Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Time Out for a Snow Day with Grandsons!

Believe it or not I have a real life besides my virtual life on the blog and Facebook, and that's the life I cherish. It usually starts with morning prayer time invoking the Lord's blessings on Larry and me and all our loved ones. I have a little prayer box in my home chapel overflowing with funeral cards, ordination cards, prayer requests, etc. that I cycle through. I've grouped our parish friends, the folks at the nursing home I used to visit, priest friends who have gone to the Lord, etc. It takes me about a month to make it through the entire box.

After that I move on to chores and activities. My favorite pastimes are spent with family and friends. Yesterday we went to the funeral of a dear Catholic mom of ten who was a role model and mentor to me when we lived in Alexandria. She would have been 94 this month. It was a blessing to touch base with her children and I'm so grateful that Ann called to let us know her mom had died.

Since the funeral took place in Northern Virginia we arranged lunch with our son and his wife and the two youngest boys still at home, one of whom is a high school senior and the other in third grade. Next year Charlie will be "home alone" with Mom and Dad missing his older siblings to whom he's very attached. We brought chickie eggs for them and returned a coffee mug left last time they visited Camp Kreitzer.

Winter fun has taken on a new look this season. For the past few weeks I've been hosting a cooking day, usually on Wednesdays, at the request of two other young grandsons who will likely be great chefs as time goes on. They are homeschooling elementary ages (ten and seven) and always bring math to tutor with "Paka." But I get the bulk of the fun in the kitchen. We have already made quiche, fish fingers, meatloaf, and sweet potato fries. Today we will be making sushi and chicken fried rice.

Larry has driven off to pick up the little chefs. I am busy getting out sledding gear. Because that is the first order of business for our little visitors. We can't let this powdery, sled-perfect snow go to waste. I did two practice runs, one on the toboggan and one on the saucer. The toboggan is definitely more fun.

We're doing our last chore of the day -- cooking the fried rice. Then off home with dinner and two tired little boys. And then Grandma and Paka will crash, but first we'll eat sushi and fried rice!

Last word before leaving, "Can we come back on Monday?"


  1. The time I spend with my next-door neighbor grandchildren (3 boys and a 5 year old girl) are my happiest times. The fun was increased the week after Christmas when my other 7 grandchildren came for a visit. They have so much fun together, and I have so much joy being with them all. God is good.

  2. These are the best days, aren't they? I loved how my parents and in-laws enjoyed their time with our children. We were blessed with all grandparents who became friends while grand parenting our six children. Such sweet memories of family life. God bless you, Mary Ann.

  3. please pray for those of us who have no children, no grandchildren
