Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Has Worldly and Woke "Social Justice" Replaced the Gospel? A Reflection by Fr. Tom Collins...

Where exactly is this journey taking us? 

Editor's Note: Fr. Tom Collins raises some serious issues about our modern culture and its woke leadership aided and abetted by Church leaders. Often the priorities that guide many of our shepherds seem to coincide with the very worst goals of liberalism. Are some of our bishops hirelings of the federal government with their hands out for the proverbial thirty pieces of silver? What do you think? Is Father Tom speaking with the voice of John the Baptist warning the religious leaders of our day, like John did the religious leaders of Jerusalem? Remember Ezekiel and his "woes" to the false shepherds. May they listen to his voice and repent lest their miters and staffs end up littering the floor of hell.

Apparently, "social justice" requires that federal agencies, such as the IRS, CIA, FBI, CDC, the Justice Department, the State Department and the EPA, prioritize the targeting, slandering and suppressing of Trump and his supporters above all other concerns.

Thus they feel empowered:
  1.  to promote wars in Ukraine, Gaza, Yemen, China; 
  2. to promote the sexual and psychological perversion and mutilation of our youth;
  3.  to carry out illegal surveillance and systematic harassment of responsible parents as "domestic terrorists";
  4. to deprecate all Caucasians as being intrinsically racist and conservative African-Americans as Uncle Tom's; 
  5. to both support and subsidize human trafficking, drug smuggling, infiltration by criminal gangs, and the transport of undocumented migrants with highly infectious diseases in crowded buses and airplanes throughout our nation. thus arranging to initiate new pandemics; and
  6. to secure the blessings of liberty to our posterity by callously imposing a $33,000,000,000,000+ debt on them
Sadly, it seems that, since such evils are done under the color of law (disturbingly reminiscent of the repressive tactics used by the KKK Jim Crow Democrats against blacks) allegedly in order to promote "social justice" (rather than the righteousness of God), it has been given tacit approval by the powers-that-be in both the Vatican and the USCCB.

Apparently, in the Synodal Church, the end (i.e., saving the planet) justifies the means
(i.e., perverting, enslaving and destroying the souls of the faithful and of our youth).
But we are assured that we should not worry, since pastoral hirelings are working diligently to build up ecclesiastical slush funds to ensure that, as our congregation gradually look more like geriatric wards, we will have adequate endowment funds to support the transition of the Synodal Church into a new One World Religion, with Christ eventually treated not as our Master, but merely as a mascot to affirm the ever-evolving agendas of the oligarchs guiding our integration into a New World Order.

And now we are told that while the TLM is to be suppressed, sodomistic unions are to be blessed!

With the powers-that-be in the Vatican and the USCCB declining to call for Masses and Holy Hours of Reparation for the sacrileges committed by perverted predatory priests and prelates, the "smoke of Satan (cf. St. Paul VI - 6/29/72) has now filled the sanctuary of the Church.

Meanwhile, as bishops allow future generations of Catholics to be perverted by WOKE agendas, they are also diligently working to build up large endowment funds to sustain them as faithful Catholics become unemployed or die.

God save us!

Fr. Tom

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