Tuesday, August 29, 2023

The Garland 9 are Found Guilty and Five are immediately taken into custody!

This is the abortionist in the case of the Garland 9. Nice guy, eh?

The Garland 9 rescuers did, indeed, get the John the Baptist treatment today. While the BLM and Antifa murderers got off scot free after attacking and murdering people and burning our cities, rescuers offering non-violent assistance to women in crisis in an attempt to save their babies from violent death will likely get long prison sentences. This is justice in our country today. How many January 6th protesters remain in jail after two years with no trial dates. This is our modern American gulag. Here's the email. Please pray for the rescuers. They join many persecuted saints and missionaries. May God give them all courage and the peace that passes understanding.

Here's the email from PAAU:

Hey friends,

I wanted to give you an update. All 5 defendants in US vs. Handy have been found guilty on all charges. Lauren Handy, William Goodman, Heather Idoni, John Hinshaw, and Herb Geraghty have been taken immediately into custody due to the FACE Act being classified as a violent crime.

We are of course devastated, but the principle of Rescue lives on. We cannot be crushed by the government no matter how hard they try.

Rescue lives on. The unborn have a right to be Rescued. Abortion is murder, and we are going to act like it, no matter the consequences, with solidarity and courage.

Long live Rescue.

Caroline Taylor Smith
PAAU Executive Director

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