Saturday, November 4, 2023

Is the Drive-By Media Abandoning their (Former) Hero, Volodymyr Zelensky?

Mundabor thinks so and provides a few articles to back him up. I read the one from TIME Magazine and it was refreshing to see a little bit of truth finally breaking through the curtain of lies and disinformation. Check it out for yourself.

Mundabor's Post

TIME's Article

Pray for the poor people of the Ukraine. With winter coming, they are the ones who will suffer. Zelensky and compay will be warm and well fed while the people freeze and starve.


  1. "Where we are here is exactly the situation I have been describing for the readers of this little effort for months: the Russians (who had losses a tiny fraction of the Ukrainian ones, perhaps even in a ratio of 1 to 8 or 1 to 9) have now all the cards in their hands and can decide for how long to logorate and slowly make mincemeat of the Ukrainian army, until said mincemeat is so tender that they can either roll on and take all they want to take, or make the Ukrainian Army collapse with a relatively unbloody (for them) offensive. When this happens, only the Russian top echelons know. But I still suspect that Putin will comfortably sit, drinking tea, and wait for the US elections in November 2023, which would give a sort of Maximum Pain to the Democrats even as he minimises the casualties in his own army."

    the person who wrote this (comparing slaughter like we are seeing in gaza to 'tender mincemeat') can look forward to spending hell with Putin - better drink up the bloody tea now, demonic hate-filled savages!

  2. Zelensky has made mincemeat of his own country and continues to do so as they call up older and older men as cannon fodder for their proxy war. There are plenty of "demonic hate-filled savages" on both sides of this war. Perhaps you are one as well. Zelensky could have sued for peace and spared so many lives, but he appears to be a grifter who is making hay out of the war with billions poured down his greedy maw with no accountability. Where's the money, Vlad? How much did the Biden family get in kickbacks?

  3. The two wars are related and there have been some interesting developments over the past two weeks.

    1) The 24/7, drive by media has suddenly shut off the Ukraine sob story for Israel/Gaza coverage. JUST LIKE what happened when Putin invaded the part of Russia known as Ukraine and the media all of a sudden stopped talking about covidism and next thing you knew, we were all expected to put yellow and blue flags on our houses, call Zelensky a hero, and demonize Vladimir Putin.

    2) There was a story in the media just the other day that a commercial airliner from Tel Aviv landed in Makhachkala, Russia. Makhachkala? First of all, I thought all commercial air travel to Russia from the world except a few CIS countries, India, China and Turkey was banned? Why one from Israel of all places? And why were they going to a part of the Russian Caucuses that NO ONE visits. Seriously, beautiful mountains there but the Caucuses is a bad neighborhood and always has been. Makhachkala by the way is a muslim-majority area so again, why were Jews from Tel Aviv going there? Anyway, for those who didn't see the news, upon landing, the plane was attacked by "anti semites" shouting "kill the jews." How did a mob just show up at this airport knowing who was on board and the global media just happened to be there to cover it? These are the same people who can't get tickets to Moscow or St. Petersburg but a little muslim hick city that no one's heard of, yep, you betcha!

    With the world's eyes off Ukraine and Congress likely to stop it with the zero return-on-investment to that banana republic, I fully expect Putin to finish the job. That means re-take all of the Ukraine back into Russia of which it was always a part, depose Zelensky and show him the justice he deserves, Russian style (and you can read into that as you wish, I just hope he is allowed 10-15 minutes with a priest). If this does not happen within months, I am going to come to the conclusion that the whole Ukraine War thing was an organized globalist ruse on both sides, designed to distract people and result in money laundering for the usual globalists.

    As for us in the U.S., I think we can expect Israel to savagely drive most of the population of Gaza into the Egyptian Sinai which will create a "humanitarian crisis." Will they face boycotts and sanctions like Russia did? No, of course not. Egypt won't do anything to substance to help and so the U.S. will be expected to bring the people of Gaza to this country. You already have democraps like that A.O.C. thing calling for it and on the RINO side, Nikki Haley. This is coming folks, I can feel it.

  4. Israel 2.0 failed so the Jews are falling back to Israel 1.0

  5. Self defense is permitted by Jesus Christ (also the U.N., Geneva Conventions etc. etc.). Invading (taking by force) someone else's country, home, car, etc. is not (remember the ten commandments, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, love your neighbor as yourself, blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God, etc. etc. etc.). You will answer for your support of Putin's unjust aggression and slaughter to Jesus Christ - same as for your demonizing 2.3 million people residing in Gaza.

