Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Will Bishop Strickland be Banished to Muck Island!

Editor's note: Msgr. Antall's article struck me immediately when I saw his reference to the book, The Catholics, which was made into a film of the same title later changed to The Conflict. I recommend both the book and the film. It's amazing how prophetic they were. We are now experiencing a very similar situation to the Catholic flock in the movie who are deprived of the Latin Mass and other devotions. 

Read the article! 

Anyone who is currently attending a Traditional Latin Mass is on a modern Muck Island. We can hope and pray, however, that our modern Fr. Kinsellas, with no belief in Catholic doctrine praying to who knows who from their lotus positions, will be converted. Nothing is impossible with God!

We don't know what happens as time moves forward at the end of the movie. Neither do we know the end of God's story here and now. But we can be ever confident in the reality that "All things work together for good to those who love the Lord and serve according to His purpose." 

Welcome to Muck Island

by Msgr. Richard Antall

I watched the EWTN interview of Bishop Strickland last night and had nightmares while I slept. The bishop, articulate and, to my mind, innocent of all irony, recounted what had happened in his process of deposition and professed his recognition of the pope’s authority and his obedience to his removal from office. 

The sincerity of the man’s confusion about why he was singled out was piercing. Many sources have hinted at “administrative” reasons without any real evidence. The fact that the protocol established for the removal of bishops was not honored did not make him doubt the pope’s authority. His distress at the confusion caused by some of the statements that have come from the Vatican lately is logical and not some extremist reaction. 

He said, for instance, that only two years ago, the Vatican had said same-sex couple blessings were impossible. Yet, the topic was introduced at the Synod on Synodality. The president of that assembly is on record doubting the biblical and traditional Church teaching on sexual relations outside of marriage for same-sex-attracted individuals. 

Strickland’s surprise that he has been removed from his diocese while other bishops contradict ancient Church teaching and pastoral practice was honest and made me doubt the criticism he has received from some unexpected quarters. I read, for instance, that Strickland should not have traveled to other diocese and spoken his mind on issues because that was the monopoly of the local ordinary. A geographical restriction to a bishop’s preaching would have robbed us of the letters of St. Ignatius of Antioch, the courageous resistance of St. Athanasius to the Arian heresy, and the heroic valor of exiled bishops from St. Anselm and St. Thomas Becket to modern times.A geographical restriction to a bishop’s preaching would have robbed us of the letters of St. Ignatius of Antioch, the courageous resistance of St. Athanasius to the Arian heresy, and the heroic valor of many exiled bishops.Tweet This

Read the rest at Crisis Magazine.....


  1. "We are now experiencing a very similar situation to the Catholic flock in the movie who are deprived of the Latin Mass and other devotions."

    Huh? Is the "editor" not Catholic or is he not deprived of that today?? Oh maybe it's Sammons, that opus dei mouthpiece, who has confined the 'latin' (why doesn't he call it the tridentine mass)to an oratory setting and substitutes (like modernists do) the word "devotion" for the word "SACRAMENTS" hoping no-one will notice. The priests say both the 'latin' mass and the 'english' mass (it's the language not the offertory, prayers, readings etc.) and ALL follow the NEW teachings and disciplines of the VCII/modernists. It is appalling to see opus dei grabbing the mantle of tradition to keep pumping people full of novus ordo bilge!

    9.24.19 when sammons started "calling himself"(his real identiy is an opus dei secret)

    Eating meatballs during Lent; no benediction: 'adoration'; St. Mother Teresa never shown praying in front of a statue of Buddha
    Ash Wednesday - Wednesday, February 22 Please remember that this is not a holy day of obligation, but it is a day of fasting and abstinence. Masses at Old St. Mary will be at 7:15 a.m. (Low Latin), 12:10 p.m. (English) and 6:30 p.m. (Sung Latin). [wouldn't a child/anyone who didn't know better think the only difference was the language?]

    Vigano usurping +Lefebvre/SSPX: "Today, he is the ONLY free voice in the Catholic Church, courageously continuing his episcopal ministry in protecting the Church's unchanging Tradition and preserving the Catholic Priesthood."

    1. Anon, please, sit down with a cup of tea, take a deep breath and just reflect. You are hurling thunderbolts in all directions with great vigor.

  2. When popes were given the power to depose bishops, that was the end. This power did not exist prior to what, 1054?

    1. I agree! Imagine what would have happened if Peter had canceled Paul for daring to correct him! An immediate split that would have gutted and destroyed the fledgling Church. As to the real elephant in the room today, the new synodal church and its near complete split with the Church as established by Christ, no one should forget that we have yet to feel the full weight of God’s opinion on this. When (not if) we do, it’ll be painful in a way that can’t be canceled or ignored by anyone.
