Monday, October 23, 2023

Ruling Class Warmongers and Money-Launderers at Work by Fr. Bill Aitcheson

The United States is at war with the Russian Federation. Since before the commencement of the Russian military incursion into Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the United States has waged an aggressive war against Russia. The U.S. aggression has been grandual and, until the uniparty warmongers began their money laundering operation in Ukraine, they were only publicly sporadic in their hostility to Russia.

During the Clinton regime, American policymakers, with Clinton approval, made the expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe a globalist uniparty priority, beginning with the U.S.-NATO. interference in the Balkans against Serbia, a Russian ally. From that time on, NATO, with U.S. encouragement and leadership, insinuated itself into Eastern Europe callously disregarding the legitimate security concerns of Russia.

Never mind that NATO is composed of top-heavy welfare states whose "boutique" armed services are only capable of fighting "low intensity" conflicts. Not to mention the fact that Western Europe is wholly incapable of defending itself without the U.S. It won't be the Germans or the British or the French bleeding out on a European battlefield in the middle of a third world war, it'll be Uncle Sam's "suckers!" Everyone knows that the power behind the NATO "protection racket" is the United States, whose "ruling class" of corporate honchos and weaponized bureaucrats is not a benevolent force for good in the world.

The American ruling class bears no allegiance to the people of the United States who should be its primary concern, but to organizations that support a "one world" agenda: organizations like the U.N, the World Economic Forum, the European Union, Blackrock, Vanguard, Citibank, and those endorsing the latest "woke" crazes. To the ruling class, the American people are fodder for their endless wars (like the U.S. troops in Ukraine), "wage slaves" for the state, and "suckers" to be manipulated like sock puppets by their libertine and warmongering propaganda. According to the ruling class, Americans need to be distracted by a mindlessly superficial dominant media culture and the sociopaths in Congress who enable the corrupt ruling class to violate the civil and natural rights of people they hate, like the January 6th political prisoners and the ever-inconvenient Donald Trump.

Why Gen. Mark Milley should be court-martialed
It's about time that we refuse to be the pawns of the corrupt, sociopathic ruling class in America and stop feeding the war machine. Tell your sons and daughters of military age that they have better things to do than becoming cannon fodder on the Ukranian front in order to protect the ruling class money laundering racket. If they are already in the military, encourage them to seek gainful and rewarding employment elsewhere and leave Milley's "woke rangers."I is heartening to see that military recruitment iss down across the board for all the services. Ukraine is not worth one American life, and it's not worth World War III or a nuclear holocaust.

Please pray for peace!


  1. Yeah, the new "it was foreign chickens, so it didn't matter".

    Communist Goals:
    2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.

    3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

    This if from where the blather like "other people are not worth dying for" comes from - and it ends "our people and our country are also not worth dying for". This is just pure defeatism. Why the guy writing this doesn't move to Russia or Iran or China if he's so convinced that they would and should win? Why doesn't he lay down and let Russians or other terrorists cut off his head, since, you know, not doing that would be "fighting", God forbid. America can defeat anything. It just doesn't need to listen to these poisonous voices advocating to give up it's principles for free.

  2. Had to laugh, Anonymous. What principles are you talking about? Killing babies by the millions? Letting trans in the military so the taxpayers can pay to have their genitals cut off? Sending our kids to die to fund the war machine and money-laundering operation? We are not the world's policeman? The first obligation of a country is to protect its own people. "Charity begins at home." That's the first priority.

  3. Mr Anonymous:
    Re: " America can defeat anything."

    No. It cannot. This is not 1945. The "arsenal of democracy is long gone.As is the skilled working class. The military services are in disarray. Their ships, planes and tanks simply are not working properly. More importation the service members are in the main demoralized, poorly trained and badly led.

    And, among other places, America was either beaten or fought to a standstill in Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria and now it appears the Ukraine.

    The last time America won a war was when it was allied to Russia.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

  4. "This is not 1945" - my pa served in Vietnam and had tapes proving that the defeatist reporting of various traitors was wrong. We didn't lose no battles; it's all thanks to indecisive and Commie-propagandized leadership, as well as defeatists like you - the ones that believed what TV says.

    We propped Russia up in WW2; they couldn't manufacture anything on their own and were getting so pummeled by the Nazis that those reached Moscow. And when the state we were allied with fell apart, we found out that they were eating shoes all this time. This time's no different. In Ukraine, they are losing to an undersupplied army (through Ukrainian infantry's top-notch) - Putin followed Saddam, actually. Everyone was blathering how strong Saddam was before we put him in his place.