  6. Anonymous 1 here responding to anonymous 2. Zelensky is a Jew and was appointed by them to serve the Ukrainians up as a holocaust to the Jewish demon-god to create Israel 2.0, same as the Jew Hitler served up Germans later mislabeled as "Jews" to build Israel 1.0 and are making new sacrifices to sustain Israel 1.0 by holocausting the Gazans. Russia winning ensures that the Jewish sacrifices to Moloch come to naught when Russia siezes the Ukrainian territory.

  7. I hope I live long enough to see Putin arrested and brought before the International Criminal Court in The Hague!

  8. Zelensky is being puppetted by the US to "keep Ukraine in the fight" so the US can win (will not happen) their deep state covert regime change proxy war against Russia so that the West can steal Russia's commodities. By doing so, the US has wiped out the manhood of Ukraine. Of course no one now acknowledges the Nazi problem in Ukraine and the fact that the Ukraine military went into Donbass and killed 15,000 Russian speaking Ukrainians which is why Putin began Russia's SMO two years ago. But - sigh - that's past history, soon to be rewritten by the US because we now have Hamas going into Israel and killing 1400 Israelis and the Israeli IDF going into Gaza to put an end to Hamas.

    Note that all the Left was for Ukraine and now the all the Left is for Hamas which doesn't care one iota for their own poor people. That alone should tell me at least which side to be on. Of course I have always loved Russia and Israel. According to the anonymous people and Joseph above, that makes me evil and I'll be in hell with Putin and Netanyahu. All I can say to that is Oh well. Whatever.

  9. Since the dissolution of the USSR, I would like someone to list exactly what Russia has done to the United States. Wonder what we would have done if Russia had signed a Peace Treaty with Mexico and stationed troops there? Maybe General Lindsey Graham would like to be the first one to expose his body to fire in our invasion of Mexico.

  10. I have read blog posts here about how Sherman was a war criminal for his burning march to the sea (and I agree), but now defending Putin and Netanyahu ('russia' and 'israel') both of whom have threatened to nuke the whole world if they don't get their way. Not sure why you are so blind to the suffering of your neighbor, (I believe one poster here has Israel "savagely" relocating people to Egypt in order to grab their land (like the U.S. did the savage Indians?)--who supposedly invaded israel with hang gliders and steam shovels. why doesn't Israel have to obey the U.N.? Why do you all protest the invasion of U.S. borders by illegal aliens? Is Egypt allowed to defend itself against Israel?) but certainly not Christian. Instead of patting yourself on the back for how well you suffer splinters from the cross, I'd worry about the big log in your eye that's going to keep you out of heaven.

  11. "Freeze and starve" - I think that's what the Muscovite recruits will be doing. Everybody who knows anything about wars (not the people using such new terms as "media" and certainly not the civvies in charge of the West) is that they last for a long time. 2-3 years at least. Ukraine will win, because, ultimately, it's a fight we can't afford to lose. Let the West worry. When the push comes to the shove, we will have enough men and grit, just like we did during the times when Ottomans and Nazis were poised to crush Europe. All that remains is to kill enough Muscovite cannon fodder to crack their army. The articles try not to mention this (and useful idiots of Muscovy like this "Mundabor" don't, either), but Muscovy's close to folding itself. They already have no money; Muscovite security services personnel allege that Putin himself is dead and that they are waving his doppelgangers to prevent the country from immediately descending into in-fighting over which oligarch becomes the new leader. The funniest thing of all is that Muscovites now no longer have men either. After spending everything they had on Bakhmut and earlier failures, they are now separated from defeat (there is no victory) by a bunch of cement we'll have to break through. Once we Ukrainians do break through, the Muscovites will be put to a rout, just like with Kherson.

  12. Anonymous @ 8:20, reading too much leftist media, are you? But worse than reading it, you believe it! It's Egypt that doesn't want the Palestenians crossing the Rafah border.

  13. Sviatoslav, this is your most foolish comment yet. All of what you said applies to Ukraine...Russia "has no money"! Hahahah. Their economy is just fine since the 11 or 12 sanctions packages of the Collective West boosted Russia's economy, while the West, especially Germany and the USA, are in economic slumps. You either read and believe the Ukranian news or you write it yourself and expect other people to believe your drivel and lies.

