Monday, July 10, 2023

Wait for It: Boots on the Ground in Ukraine are Coming! You Can Bet the Farm on It.

Let's face it. Not only is Joe Biden demented, but his puppet masters are determined to get us into an all-out war with Russia. To date, Uncle Joe has promised the American people that he will not send...(fill in the blank) to Ukraine...and then he proceeds to do it. The recent decision to arm Ukraine with cluster bombs is just the latest escalation in the dirty war, an escalation using particularly evil weapons banned in many countries.

What's a cluster bomb? Here's a brief definition from INews:

A cluster bomb or munition is a type of weapon that can be fired or dropped from an aircraft, opening up mid-air to release a huge number of deadly smaller “bomblets” or submunitions, which can be scattered over huge distances of the battlefield.
While they are meant to explode upon impact, many of them are “duds”, meaning they do not explode straight away. Instead, they remain potentially lethal for a long time afterwards, meaning anyone who accidentally comes into contact with them in the months or years afterwards risks being killed or maimed.

Cluster bombs indiscriminately target large areas. There is no way NOT to kill non-combatant civilians. And after their use, they essentially "mine" the area so that unsuspecting innocent people will die later from accidental contact. Ukraine promises not to use them in civilian areas. Zelensky's promises are about as believable as Joe's.

And Joe's promise not to put boots on the ground has as much value as all his other broken promises as he escalates the war. Let's face it. This entire conflict is a U.S. proxy war against Russia and, if Lew Rockwell is right, it's being heavily influenced by the CIA. Boots on the ground are coming. We already have them in the area and many of the generals who like to play war are salivating at the thought they can move their human pieces on the chess board from behind the lines. Mommies, don't let your kids grow up to be cannon fodder for an evil tyrant!

CIA Running Ukraine Blows Biden’s Bluster About No U.S. Boots on the Ground

Pope John Paul II famously said that the 21st century would be a springtime of evangilization or it would not be at all. He also said it was up to the laity. How is that prediction looking? The "dictatorship of relativism" rises like a deadly cloud of poison, but the rise of the guardians also looms as reaction to Sound of Freedom shows.

It's up to us folks, the laity, -- to be the salt and yeast of society. It starts with prayer and sacrifice and then private and public witness. God wins, but he uses us as his instruments. 

Let's roll!  


  1. A Republic that derives its just powers (Constitution based) from the consent of the governed (free, honest, open elections) is a power like this world has never seen before. We have been a national consensus force of nature.

    A tyrannical and illegitimate government that has usurped powers through subterfuge and collusion to protect and advance personal interests, stealing from the Republic rather than leading it, imposing its will rather than developing a consensus, is not so much a joke, a laughing-stock, as it is an unpredictable horror to the world it threatens and its own people.

    Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 defines the power to declare war. But if war can be initiated without the proper connection to national consensus, those immense powers are unpredictable and unfocused and directed toward tyrannical self-interests.

    Very, very dangerous - this disconnect between lethal powers, their legal application and the Constitutional framework that governs them, limits them, the people who grant them and whose sole interests they should advance.

  2. Where are all the peaceniks? Remember them from the W years? Cindy Sheehan, Michael Moore, move on dot ogres, were are you guys? Picking a fight with Russia is 100x more dangerous (and stupid) than a banana republic dictator or some inbred cave dwellers. So come on, get that anger rev'd up (Biden lied, kids died!) and get some time booked on MSNBC, CNN and at this point, I think it's pretty obvious FoxNews isn't what we all thought so I'm sure they'd give you plenty of air time as well.

    Yeah, I'm sadly being sarcastic but this whole Ukraine/Russia debacle has exposed how controlled the media narrative is and how controlled the thought leaders are on the American right and the left. There is no political solution to this so please, offer your prayers and sacrifices now if you haven't already for Russia - and yes, I said Russia. Not Ukraine (which is a renegade province of Russia) and certainly not the US/NATO/freemasons which at this point, are synonymous. The worst possible outcome of this would be for Russia to be defeated.

    Oh, and say a prayer also for the nation of Georgia too. Over the weekend, over 2,000 Georgians stopped a pride march in Tbilisi and the media is having a meltdown. Unlike the post-Vatican 2 West, the Orthodox Christians in Georgia, as well as Serbia, Russia and more aren't having it with LGBTWXYZ indoctrination. Funny how muslim countries are given a pass about tolerance for LGBTWXZ isn't it? Anyway, Russia borders Georgia and I will not be surprised if Biden and company start something there to draw Russia into Georgia and thus, pull Russia into two military fronts.

    Our Lady of Vladimir, pray for us.

  3. Re: Munitions

    At the beginning of the "special military operation" Ukraine complained to the West that it was fighting an artillery war with Russia. And that Russian outnumbered Ukraine 14-1 in artillery and 40-1 in artillery munitions. Further that Russia was using its Railroad regiments to run some 3,000 tons of ammunition into Ukraine daily.

    During WWII the Soviet Union had a huge advantage over NAZI Germany in munitions production; as did the Western Allies. At the end of WWII The Soviet Union, followed by the Russian Federation, kept its munition factories operating. The West has not. The USA is no longer the arsenal of democracy. The UK estimates that it would take 5-years to ready its small army to take the field against Russia.

    NATO has already stripped its ammo depots of conventional ammunition for Ukraine. Leaving its armies without the means to fight. It has gone as far afield as Israel and South Korea for additional ammunition. The only thing left is special munitions like cluster bomb shells. But will they be effective against the Russian Army?

    During WWII the Russian Army suffered horrific casualties among its infantry fighting NAZI Germany. Most of the casualties were inflicted by artillery and mortar fires. After WWII the Soviet Union abolished its infantry and replaced them with Motor Rifle Troops wherein every soldier rode into battle under armor protection. Thus greatly reducing casualties due to artillery. This scheme has worked well for the Russian Federation Army in Ukraine. It will also provide protection for Russian soldiers from the cluster shell bomblets.

    However civilians will not be protected from the cluster shell bomblets. And the bomlets will "persist" for years to come. They are difficult to find and render safe.

    This thing could go nuclear. I beg all to pray the rosary for peace. Only Our Lady can get us out of this mess.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford
