Thursday, August 10, 2023

What a disappointment Mike Pence has turned out to be! Worthy to be President? NOT!

I had high hopes for Mike Pence, but what a pathetic individual he's turned out to be. His discussion with Tucker Carlson about January 6th and the war in Ukraine illustrated how much he is a creature of the deep state. Do we really need another go along with the uniparty in D.C. candidate? I don't think so! Mike Pence is about as presidential as the local dog catcher. Time to wrap it up and go home, Mike. The X post (formerly Twitter) below is from General Keith Kellogg including the banner for Trump. I'm on the fence at present, but I certainly agree with General Kellogg about the unfitness of Pence to sit at the desk in the oval office. Retirement for Mike Pence is on the horizon and no loss to the republic. 


  1. The worst thing about Pence is the dishonest framing of the Federal counting of the States' electoral votes - not that he chose the path he did, the VP is a seperate Office from POTUS, but how he rhetorically frames his decision and Trump's. He uses a rhetorical device that I have seen too much of in the blogosphere to take a common set of facts which both sides might agree to, and then twist the narrative surrounding those facts around to create an alternate reality which frames one's opponent in the worst, and in Pence's telling a criminal light.

    Fact, or, contention: The election votes were disputed and the product of widespread fraud.

    Fact, or, contention: Trump wanted to give States the chance to take their time and validate their processes prior to final validation.

    Narrative rhetorical shift: Trump wanted Pence to commit constitutional fraud so that he could overturn a fair election and cling to power putting himself above the rule of law.

    It makes my skin crawl to see Pence talk about this, as if all Trump and his supporters wanted was to overthrow the Constitution, the Rule of Law, and impose their dictator in a remade tyrannical government for the sake of power at any cost. And there stands Pence, with his chin held high ... "But I had to do my duty - as much as I wanted Trump to win, I could not let him just overthrow the Constitution or our sacred Rule of Law and American way of life just for his quest for power".

    Yeah, right Mike. Sure. That's all this was about. There was no fraud in this pure election except for Trump trying to overturn it. Everything was fine, or at least fine enough.

    And so here we are, the lefties have pretty much figured out how to steal elections on a regular basis and only Trump gets it. And the entire Federal government is arrayed against him. Personally. And we are next.

    I wouldn't vote for Pence if it was a choice between him and Biden. I would no-vote. He is a snake.

  2. Is this willful ignorance?

    1. Susie,
      Bill Barr didn’t see any evidence of fraud because he didn’t look. He is ignorant when he makes that statement because he conducted no investigation to back up that statement. The fact that he is willing to make that statement without facts or an attempt to see is a tell.

      Every time voter fraud investigations have been conducted by States they have uncovered massive, systemic problems. Every time.

      Like this

      And this

      And Michigan is just the most recent; an example.

      So Barr’s testimony says more about himself than the election. He’s never looked.

      This is also very good, comparing the 2020 election to the Soviet US Olympic basketball championship “victory”. The end of the game was a total cheat, thrown to the Rooskies. The US team didn’t accept their silvers because they earned gold. To this day they … deny the result. But no one asks them if they are basketball game deniers. Most people accept the result and also accept that the result is tainted with cheating.

      ‘20 was like that, and those who say it was not are fraud … *deniers*.

    2. And this - ghost voters …


      It goes on an and on. Voting machines connected to the internet. Ballot mules. Pre-printed, pre-filled out, straight D ballots. Changed election laws by executive authority against State Constitutions. Election day machines that don’t work at large scale only in R districts.

      And a total comprehensive denial of effort to answer why. Like speech in general - the answer is to shut down the question rather than investigate and answer it.

      The fraud denials, at this point are acts of accomplice.

  3. There were so many lies coming out of that panel. They claimed five policemen died as a result of January 6th when the only people who died on January 6th were Trump supporters, Ashli Babbitt and Roseanne Boyland. Unarmed veteran Ashli Babbitt was murdered. A capitol police officer unmercifully beat Roseanne Boyland after she collapsed and was unconscious on the ground. She later died.

    One witness admitted perjury.

    More evidence is coming out that the committee lied and altered evidence, but they destroyed their records to hide the truth after being expressly ordered to archive all the "evidence" they collected. It was a witch hunt from the get-go to keep Trump from ever running again.

    Is that willful ignorance?


  4. I never trusted Pence as far as I could throw him.
    He is an apostate from the Catholic Church.
    Why would I trust him?

  5. Mike not even worth half a pence

  6. Once I learned who Fauci was and that Pence pegged him to head up the covid scam, it was proof positive he was no good was Trump.

  7. I never regarded Pence as anything but an impotent dish rag. He was put on the Trump team to give it some establishment credence. That was the verdict on him in itself. He is useful only to swamp. His 'religious" credentials are as hot air.
