Monday, January 15, 2024

Tell Me Again Why We Should Trust the Climate Change "Experts?"

I'm a weather channel watcher. A week ago we had warnings of a big winter storm for tomorrow. It started out with a prediction of about nine inches of snow and then seven and then snow disappeared from the forecast altogether. 

I checked both and the National Weather Service yesterday and neither site predicted any snow at all. So when I got up at 5:45 and looked out the window I laughed. These "experts" who can't accurately predict the weather twelve hours from now can tell us that the world is going to end in twelve years if we don't immediately return to living like our stone age ancestors. (Of course that was several years ago, so I guess we're down to eight or ten. Better go to confession!)

We are called to be stewards of the earth. I take that obligation seriously by trying not to waste anything. My mom used to joke that she was so tight she squeaked and she definitely was one thrifty lady. With ten children she had to be. We recycled in those days in many practical ways and I remember some of the clothes mom made for us, especially one particular pink, organdy party dress I wore all through high school and college. I always felt like a princess when I wore it.

Hopefully this unexpected winter storm won't last long, but it's already given me my laugh of the day and a reminder that man doesn't know as much he thinks he does. God has the last word and the last laugh. He loves me enough, I believe, to continue to chase after me, a "Strange, piteous, futile thing!" If each of us stops running away from him and turns to face him, he says, 'Rise, clasp My hand, and come!’...‘Ah, fondest, blindest, weakest, I am He Whom thou seekest! Thou dravest love from thee, who dravest Me.’ 

Running away from God? What a stupid, silly, fruitless thing to do -- and for what? The world has only dust and ashes to offer; what fool would exchange eternal bliss for a temporary pleasure?

If you are having a snow storm today, enjoy the hush it brings to our noisy world. It's a good day to read The Hound of Heaven. Before I do that, I think I'll go out and make a snowball. If it's sticky snow, I may go out later and make a snow child. Making a snowman is too ambitious for this old lady.


  1. Mary.You write so well!God Bless.Philip Johnson from England.

  2. Really good one, Miss Mary Ann! 😁 My lovely wife completely agrees with you.

    God bless you and Happy New Year.

  3. Thanks so much Philip and Kev for your kind comments.
