Pope? Look for Bishop Strickland of Tyler, a true holder of the Catholic Faith, to be Bergolio’s next victim. It’s going to get worse. When the Bishops, Cardinals, and Pope endeavor to, and do, change the Faith of over 1900 years, the blessings of sodomy and winking at child-murder are two examples. WHERE IS THE CATHOLIC CHURCH?
    Is it in Rome and their sycophant follows throughout the world. It is to the point that whenever Confessing the Faith, one has to ask “which one “. Popesplainers be gone!! It will be the equivalent of joining a basketball team and being informed they dropped that and now play only football. Where’s the Catholic Church or does it still exist? A legitimate question?

  4. Evil prevails at the moment, but fear not, we know Who wins. Yes, we will pass through fire but in the end be purified. We must trust in the Lord…..
    “Trust in the Lord and do good, and dwell in the land and though shalt be fed with its riches.
    Delight in the Lord, and He will give thee the requests of thy heart.
    Commit thy way to the Lord, and trust in Him, and He will do it.” Psalm 36 (D-R) 3-6

  5. Where is the Church indeed. The culture collapsed because the Church collapsed in the 1960s. I was a victim of NuChurch for years until I discovered the True Faith under Benedict XVI. I was rallying for Strickland until that tireless Catholic warrior for the Faith, Louie Verrechio, pointed out that he was “”all in” with Amoris Laetitia, which is rank heresy on many levels. Ask the Dubia Cardinals! How quickly we forget all the poison spewed from Bergoglian Rome. And Strickland embraced it. And though he was present outside Dodger Stadium, his words were weak and timid. Beware of the cult of hero worship which many Catholics are engaged in around Strickland.

  6. Let me add the Amoris Laetitia OPENS THE DOOR TO SODOMY by saying one can remain in sin as a merciful God knows that is all that can be expected of one at points on a spiritual journey. And Strickland is all in with that!

  7. I have become aware of a problem, on blogs like yours, but everywhere really, where information and conversation is not necessarily between people but to some extent with machines … mind bending
    PsyOp machines - AI bots that mimic human behavior and even (as in the following story) appearance, *designed with intent to control behavior*.

    The following is an observation of a wise attorney who runs a daily blog called Coffee & Covid. He came out of his anonymous life as a practicing attorney in FL in response to Covid insanity. He has done much to reverse that tide. He has since branched out into general resistance of the illegitimate regime.


    Here is his proof that a viral “Tweet” from a well known and much followed account was not a real person, “Erica Marsh - former Obama staffer” at all. “Her name, face, bio, all her opinions and responses were *AI machine generated* from a location in Belgium 🇧🇪!!!

    I know this is long - but WELL WORTH the read. All that follows is quoted from Coffee & Covid … exposing the PsyOp within.

    - quote -

    “On Friday, in a mini-roundup on the Supreme Court’s explosive decision to end affirmative action, I included a goofy tweet by a blonde, former Obama staffer named Erica Marsh. Erica stupidly said “No black person will be able to succeed in a merit-based system,” and I took the bait to use her tweet as a perfect example of the white liberal mindset on affirmative action.

    Now, I didn’t just tumble off the latest turnip delivery drone. To be sure Erica was real, as I have learned to do, I checked chatty Erica’s extensive account history seeing that she had lots of tweets over time, noting she had over 130,000 loyal liberal followers, had a verified account, and I saw that she often responded to comments in her threads.

    But, dang it, I missed the one dead giveaway, the fact that her super-popular account was only just created a few months ago in September, 2022.

    Some people even more suspicious than me dug into the sordid story, and now it looks like Erica was in fact a highly-sophisticated pysop bot, most likely run by a shady Belgian political consulting group that used the very same cute blonde model in other campaigns. Then investigators figured out that Erica’s photo was AI generated and the lid blew off.

    In other words, there’s not even a ‘real’ model behind the fake Erica. She’s 100% artificially generated.

    After the story began exploding all over Twitter, it suspended the fake Erica account. One supposes the Twitter team looked into her a little deeper and discovered Erica was really an AI body snatcher.

    The fake account — which again, was verified — was very careful and very sophisticated. Reviewers noted that only 5% of its tweets were politically outrageous. The other 95% were just run of the mill, pro-democrat, liberal woke platitudes.

    Take a look at the numbers of likes and re-tweets from fake Erica’s anti-Ashli screeds. The account was obviously very successful at spreading hateful woke messages, thoughts, and ideas.

    But the Erica bot has now imploded (exploded? Melted down? Blew a fuse? Our vocabulary needs another expansion) and is now gone. It’s too bad, in a way, since the psyop team running the account obviously put a bunch of work into it. Oh well.

    The Fake Erica story was just the tip of the iceberg.”

    - end quote -

    We are in a war, unlike any am ever seen before. This is truly the devil’s war because it is a war of deception and lies for souls, not lives.

    Know who you can trust.

  8. And when I say “problems on blogs such as yours”, I (of course) don’t mean that as an insult to your efforts but rather the *possible* attacks from accounts that are not recognized and can’t be verified as human (imagine saying such a thing even a year ago!).

    I get so much out of honest interchanges with people on important topics. It’s interesting, and I’ve always found the interchange us what helps me learn, expand horizons. But … this AI is a problem, a very serious problem. They never sleep and they never stop learning - kind of like demons now that I think of it.

  9. Dialectical Traps.

    I just listened to an interesting discussion on "dialectical traps" that malign actors use to advance a social or political or religious purpose. While listening to it, I saw parallels in the debate over tranny rights ("why do you favor erasing a human being from existence"); I also saw parallels in the Sede debate ("why do you favor heresy and invalid Apostles").

    "Dialectical traps" are rhetorical bait, designed to get you to defend something from their premise, not your own.

    Lesson? Recognize the trap and don't bite into it. Expose it to all the other fish swimming in the sea with you, but don't try to eat it.

    I highly recommend this 17 minute lesson on recognizing the game, helping your cause rather than hurting it and (not least) preserving your sanity.
