Saturday, September 30, 2023

Many School Administrators are Parents' Enemies! They Will Pervert Your Children If You Let Them.

Schools should NEVER keep secrets from parents or enable exploitation of children. 
Chloe Cole testified to Congress about those who encouraged her to "transition."

Editor's Note: My friend, Bob Marshall, recently published the article below about the shameful acts of so-called educators in Virginia. Every Virginia parent should be outraged at the arrogance of school administrators who believe they own our children and can play with them as if they are paper dolls. 

I remember when students calling themselves "bisexual" was a fad back in the 1980s. And some of the teens I knew then, later adopted the homosexual lifestyle. I attended the wedding of my daughter's friend. Later on she divorced and "married" another woman (sad to say, a Catholic). My daughter's friend was impregnated. I have no idea of the arrangement, but the two women are now raising the two children she carried. The insanity has now moved to the next level of deadly fads -- transgenderism, even worse than lesbianism and homosexuality since it involves physical mutilation. Teachers and counselors are enabling children's depression and confusion in a diabolical exploitation. It is way past times for lawsuits of all the educational and medical snake oil salesmen taking advantage of vulnerable children. 

Choose truth over lies for Virginia’s children
by Bob Marshall

Governor Glenn Youngkin has proposed public school regulations that require using a student’s name given at birth, using sex-based pronouns, and limiting access to certain school facilities based on sex distinctions for restrooms, locker rooms, activities, and overnight trips. 

Loudoun, Prince William, Alexandria, Arlington, Fairfax, and seven other Virginia public school districts are defying Governor Youngkin, claiming a right to “help” students live a transgendered personal life behind their parents’ backs. 

Instead of following Governor Youngkin, these jurisdictions follow former Governor Northam’s guidelines which allow public schools to propagandize K-12 children into the LGBTQ worldview with no parental notice.  Northam’s guidelines include: 

“… There are no regulations requiring school staff to notify a parent or guardian of a student’s request to affirm their gender identity …” 

“A school employee’s … refusal to respect a student’s name and pronoun is … discriminatory.”  

“ … a plan may include addressing the student at school with their name and pronoun consistent with their gender identity while using the legal name and pronoun associated with the sex assigned at birth when communicating with parents or guardians. ”  

Deceiving parents is immoral, illegal, and akin to mobsters keeping two sets of books!  This virtual kidnapping of a child’s identity deprives parents of significant character and life-altering information to which they have a natural right!    

The moral price of ensuring that “trans” students can lead a double life entails massive, systematic deception and/or lying to parents/guardians by entire school divisions!  Will teachers who refuse to lie to parents be fired?  What happened to the inviolable right of conscience?

The US Supreme Court has long upheld parental responsibility and authority: 

“… [t]he child is not the mere creature of the State; those who nurture him and direct his destiny have the right … to … prepare him for additional obligations.”   (Pierce v. Society of Sisters, 1925) 

“… the interest of parents in the care, custody, and control of their children— is perhaps the oldest of the fundamental ‘liberty’ interests recognized by this Court. … in Meyer v. Nebraska … we held … the Due Process Clause includes the right of parents to ‘… bring up children and ‘to control the education of their own.’”  (Troxil v. Granville, 2000]  

A federal Appeals Court in Florida ruled that requiring students to use male and female bathrooms corresponding to their sex does NOT violate “… the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment … [or] … Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 …”  (Drew Adams v. School Board, 2022)

LeRoy Rooker, past 21-year USDOE Family Educational Rights and Policy Act director, stated, “Any kind of record about what a student’s gender preference is, parents absolutely have a right to that under FERPA … it doesn’t matter if a student or school wants to disclose it.  If they have a record on that, parents have a right to it if they request it.”  (Bethesda Magazine, 1/8/2021)   

So-called transgender-affirming treatments advocated by current Fairfax, Loudoun, Arlington, Alexandria, and Prince William School Boards and seven other Virginia school divisions,  “ …  pose significant risks to fertility potential and outcomes, ranging from potentially impaired fertility rates to full elimination of reproductive potential ...”  [Ainesworth, Mayo Clinic Proceedings, April, 2020) 

