Sunday, August 13, 2023

Sunday Meditation: Let us accept all our sufferings as a mortification for our eternal salvation.

Many of the meditations in the Benedictus Latin Mass prayer book share writings of Prosper Louis Pascal Guéranger (1805-1875).  A French priest and Benedictine monk, Dom Guéranger was Abbot of the monastery of Solesmes for almost 40 years. He also established the French Benedictine Congregation after the French Revolution. The architects of the Revolution. with their "cult of reason," did everything possible to destroy the Catholic Church in France. 

Some things never change, the attack on the Church has gone into overdrive today driven by Judases within. Scandals rock the Church and we often have to challenge and correct the errors of the false shepherds. How can you know a true from a false shepherd? The true shepherd upholds the faith and tradition as taught by Jesus Christ and the apostles. Those who introduce novelties that conflict with doctrine and tradition, those who water down the faith, are wolves.

The wisdom of Dom Guéranger is most relevant to our own day. Are we not seeing what he describes: "spread of permissiveness, liberalism, deterioration of morality and the general practices of purity." Are we not living in the time that Yeats described saying, "The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity."?

We need to return to the practice of "severe penance" for the sake of our own souls and the for the world. I'm going to begin by trying to see every suffering as a gift and a blessing and an opportunity asking my guardian angel for constant reminders and, of course, Our Lady. May I imitate her in her total conformity to God's will.

Lord Jesus, have mercy on us.

Our Lady, help of Christians, pray for us.

St. Joseph, terror of demons, pray for us.

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