    "Won no war" - dunno, the Gulf one was a clear win. Also, the Iraqi dictator and all our "experts" were also boasting how strong Iraq supposedly was. Hindsight's always twenty-twenty; Arabs don't have good armies. Same in Afghanistan. Incompetence of civilian leadership aside (damn, who let civvies command the army? Nobody who hadn't served should have a political career), we have the best army in the world.

    "In Ukraine" - we aren't even on the ground there. How exactly are we getting "defeated"? Plus, after a bout of trying to transplant democracy onto barbarians, we finally are doing what we should've been doing - helping the good guys keep their freedom. Unlike in Vietnam, Ukies are willing to walk the walk - they don't need our babysitting, they just need some old gear.

  5. Mr Anonymous Warmonger:

    "We didn't lose no battles". We lost the battle for Saigon. The Only one that mattered. Saigon is now Ho Chi Minh City.

    "We propped Russia up in WW2; they couldn't manufacture anything on their own" They manufactured the superb T-34 tank and the equally superb
    Ilyushin Il-2 fighter bomber. Stalin at great human expense moved his munition industries over the Urals where they produced a steady and overwhelming stream of ammo. The Germans OTH were constantly short of ammo.

    "the Gulf one was a clear win" Iraq defeated the US Army and now Iran now dominates Iraq.

    "we have the best army in the world" The best Army in the world is under strength, dominated by sodomites, and suffers on average 25-suicides a day.

    " we aren't even on the ground there" Yes we are. And have been since 2007. See the International Center for Peacekeeping.

    "helping the good guys keep their freedom" The US Congress tried in 2015, 2016 and 2017 to stop funding for Ukraine because the government was dominated by NAZIS who were murdering Christians.

    "they don't need our babysitting, they just need some old gear." YOU WARMONGERS HAVE MURDERED Ukraine. iT HAS LOST A GENERATION OF MEN AND SOME 10-15 MILLION HAVE FLED THE COUNTRY.

    Kindly reflect.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

  6. Mary Ann is spot-on in this essay which I know isn’t pleasant to read, but the truth has to always be told. The US military really started to come under attack during the Clinton years with the national push for political correctness and diversity. There were rah-rah moments during the Bush 1 and Bush 2 years but WHY were women allowed to be in combat during the Iraq wars? Does anyone remember the footage of those women US soldiers in captivity? You can’t tell me they weren’t raped. And then we had the Obama years… yeah.

    Now under dementia Joe. Oops, excuse me, now under the shadowy globalists who tell fake president dementia Joe and Kamala-ho what to say have totally demoralized the US military. The people in charge are for the most part, angry diversity fake-victims who hate the very kind of people that win wars - men. Many of you have seen the two recruitment commercials that ran earlier this year. The Russian military commercial featured a 30-second testosterone filled episode with a patriotic young man gearing up for combat. The US commercial was an animated cartoon telling the story of a little girl, raised by two dykes who protested for gay marriage and found her calling in the military.

    Now, we have tens of thousands of 18-30 year old destitute muslim men, somehow able to afford the long, expensive trip over the Atlantic into Mexico and walking into the US where they’re bused into our communities big and small. How many women and children “refuges” are on the sidewalks of NYC waiting for a room at the Roosevelt hotel? And now both Nikki Haley and that AOC tramp are on the news, turning on the feminine emotion about why Americans needs to welcome refugees from Gaza.

    The US is finished. Freemasonry’s lies have been exposed. It’s time to take a big gulp of humility and accept the fact that Heaven is our true country and this is a total valley of tears. Israel is not our problem and they get what they deserve (oh yes I did just say that). Hamas is not our problem. The Biden crime family’s money laundering firm, oops, sorry, I meant to say Ukraine, is not our problem. Etc., etc., etc.

    Stay confessed. Get self-sufficient. Have a plan to protect and defend those you love. And focus on your true home, the Kingdom of Heaven. And note that I said KINGdom and not the republic,

  7. Sorry, Unknown, but your last comment was too full of invective to post. If you want to rewrite it with "just the facts" I'll post it.

  8. Well, Unknown, I decided to post your original comment below with (most) of the invective removed which shortened it considerably. It would be refreshing if everyone could be civil. There is a uniparty that embrace constant war treating our youth like cannon fodder. I have no problem calling them warmongers and many of them get rich as a result. Ukraine is a big money-laundering operation and seems to me to be a pay-off to the corrupt Biden family. With no accountability we will never know how much of our equipment and tax dollars ended up on the black market and in offshore bank accounts of corrupt Ukrainian leaders.