Eradicating reproductive ability conflicts with a U.S. Supreme Court decision that rejected an Oklahoma mandatory sterilization law:    

“The power to sterilize … may have subtle, far-reaching and devastating effects. … There is no redemption for the individual whom the law touches.  Any experiment which the State conducts is to his irreparable injury.  He is forever deprived of a basic liberty. … in emphasis of our view that strict scrutiny … in a sterilization law is essential …”  (Skinner v. Oklahoma, 1942)   

Here is what Russian Nobel prize winner, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, suggested we do when confronted by authorities who demand lies:    

“… Never knowingly support lies! … Will not raise a hand in vote for a proposal which he does not sincerely support; will not vote openly or in secret ballot for a candidate whom he deems dubious or unworthy … ”  (Live Not by Lies, 1974)

Give a big hug to your children before you vote, either during early voting or on election day, Nov. 7.   Please remember that Virginia laws and local school policies supporting transgender ideology and practices are supported by Democrat candidates and are opposed by Republican candidates.  It’s that simple!    

Robert Marshall is a former state delegate. He served in the General Assembly for 26 years.


  1. During covidism, a family member was forced, as he told me, to adjust his schedule for the “virtual learning train wreck.” And what an unexpected grace from God that turned out to be. His daughter, a very bright girl as it turned out, couldn’t really read sentences (she was in the 4th grade). She was not in some ghetto school with a bunch of gangstas and gangsta teachers. Thankfully, she’s now in a good place and is living up to her potential. As evil as covidism was, God provided some good out of it and exposing the public schools failure to educate was at the top of the list.

  2. Are these the same experts who oppose spanking?

  3. Bob Marshall was victim of president warp speed's attachment to his "beautiful" Confederate statues, losing to the transgender Danica Roehm in the the wake of Charlottesville.
    The Republican party of Virginia also had a strange attachment for these democrat statues to slave breeding eugenics making it really difficult for any town to take them down.

    Note that president quack emergency not only parties with LGBT at mar alago, claimed to be most gay friendly president ever, but also claimed that obergefell was settled law. Who knows what the world would be like without president bff Bill Hill Epstein(!)
    It's almost as if president "roll the coviet helicopter cash out to school districts to lockdown" was a.... Democrat plant (!)

    But before you go bonkers over youngkin. Realize that he too has never rejected obergefell or taken the care to exclude obergefell couples from the states definition of "parent", which had been formally modified by his predecessor to include frankenparents. And note that trumpkin is careful to say the school must do what the "parents" say, which includes ratify transing and genital mutilations if their "parents" say so.

    Trumpkin has this "school choice" schtick which reflects the same blindness. But I don't want to pay taxes where there will still be hidden strings on the "choice' schools, and kids left to languish in the left behind schools

    The problem is, *no one* has the right to a genital mutilation or abortion. Period. Those who can, homeschool with no strings. Vote with your feet to force change in the schools.

    Oh and ask yourself why did genius trump pump notoriously hard to watch dog early voting? Answer he was a reality actor planted to make conservatives lockdown where they would not have under somebody who admitted he was Democrat.

  4. Which of those premises are incorrect?

    And derangement syndrome, especially in analogy to abortion derangement, is a good term if you mean severe regret at taking what turned out to be a fake but destructive solution.

  5. And here's why it matters

    President warp speed had wanted to insert rape exceptions into the GOP platform and they wouldn't let him. How long though can the platform withstand this assault by snakes? (See to see how unappreciated this excellent platform has been through history)

    And now father of warp speed leave abortion to the states like slavery was wants four more years. And he wants it now without debate.

    Say no to to pres p***y and yes to Rand Paul, exposer of coviet mess and sponsor of human life at conception bill.

  6. Miss Anonymous:

    There will be only two real, competitive choices facing the American voters in an honest Presidential election.

    1. Trump. The anti-abortion and anti-war candidate.

    2. Biden or a Biden clone. Pro-war and pro-abortion.

    You are merely shilling for the establishment and abortion.

    BTW making anonymous yet public attacks on people reeks of cowardice. It strips you of any moral authority.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford
