Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Hospital Homicide and the COVID Killing Fields!

COVID 2 is on the horizon and some institutions are already once again requiring useless masks and threatening new lockdowns and other mandates. Here's an article that explains it all for you. Get smart and push back. NO MORE MANDATES! 

IT’S ALL AN IQ TEST: Ten OBVIOUS lessons every intelligent person should have learned from COVID 1.0 (that can save you from what’s coming with COVID 2.0)

Some takeouts:

1) Masks are useless!

2) Hospitals were incentivized to kill people with deadly protocols.

3) PCR diagnostic tests are a fraud!

4) Doctors were bribed to push the COVID jabs!

5) WHO has a depopulation agenda!

6) Food supply disruptions are deliberate. The easiest way to control people is fear and hunger. Look what's happening to the farmers in the Netherlands!

7) COVID vaccinations don't prevent infection or transmission, in fact they make you more susceptible! 

8) Watch the video linked below starting at 18:20 as Mike Adams, Health Ranger, interviews lawyer Thomas Renz about "Medical Murder."

Be informed and fight back.  Do not allow a corrupt government to continue facilitating murder (and the mutilation of children). The video covers other issues as well as the COVID issue. It is worth your time to know what's happening. With regard to COVID, "It's the modern day version of Auschwitz...that involves a modern [medical] profession." 


  1. "WHO has a depopulation agenda" and "Do not allow a corrupt government to continue facilitating murder...."


    To believe our government, including "the most pro-life president in history" doesn't know what WHO is all about is to be willfully ignorant. Same applies to those who believe Bergoglio is a legit pope; the recent news from his Mongolian trip is simply more confirmation.

    It is time to get really real. Trump is not and never has been for us. And that thing out there that people believe is the Catholic Church is is the ape church which has been prophesied. There is a remnant that has nothing to do with the false church. I pray those reading this finds it.

  2. No thanks...don't want to be a Debbie clone.

    1. Maybe for once Susan you could address the issue instead of attacking me.

      Are the quotes I posted from Mary Ann true? Does the WHO have a depopulation agenda? Do you think government officials such as Trump knows this? Should we follow our corrupt government who promotes death in abortion? Euthanasia? Death vaxxs? Lockdowns? Useless masking? The immoral LGBT/transgender agenda?

      I can totally understand that you cannot accept the sede position....but where am I wrong in the rest? Please, explain it to me. I've got to believe there's a reader or two here who can see your attacks are personal and not about seeking truth.

  3. Ms Debbie:
    Re: "It is time to get really real. Trump is not and never has been for us."

    Indeed it is time to get real.

    Trump is under indictment in four separate jurisdictions which will bring about near-simultaneous trials just in time for the 2024 election. Nothing like this has ever happened in the USA.

    If Trump was pro-war, pro-abortion, pro-tyrannical government and anti-Christian he would not be under indictment and you would be full of praise for Trump.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

    1. "Trump is under indictment..." I'm sorry you believe in this kabuki theater Mr. Comerford. Truly.

  4. Well, Debbie, I am addressing the issue in your comment where you stated that you pray people reading your comment will become a member of the remnant which you think sedes are. My comment to your comment is merely me stating that I have my own brain and way of seeing the world which is not exactly like yours. I want to be me, not you.

    1. Still evading Susan. I said in my original reply to you to basically ignore my sede position and deal with the quotes from Mary Ann's piece as it relates to Trump. Of course if you did that.....

  5. My daughter just sent me this article. It is a type of medicine that will prepare us for what is almost certain to come.

    The conclusion I draw is that all (Christians and pagans alike; persecutors and persecuted alike)) will be burned by the fires of hell unleashed by these almost visible demons - now in their “availing time. But we, the redeemed, will not be consumed; rather, purified - as in a purgatorial fire.

    I believe it was St Catherine of Siena who said something along the lines that a day without trials was a day in which she felt separated from God (!). If our hope is in that which is True and in nothing else, then what is to come will not break us. It will indeed draw us closer to our God who could not possibly have suffered any more - ultimate suffering. So how can we expect any less?

    Suffering us not bad. Suffering is *necessary*, if we hope to gain heaven! Without suffering, it is almost impossible to get from this short life to eternal beatitude.

    However this goes - these are days of trial and as such we should be thankful that we cannot possibly continue blithely on in ignorance in our ease and comforts to judgement in which we failed to lay everything down for Jesus, just as Our Savior laid it all down for us.

  6. Debbie,
    I'm not evading part 1 of your comment. On purpose I deliberately chose not to answer it since everyone here already knows what you think of Trump. It would have been a waste of my time.

    I chose to answer part 2 of your comment where you pray that all people become sedes like you.

    I made a reply which was not, as you stated "attacking" you, but merely saying that I didn't want to become like you - a sede.

    Yet you continue to insist I do as you say. You insist that I answer part 1 of your original comment about Trump. Well, no. That's not how it works. You made the ENTIRE comment including the part where you pray people becaome sedes, and that's the part I chose to answer.

    But you're miffed. Well, that's how it goes. Not all people agree with you. Not all people agree with me either. We have to get used to that and take it in know...go on with life.... not continue to be stuck treading water screaming that other people need to tread water too.

    I'm certain you'll have wise counsel to my comment but I have the day off from work and many things to do.

  7. Ms Debbie:
    Re: "I'm sorry you believe in this kabuki theater"

    And a number of commentators to include Tucker Carlson believe that Trump will be assassinated as part of your "kabuki theater".