    Here's your original (edited) comment.


    Listen, my pa was already called a "babykiller" and spat on. You trying to imply here that I'm some sort of "Nazi" or "warmonger" or whatever just because I support freedom for fellow people ain't gonna fly. "We lost the battle for Saigon" - Saigon fell a couple of years after we left. defeatists just snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by saying "it doesn't matter, because those are foreign chickens". If we responded with more force and clear objectives [in Vietnam] we wouldn't be in this mess.

    "Superb" - T-34 was awesome because it was CHEAP and had a good enough plating that the undersupplied Germans couldn't crack it with their standard shells. They were produced in Laos, I think, from good old American steel. So you can say that we supplied them to Russia single-handedly.

    "Iraq defeated the US army" - We beaten them so bad they never rose up again. And, yeah, the occasional raghead terrorist trying to blow himself up when the Marines snipe him just in time ain't "winning". We left because we thought that the ragheads would do something else then blow themselves up and declare jihads and whatever it is they are usually up to.

    "Since 2007" - false. That Peacekeeping Center is a bunch of UN personnel. Dunno how to tell you this, but UN ain't American military.

    "Murdered Ukraine" - Commie Russian(s) did that.

    To Andrew:

    "Israel gets what they deserve" - so you think innocent people should die? Genuine religious types are renowned for charity and love. "To hell with innocent people, them dying is not our problem" - I don't think any real pastor would've said that.

  9. Hi Mary Ann. No, I don’t like to see innocent people killed whether they be Israelis, Palestinians, etc. My choice of wording last evening was a bit harsh which happens sometimes when I get a little fired up.

    I am not a fan of Israel, and definitely not a fan of Hamas. I can’t think of any reason to like Hamas so no point going there. As for Israel, when I noted that they’ve brought this upon themselves, it’s the way they’ve marginalized the Arab population in Palestine and especially the Christian population who I sympathize with tremendously. People can and will take it for only so long before they strike back and Israel has caused a lot of the unrest there by their policies. I also resent how they’ve used us to fight their wars and believe they’re trying to bait us into attacking Iran which, considering our demoralized military and the good ones that were kicked out due to the jab mandates is a scary scenario.

    When I was active in politics (never again), I fell into line with the rah-rah Israel can do no wrong crowd. I now see footage is Israelis spitting at Christian pilgrims and driving the few remaining Christians out of Jerusalem and the West Bank. So for the record, I am not pro-Israel but I don’t desire innocent peoples deaths - especially people who have not (yet) embraced the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

    Thanks for all you and Susan do and please accept my apologies for my sometimes spicy tone. Andrew

  10. Mr Anonymous Warmonger:

    Division size US forces withdrew in 1973. Smaller forces to remained in Vietnam until 1975. The US Army was decisively defeated in Vietnam.

    No. The Soviet T-34 was not produced in Laos from American steel. Are you sober?

    The Iraqi insurgents successfully drove the US Army out of their homeland. Another decisive defeat for the US Army.

    Since 2007 the US DOD maintains a security assistance brigade at the International Center for Peace Keeping. It is not a UN facility. The US trained, armed and equipped Nazi Ministry of Interior Troops at the Center. These Pagan Nazis subsequently launched a bloody persecution of Christian throughout the Ukraine at US Taxpayer expense. Said persecution is the announced cause for the Russian intervention.

    And yes you read like a war lusting NAZI.

  11. Richard,

    They withdrew not due to enemy action (Commies arrived in Paris to beg for survival; the work of traitors was a pleasant surprise they rolled with), but due to our own defeatists. We weren't defeated on the battlefield; because if these Commies were so strong as you've claimed, they wouldn't bother with lies and would go straight ahead to total conquest.

    And, yeah, T-34 were produced in Laos from American steel. "Are you sober" - I didn't spend my youth on drugs, hippie.

    "Successfully drove out" - yeah, it's like claiming that the Jews defeated Romans after returning to the land Rome exiled them from. The "insurgents" couldn't do anything.

    "Assistant brigade" - those ain't US troops (otherwise, we'd have a proper base), they are a gaggle of UN forces and maybe some of our attaches. If at that. We don't decide policy even for nations we have bases in - and when they tell us to, we pack up and leave.

