Friday, October 20, 2023

Good News from Idaho to Protect (Mostly) Women from Assault

Federal judge allows Idaho law banning males from girls’ bathrooms to take effect

Well, it's about time somebody stood up to the Left and their naked emperor!

A federal judge, David Nye, has allowed a restraining order he imposed to lapse so a law can go into effect keeping guys dressed as girls from using the girls' restrooms and locker rooms. In view of the number of young women assaulted by boys pretending to be girls, including in Virginia, this is a common sense law.

The case in Virginia involved a teenager in a skirt who may or may not be "transgender" attacking two girls in separate assaults. Transgender or not transgender, laws allowing biological males to use the girls' facilities invites this kind of behavior. The same for criminal men who want to get access to women in jail by claiming a transgender identity. 

The federal government under Leftist idealogues no longer protects women anywhere. In fact, the Left doesn't know what a woman is and are hell bent on proving that men in makeup make better women than women themselves. When men start claiming all the awards for women including beauty pageants, you know the Left is totally insane.

Since the federal government is committed to transgender insanity, it's up to the states to protect girls from predatory males stalking them in the restrooms. 

In Virginia, Governor Glenn Youngkin has instituted some common sense policies for our schools. According to AP news: 

Under the new Youngkin administration guidelines, teachers and students have the right to refer to a transgender student by the name and pronouns associated with their sex assigned at birth. The policies also say that students who are minors must be referred to by the names and pronouns in their official records unless a parent approves the use of something else.

The policies call for school systems’ sports teams to be organized by the sex assigned at birth, meaning that transgender girls would be unable to participate on girls’ sports teams. And they say school divisions may not encourage teachers to conceal information about a student’s gender from his or her parents.
Let's pray many more states follow Virginia and Idaho's lead. It's time for a few folks to cry, "The Emperor has no clothes!" to expose the stupidity and insanity of the Left! 

What's happening in your state?

1 comment:

  1. Re the judge's (totally correct) call: it's a setup so the conflict will be resolved at SCOTUS. Pray hard!
