Wednesday, August 2, 2023

The COVID Fear Mongering Was Deliberate! We've All Been Lied To (and) Gaslit!

A few days ago the Frontline Doctors held their third White Coat Summit to call out the lies and misinformation that led to millions of people being systematically killed in the COVID epidemic. It was a death toll absolutely unnecessary and deliberately propagated by immoral gain of function research making viruses more easily spread and more lethal and then banning life-saving protocols in favor of deadly ones. 

COVID itself was no more lethal than many past viruses. What made it so dangerous was the deliberate failure to treat early symptoms and prevent doctors from using medical protocols that worked. It's time to recognize that the government wanted people to die. They targeted the vulnerable "useless eaters" in nursing homes by forcing the homes to take in sick patients and spread the virus to other healthy residents. Then they put them on remdesivir and the ventilator which killed them. It's interesting that obese health guru Admiral Levine removed his own mother from a nursing home to protect her, while other elderly patients died alone and isolated as family members were denied visitation.

Dr. Robert Malone told those attending the White Coat Summit Press Conference that,  "We were subjected to a campaign of fear!" It was also a campaign of lies. It's purpose? Dr. Malone went into it during his talk later in the day. He described the depopulation agenda which has been going on for decades, but went into hyper drive in the 1970s. Dr. Malone showed government documents outlining the depopulation plan developed by Henry Kissinger and other government lackeys. Dr. Malone doesn't say that COVID was part of that, but the resulting loss of life was consistent with that goal.

Here are two screen shots from the Kissinger report that illustrate the goal, to reduce population, particularly by using government agencies, like AID, the Agency for International Development, to compel countries in the Third World to cooperate in their own genocide. Lower your population or no U.S. money!

You can read the entire 120+ pages of the 1974 report which was declassified in 1989 during the presidency of George W. Bush.

Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (THE KISSINGER REPORT)

Dr. Malone gave a chilling presentation about Operation Mocking Bird and the psyop operations being used against the American people. They are lying to us, folks! Watch the video. Who are the puppet masters? We don't know and can't identify who is behind the 5th generation warfare, but the strategies are being deployed universally. We've all seen the mainstream media echo chamber repeat the lies as if they are reading from a playbook. In 5th generation warfare, our minds are the battlefield. They want to control our thoughts. The only way to win is not to play the game. Watch the video! Join the resistance.


  1. I know a lot of people think Dr. Malone is some sort of controlled opposition, offering limited hangouts to the "true opposition," but I think it's just that it takes time for anyone, including someone as intelligent as Dr. Malone, to learn how deep and evil the thing that we're opposing truly is. Perhaps he was pushed, as he certainly was, as a leader of the plandemic opposition because he was naïve, rather than because he actively works for the deep state. In any case, I think his presentation here is well done, even if it doesn't present anything new for those that have been "in the fight" for a longer time.
    My comments on Dr. Malone analogously apply to our newest high-profile allies in the Traditional Catholic sphere. We have to give them time to get up to speed, and also try to funnel their enthusiasm towards productive activities so that they don't make a mess of things.

    P.S. I think the past tense of "gaslight" is probably "gaslighted" — like "greenlight" and "greenlighted."

  2. Wow! Hot off the press. The lgbtqs and third world people of color were there more than two years ago and include more info, such as:

    The President called for the formation of a high-calibre commission that would handle the consequences of a possible overpopulation. On March 16, 1970, President Nixon signed the Bill Establishing the Commission on Population Growth and the American Future.

    He appointed, as chairperson, economics magnate, John D. Rockefeller III, who had been pushing for the creation of this kind of expert panel, since the Eisenhower administration.

    In 1972, the Commission on Population Growth published 60 recommendations, including a proposal to legalize abortions, across the country, paid for by the government. It also suggested providing teenagers, in particular, with contraceptives.

    Although President Nixon remained quiet, his Secretary of State and former national security advisor, Dr. Henry Kissinger, accorded the population issue the highest priority. Under Kissinger’s aegis, the National Security Council submitted the so-called National Security Study Memorandum 200 to the President in 1974.

    The Kissinger Report explicitly laid out the detailed strategy, by which the US government aggressively promoted population control in developing nations, in order to regulate, or have greater access to the natural resources of these countries.

    "His appointment as Richard Nixon’s national security adviser in December 1968 nevertheless came as a surprise to many people (not least Kissinger himself), because for most of the previous decade he had been so closely identified with Nelson Rockefeller, Nixon’s patrician rival"

    of course after spiro was couped and then nixon himself, nelson became the veep coincidentally on the same day kissy's depop the world report was completed:

    The Senate approved the nomination of Nelson Rockefeller on December 10, 1974, by a vote of 90 to 7.[4],Confirmation%20votes,Jesse%20Helms%2C%20and%20Trent%20Lott.

    National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (NSSM200), also known as the "Kissinger Report", was a national security directive completed on December 10, 1974

    Nixon's appointments to policy-making positions confirmed that the House of Rockefeller did indeed own the team: they went almost entirely to Rockefeller men. In his inner circle, however, Nixon tried to surround himself with men like H. R. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman, who were personally loyal to him, not to Rockefeller. The two most notable exceptions were Kissinger and General Alexander Haig. Both men were known Rockefeller agents, and it is these two men who may have masterminded Nixon's early retirement....