    "Nazi ministry" - yeah, I know that everything you don't like is "Nazi". Go on, recite the rest of the formula - "evil, evil bourgeois America armed those horrible, horrible freedom fighters that resisted the advance of Communism". You read like a hippie or someone from Weather Underground. "Bloody persecution of Christians" - that no one ever saw? And I do mean anyone - not even pro-Russian Commies say that. As for "Nazi warmonger" - I've been called worse by hippies like you. Insults from your kind are a badge of honor.


    "Shunning the Arabs" - the Jews don't shun anyone who doesn't want to blow them up. You say a lot about the illegals and I agree, but ragheads are worse than Mexican desperados. So why the hypocrisy? The Jews aren't allowed to kick out and destroy murderers and terrorists? "Spitting on Christians" - yeah, the eternal anti-Semitic lie. You confused Jews with Arabs - the latter blow up churches and synagogues like nobody's business. Remember Daesh? Siding with Israel is natural choice when the other side consists of ragheads that, as their last newsworthy act, shown their real nature (yet again, really - guess everyone forgot how they tapdanced after 9/11) yet again by raping and breaking the limbs of a Christian leftist girl from Germany (that supported them, even).

  12. Mr Anonymous warmonger:
    Re: IPSC

    No one can be as stupid as you. You are clearly a paid provocateur. Whoever is paying you is paying you too much.

    "The IPSC was formed in 2007 in order to aid in the training of personnel from the Ukrainian Armed Forces, particularly for peacekeeping missions. It also provides training to foreign state military units which provide forces to peacekeeping missions and in the fight against terrorism." - ukrine ministry interior

    "December 14, 2021 - A soldier demonstrates how to use the Javelin anti-tank missile system. Under the mentorship of Joint Multinational Training Group-Ukraine, currently led by the U.S. Army’s 45th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, the Ukrainian military is working towards establishing a NATO interoperable Combat ..." us army

    "The Yavoriv military base is a military training facility of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the city of Yavoriv in western Ukraine, some 10 km from the border with Poland and 30 kilometers northwest of Lviv in Yavoriv district. The facility houses an International Center for Peacekeeping and Security within the framework of the Ukraine–NATO Partnership for Peace"

    Richard W Comerford

  13. Mr Anonymous warmonger:
    Re: T-34 produced in Laos during WWII

    Again no one could be as stupid as you so you must be a paid provocateur.

    Look at a map. Laos is a land locked country located in southern Asia without, even today, a heavy railway system that could move tanks. It had no heavy industry to produce tanks in WWII. It still has no heavy industry. During WW II Laos was controlled by Imperial Japan. Germany's ally. A look at Wiki will tell you where the T-34's were produced in the Soviet Union in WWII.

    You are an overpaid provocateur. Get an honest job.

    Richard W Comerford

  14. Mr Anonymous Warmonger:
    Re: "We weren't defeated on the battlefield; because if these Commies were so strong as you've claimed,"

    Your "Commies" defeated first the French, then the Imperial Japanese, then the French again,then the USA, then the South Vietnamese, then the Cambodians, then Laos and finally Red China.

    BTW Americans no longer use words like "Commie" and Hippie.

    Your employer should hire an American born troll.

  15. Mr Anonymous Warmonger:
    Re: "Bloody persecution of Christians" - that no one ever saw?

    The Ukraine Army Chief of Staff asked for more aid from NATO pointing out that they had been fighting ethnic Russians in the Donbas for 8-years since 2014.

    The Ukraine Ministry of Interior Troops (aka National Guard) self-identify as National Socialists, Pagans and are fanatically anti-Christian.

    You should return your salary to your employer. You are a lousy troll.

    Richard W Comerford

  16. I decided to let you all duke it out. The popcorn's in a bowl on my lap and I'm laughing a lot as I ask myself, "What will happen next?"

  17. Ms K:

    This anonymous party is a foreign born, paid troll. Every American website that is conservative, Christian or both has at least one. They are paid, albeit indirectly, by elderly, white, male, Western billionaires, the new money gods, who literally want to be worshiped by lessor humans, and who think that medical tech advance will allow them to live forever.

    The new money gods are very open about their goal to kill off most of humanity and reduce the population to 500-million.Just enough human slaves to serve them. The billionaires see the Christian God as their competition. And the money gods are winning. They control every Western institution to include the Vatican,

    The money gods want to enslave me and you and our families. It is no laughing matter.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

  18. I always appreciate your comments, Richard. Why would anyone bother paying someone to troll my blog which is pretty insignificant in terms of overall traffic? I agree with what you say about the "money gods." It all feels like we are living in the Twilight Zone.
