Wednesday, September 27, 2023

How do you know the Deep State Drive-By Media is lying? Presume they are and you're almost always right!

This video shares just a few examples of the media carrying water for the Left by repeating and magnifying their lies. As Ronald Reagan said, "Trust, but verify." Most of the time that exercise in verification reveals that the MSM is lying. CNN and MSNBC are about as reliable as fox telling you he's a guard dog for your chicken house.


  1. Please don't call them the "Mainstream Media." There's nothing mainstream about them. They are -- literally -- the Deep State Media.

  2. Thanks for the suggestion. I'm changing it to the "Deep State Drive-By Media."

  3. On the Russian collusion hoax what had the democrats knickers in a twist was that Russia hacked the democrats computers and released the information to benefit Trump. The sad news is that Assange still rots in jail; Trump could have pardoned him but did not. Seth Rich's murder is still 'unsolved' also.

    "The report from the Republican-led panel details close political coordination among the Trump campaign, Wikileaks, and Russian intelligence and operatives in 2016. At the most pivotal moment of that campaign, when the Access Hollywood tape revealing President Trump’s confession of a lifetime of sexual assault, Trump’s confidante Roger Stone successfully requested that Russia’s illegally hacked materials be released immediately."

    "On October 7, 2016, 30 minutes after the Access Hollywood tape was first published, WikiLeaks began publishing thousands of emails from Podesta's Gmail account.[24] Throughout October, WikiLeaks released installments of these emails on a daily basis.[25] On December 18, 2016, John Podesta stated in Meet the Press that the FBI had contacted him about the leaked emails on October 9, 2016, but had not contacted him since.[26]

    "On October 17, 2016, the government of Ecuador severed the internet connection of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.[27] The Ecuadorian government stated that it had temporarily severed Assange's internet connection because of WikiLeaks' release of documents "impacting on the U.S. election campaign", although it also stated this was not meant to prevent WikiLeaks from operating.[28] WikiLeaks continued releasing installments of the Podesta emails during this time.[27]"

    Politics is a dirty game and both sides spin the truth. I believe very little of what I read /hear on the 'alt' media as well as the 'mainstream' media.

    1. Ok, Wikipedia is your source. Great source

  4. It must be more complicated.

  5. Susie,

    A settlement in a civil case only indicates that the insurance company is cutting its losses. Some of the sued dioceses settled cases out of court even when the accused priests were innocent and protested.

    Michael Brown became a media sensation turned from criminal into hero by non-stop vilification of the police all over the country and his fake portrayal as a "gentle" giant. Did you see the video of him robbing the store?

    What chance did the police department in Ferguson have for a fair trial with an unbiased jury? My understanding is that these juries often have the power to set the award which could be much more than the 1.5 million. Considering the cost of preparing for and going through the courts, they may have gotten off cheap. Not only that, but a case where the plaintiffs lost cost easily spur more anti-police violence in Ferguson.

    The officer's eye socket was badly injured when Michael Brown who significantly outweighed him punched him in the face through the window of the patrol car and tried to get his gun. What would you do if that "genlte" giant were charging you? I'm sure the officer feared for his life!

    You go ahead and believe things are "more complicated" and then wonder why you can't get help from the defunded and denounced police if you ever need them.

    What do you think Johnny would have said about this?

  6. You would have to ask him, Johnny. But he is dead now. I would not try to imagine or speak what he would say. He evolved a lot during his 9 year illness. He even came to respect my personal spiritual choices. So maybe we do not know. I do not have answers where I have limited knowledge or understanding. I find it hard to pass judgement when I have no direct connection just hearsay and any media's suppositions.

  7. You ignored every FACT in the video. Anything that doesn't agree with your liberalism is described as opinion or supposition. That's why discussing anything with you is such a waste of time. As for Johnny "respecting your personal spiritual choices" I guess we just have to take your word for it, since "he is dead now."

  8. No need to take my word for anything, just as I do not always believe everything I hear from 3rd parties of any bias.

    It is enough for me trust myself because I believe that is the journey I am on. To understand my own intentions and actions and when my body/conscience tells me I am uncomfortable/disturbed they need to be reconsidered. I am not here to establish your standard or exam your conscience that is up to you.

    I have a beautiful personal good bye story from John when he was in the hospital that maybe I will share with you someday and, in this case, there was a witness so you will not have to take my word for it.

    Wishing you peace. Remembering...

    "There is no path to peace, peace is the path." Gandhi

  9. I prefer to trust in God and His Commandments. And actually being disturbed is a good thing if a person is on the wrong path. It means the good spirits are knocking on the door, something to think about on this feast of the guardian angels. I often send my angel to pray with our children and their families and with my siblings and their families. Listening to them is the way to peace since they are God's messengers.

    But I'm curious, Susie. Why do you come to my blog?

  10. Every time I try to Post here it always ends up disappearing and I have to start over so I never ever seem to say what I began with.

    I love the quote by C S Lewis about how we all want progress but the most progressive person is the one who when they realize they are on the wrong road turns back first.

    And I too think the world is a very dark place right now but I see the darkness differently.

    I come here because you are my sister, my immediate family, my family of origin and I am interested in what you are thinking and saying and doing.

    When something hits my heart hard I post a possible other perspective.

    Anonymous seemed to post that I did not belong here - if that is the case then I think it should come from you.

    You did post at 1 point the idea of receiving and welcoming other viewpoints and so I have offered them. Tell me to stop and I will.

    I do wish you peace of mind and ease of heart very sincerely. I hope you can find it in the Eye of the Hurricane which seems to be the world around us.
