Monday, January 8, 2024

An Epiphany Gift to Say Thank You to the Three Kings!

Adoration of the Magi by Giotto -- I love this!
Even the camel seems to be singing the praises of the newborn King. 

Every now and then, the English major comes out in me with a desire to write poetry. I admit, it isn't much on the scale of poetic excellence. It probably rises to a two out of ten (if that). But it gives me pleasure and I hope it pleases you as we celebrate the octave time after Epiphany. There are several different forms of the sonnet, but I focus on the English form of three four-line stanzas and a couplet.


The Magi on their camels rode so far 

To search and find the new born King to see.

Their guide before them went, a brilliant star

That led them on their way so faithfully.

In conscience right they paused at Herod's throne

And heard the council speak with prophet's voice.

Alas, they went to Bethlehem alone;

The infant Lord was spurned by Herod's choice.

A simple home they found; their hearts aflame,

 They knelt in silent worship of the Child.

And offered gifts in honor of the Name:

Messiah, King, and Lord so meek and mild.

He lay asleep in humble majesty.

Who soon would walk the roads of Galilee.

Have you marked your door for 2024 remembering the welcome of the magi? Let us all imitate them and make him welcome in our homes. The tradition of marking the door is a centuries old tradition which can be accompanied by a little home ceremony. If you have access to blessed chalk use it. Filling our home with sacramentals offers a protection that is likely as effective (if not more) than home security systems -- certainly in the spiritual sense. May 2024 be a year of great blessing for you and your family bringing you health, peace, and joy. 


  1. I enjoyed your sonnet. I tend to read more slowly with poetry, possibly because the author has to find words that work with the rhythm of the poem, so I often return to certain lines and think about that choice of words. It is rather like studying a painting. I'm currently finishing Dante's Divine Comedy, and it takes me longer to read than a book of prose, but that is part of the enjoyment. Thank you for sharing that! And happy new year to you!

  2. In my mind the more valuable three gifts of the Magi were their obedience to the call of the Holy Ghost through the Star; their trust that they would survive the long, perilous journey into the unknown; and their humility in seeking the One Truth. For those gifts the Gentiles were richly rewarded with seeing God in His mother's arms.

  3. What a lovely comment, Tom. The Magi must have had the curiosity and sense of adventure that children have who want to go on a treasure hunt. And they found the pearl of great price!