    We live in both a fallen world and in a democracy. In 2024, in all likelihood, we will be faced with a choice between two men: Trump or Biden. Provided of course that Trump has not been murdered.

    You are doing everything you can to re-elect Biden by defaming and belittling Trump.

    Kindly reflect.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

    1. I'm doing no such thing. Trump won last time but we still got Biden. Going along with to covid scam and bragging about warp speed is a clear indication Trump, like Biden and any high level government official, do not have our best interests at heart. My goodness he paled around with Epstein. He was VIP guest at Chelsea Clinton's wedding. There are pictures all over the web. We're being played.

  8. Ms Debbie:

    Now you sound like a broken record. Repeating baseless accusations against a person's character is both defamatory and aids the defamed person's enemies.

    1. Trump was advised by the world's medical, corporate, religious, education and media establishments to pursue the covid narrative.

    2. Trump did not pal around with Epstein. He banned Epstein from the Mar-a-lago country club.

    3. Every person of note on from the East Coast elite were invited to the Clinton wedding. When Roger Stone opened the curtain on the Clinton Crime Family it was Trump who coined the phrase "Crooked Hilary".

    You are the one who is playing us. You expect Trump to act like a Marvel Super Hero. When in fCT he is very human but heroic. You are helping the culture of death.

    Kindly reflect.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

    1. "Trump was advised by the world's medical, corporate, religious, education and media establishments to pursue the covid narrative."

      If a boomer like me could see very early on the dangers of "warp speed death jabs" could he.

      If a boomer like me could see that Fauci (via his past history from the 80's AIDS scandal) was in lockstep with the WHO's depopulation could he.

      And EVEN if it were true that Trump was fooled, that too would make him unfit to be president.

      Please, take off your rose colored/Q Anon glasses and kindly reflect.

      The likes of Trump who "hide" their evil are much more dangerous than the Bidens whose evils are clearly manifested.

      Same applies to JPII or B16 vs Bergoglio. Bergoglio's clearly manifested evil is a gift from God to open the eyes of the faithful to "Go out from her, my people; that you be not partakers of her sins and that you receive not of her plagues." Apocalypse 18:4

  9. Here's something else Trump did that protected the rights of Americans. Nancy Valko sent this, Progress in the War Against Conscience Rights. I'll link at the end, but here's what she said about Trump's contribution:


    In 2018, the Trump administration announced a new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division in the department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights (OCR) to enforce “federal laws that protect conscience and the free exercise of religion and prohibit coercion and discrimination in health and human services”. The division specifically mentions “issues such as abortion and assisted suicide (among others) in HHS-funded or conducted programs and activities” and includes a link to file a conscience or religious freedom complaint “if you feel a health care provider or government agency coerced or discriminated against you (or someone else) unlawfully”.

    Both Planned Parenthood (abortion) and Compassion and Choices (assisted suicide) loudly condemned this.

    Debbie and other purists can choose not to vote while the left continues to destroy what's left of America. If Trump is on the ballot, I will vote for him with a good conscience and pray for those who won't vote until Jesus is on the ballot.

    1. Right, I'm a purist Mary Ann. Nevermind that my entire argument is that of the wolf vs the wolf in sheep's clothing. You do understand that a wolf in sheep's clothing will say and do things to deceive, right? Please answer, which is more dangerous? It has exactly zero to do with expecting a "Jesus" on the ballot...but a warning to those deceived by the camouflaged wolf.

  10. Here's the link.

  11. This is the second time that Debbie has said "evil is a gift from God". That's akin to saying "abortion is a gift from God". "Murder is a gift from God". Is Debbie saying that Satan is a "gift from God'?

  12. I’ve had questions about Trump’s involvement in shut-downs and Operation Warp Speed. He started it. He initiated Emergency Executive Authority logic from which our Constitutional Republic is now deeply infected at all levels. He needs to explain it.

    That being said … he’s put his own money, fame, holdings, family on the line. He is facing the combined wrath of the entire edifice of the American Deep State Leftist Fascist combined bureaucratic-political-legal-media-corporate-banking edifice. Imagine! Facing all that, essentially alone! He faces four felony trials and open-ended possibilities of infinite charges going forward, any one of which will put him in jail for the rest of his life - if he misses on just one within the corrupt legal system. *And*, not least, he directly represents the Tea Party populist movement which, absent Trump, has no unifying voice or face.

    Everyone within the traditionalist, America-loving populist movement knows: Trump represents themselves. It really is true (what Trump observed): “They’re not going after me; they’re going after you … I’m just standing in their way”.

    IOW - we are next. The FBI raids on honest folk are about to become everyday normal - if Trump goes down. This is a really, really big deal. What the fascist left proposes is the dissolution of our Constitutional Republic … without firing a shot - they just took it. They’re almost there. “We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately”. (Ben Franklin)

    So - I’d love to have some questions answered about decisions he made leading up to and including J6. But for better or worse, he’s the face of our only hope (there is no other) against the totalitarian storm that is upon us.

  13. Debbie,

    You always accuse everyone else of not addressing your latest stuff. At the same time you address nothing when it comes to those things Trump has done that have helped Americans, but just repeat over and over that he is a wolf.

    I could actually accuse you of the same thing as you continually attack those who refuse to jump on your sedevacantist bandwagon.

    You're done here, Debbie. It's time to start your own sedevacantist, Trump-hating blog. I'm not posting any more of your comments. I think we've heard everything you have to say.