    This isn't my blog because if it were you'd be blocked from commenting the rotten fruit of your deluded mind. As Mary Ann always says, write your own blog.

  14. Susan,

    "Their economy is fine" - well, Elvira Nabiullina definitely said otherwise, but, then again, what does she know? She's only what, their head of the national bank. "Economic slumps" - that are somehow equal to a). not even having gas (yes, Russia doesn't even have gas in it's gas stations. There are signs posted - and their minister of agriculture, Dmitry Patrushev, has openly said that there isn't enough gas and oil for agricultural works for November unless export of oil ceases for a bit) and b). Russia literally doesn't make anything. Western life-saving pharmacy is now no longer available (except for oligarchs). Oh, and there is no money, either. Reserves have run out; and thanks to the absolutely stupid moves like selling oil to India for rupees (a worthless currency compared to the dollar), the Russian economy won't endure for long. "Drivel and lies" - never once did I hear a proper refutation. All I hear is the same old blather, like "media", "deluded mind", "write your own blog" - but no reasoned arguments. Those must be mos Graecorum to you - or you, not knowing what are you talking about, simply expecting mindless agreement. You won't get that from me, because I'm a bit of a stickler for actual truth. "You'd be blocked" - spoken like a true autocrat. The reason I write is that I actually know about the situation, which is more than can be said for Western useful idiots of Muscovy. Supporting Muscovy = supporting Islamic terrorism, destruction of Catholicism (literally - the current "Pope" is the tried and true product of Muscovite Patriarch Kirill's work for the KGB, specifically the invention and spread of "Liberation Theology"), advance of worldwide Communism and genocide of other nations. Birds of a feather flock together - wanting Muscovy to win is the same as wanting "Palestine", Iran and China to win, because, of course, Muscovites are allied with those nations.

  15. Svi - You're obviously Ukrainian and mindlessly believe every word of "actual truth" out of The Daancing Grand Green Shirted Puppet's mouth. Not everything is black and white. At this point of tens of dozens of covert regime changes by the US Deep State globalists I'm definitely inclined to not be allied with my own nation - not because I'm a traitor, but because I loved the America I grew up in which is not what America is today. And that goes for the Catholic Church too.

    Advocating for Russia to beat the Nazis back is the same as Israel going in to destroy Hamas. .... Also, thank you for no longer talking about cannibalism, however I see you've moved on to homosexuality. Please stop that too.

    Between what you call my "same old blather" and I call your "drivel and lies" it's clear that neither of us will ever agree, so why bother because at this point its tiresome.

  16. Susan,

    "Mindlessly believe" - I actually know history and culture, thank you very much. "Not everything is black and white" - yes, it is black and white. Muscovy slandered Ukraine as "Nazi" (Putin organized real Nazis in Dresden as part of his KGB career), then invaded Ukraine on this "pretext". When Ukrainians resisted, Muscovy begun doing horrific atrocities (just like their allies, the Hamas) in anger of being denied their long-dreamt-of conquest. "Homosexuality" - that's funny, because, yes, Putin is a homosexual that diddles his bodyguards. He is also an adulterer, with all the siring of a bastard on Alina Kabaeva (a gymnast who could be his granddaughter in age). "Why bother" - I don't seek your agreement, I seek to get the truth out there. And the truth is that the Muscovite Androphagi are responsible for American Communism, Islamic terrorism and Communist China - and, being allied with those three things today, Muscovy stands as the absolute and irreconcilable enemy to all free people's of the world. Thus, by supporting Muscovy, you support the enemies of all the free people of the world. I also highly recommend reading the link I've supplied. Cliff Kincaid, like me, is someone who knows Soviet subversion inside and out.

  17. Disagreement is not unhealthy. I will continue to allow comments that are respectful and address the issues. I don't have time to research everything or decide where to come down on every issue so I've mostly stayed out of this one. I agree that not everything is black and white. Obviously some things are. The Creed and orthodox catechisms point many of those black and white issues out -- like the murder of the innocent. No wiggle room there. It's wrong to target civilians in a war. I think both sides have done it in most of history's wars. We certainly did it in W.W. II with the firebombings of Dresden and Tokyo and dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

    But many issues are complex and difficult and there is truth an error on both sides. It's important to discuss them with charity without vilifying each other. (Obviously it is not vilifying to expose terrorist groups for what they are -- monsters and murderers.)
