Thursday, January 4, 2024

Weepy, Vituperous Fr Edward Beck

Here's a question for Catholics. If Bergoglio and priests such as Fr Edward Beck succeed in their married priests agenda, and the Church is now blessing homosexuals, does that mean liberals want married homosexual priests like the Anglican Church? Of course it does! since there's no such thing as celibacy in the homosexual world. Can we look forward to women's ordination and married lesbian priestesses? Of course we can!

Therefore, going forward, to be fair to Lucifer we must refer to him as a woman and call him - as Alice Thomas Ellis said - Madame Lucy Fur. Which brings me to Fr Edward Beck. 

I'm not going into an in depth analysis of this video or of Fr Beck as a liberal homosexual cheerleader. Let's just say that he's repulsive to me in every way and the less time spent thinking of him, the better off I am.

Years ago I personally met and observed him, much to my horror. He's very very quite extremely weird. Of course that's to be expected since I met him in tandem with Orlando's most maniacal homosexual priest (don't even start with me), Fr Philip Egitto, Our Lady of Lourdes, Daytona Beach. What an evil duo. When I met Fr Beck, I was wearing a Miraculous Medal. He never looked at me, but stared at the Miraculous Medal, never taking his blue eyes off of it, and slowly backed away.

If the above TicTok video (thewilhelmina - 12/19/2023) is loaded correctly (if not, click on the link above it) you'll see the aging Fr Edward Beck who appears have on eyeliner...or maybe he's gotten his lids tattooed...cheering for a "larger, more inclusive Church" for homosexuals who have no intention of following Christ's instruction to the woman caught in adultery: Go now and sin no more. (Wilhelmina Luzia is transgender, however I'm not sure if the person interviewing Fr Beck is Wilhelmina or not.) 

In October, 2021, Fr Beck, then serving as priest in residence at St Therese of Lisieux in Montauk, NY, was notified that his faculties to serve in the Rockville Centre Diocese would expire the next month. 

"When I got that letter, it was a surprise," said Beck, who told the National Catholic Reporter that the diocese did not provide a reason for not extending his faculties.

"In this day and age, you just don't do that to a priest. It raises questions in people's minds," Beck said. "Something like that needs to be clarified and explained, for his personal integrity and reputation."

Yet in the video above Fr Beck is pleased that Francis took away Cardinal Burke's apartment and salary. He then gloats that Francis removed Bishop Strickland (without explanation) from the Tyler, TX diocese. Fr Beck is a hypocrite. It's bad when something happens to him, but good when it happens to an orthodox Cardinal and Bishop.

As with all homosexuals, sex is always on Fr Beck's mind. In Chapter 7 ("Zero Tolerance and Hundredfold Forgiveness") of his book, Unlikely Ways Home, Fr Beck tells the story of two sodomites, Norm and Hector, who long to be married in the Catholic Church. In Chapter 11 ("Topless in Seattle") Fr Beck begins by saying that the first thing he noticed about Giselle were her breasts. When his book was first published an article advertising it showed a silhouette of a topless woman (Giselle was a former topless dancer) with prominent nipples. The entire book can be read from those links if one has the stomach for it. 

When Francis visited the United States in 2015 Fr Beck was interviewed on CNN where it was noted that Fr Beck "was tearing up as His Holiness stepped off the plane." This reminds me of Mabel Brand in Lord of the World. When Julian Felsenburgh (the devil) made an appearance, Mabel sank down on her knees "blind with tears". Her savior had arrived, and "in one thunder-peal of worship ten thousand voices hailed Him Lord and God." Mabel, in fiction, wept for love of Julian Felsenburg. Fr Beck, in real life, wept for his Francis.

Meanwhile the mighty well-oiled unyielding steel of the Bergoglian regime silently rolls on, lauded and cheered by the weepy weird Fr Becks of this world.


  1. The whole argument of being more inclusive and more welcoming to all is completely false and deceitful because we have the example of the episcopalians and the Methodist and anyone else that's done this. It has destroyed their churches so we know that LGBT is just a cudgel to destroy the Catholic Church. And all of western civ it seems.

  2. Francis' time for repentance is growing to an end. He keeps piling evil upon evil. But the African bishops have called his bluff. So has Bishop Schneider with his new catechism. So are others like Bishop Strickland, Cardinal Meuller, Archbishop Vigano, etc. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps during Passion Week this year, the veil of the temple will be torn and we will await in anticipation a new Pentecost. The hundred years of Lucy Fur are drawing to a close which explains the diabolical fury that has descended upon us. Those who tie their boats to the Eucharist and the Blessed Mother have nothing to fear. I may yet see the new springtime in the Church before I die. But if I don't, I nevertheless have confidence that it's coming. Blessed be God forever! "Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him." Job 13:15

    1. Thank you Mary Ann, can’t express to you for all you do for Our Father …, time and time again and I see some thing you have written . Always profound , always for the glory of God!

    2. Who is Lucy Fur? I believe you meant Sister Lucia? Great post. That priest makes me sick to my stomach.

    3. In the second paragraph. of Susan's article she refers to Lucifer in trans terms as "Lucy Fur."

  3. Thank you for your kind words, Anonymous. Please pray for me.

  4. I would never refer to Sister Lucia as what you suggested, MikeB. You might think an imposter was planed at some point in time, but I don't. It was the real Sister Lucia all along the way. Because a faction of Catholics didn't believe that JPII did the Consecration they made up stories that Sister Lucia wasn't the real Sister Lucia. I've read EVERYTHING and seen ALL THE PICTURES and listened to the twisted LIES. So don't write back and say, "Well have you seen this or that?" Seen them all. People want to believe the lies because they didn't believe Lucia when she said that Heaven had accepted JPII's Consecration. Meanwhile, the old Soviet Union fell without one drop of blood and today Russia is a far more Christian country than the USA.

  5. I have no intention of letting this post become an argument about the real Sr. Lucy. Susan, you detract from your own post by going down that rabbit hole. I've read EVERYTHING too and there is some credible forensic evidence to support the opinions of those who disagree with you. To imply that everyone who doesn't embrace your opinion on the matter is engaging in "twisted lies" is unfair and imprudent. I will not post any comments about the Sr. Lucy argument on this post.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. I'm glad I checked back on this comment, because there's been a big misunderstanding. It's all because my brilliant flash of mental density, I'm afraid. :)

    I didn't get the play on words. Lucy Fur = Lucifer is clear to me now. I thought it was a typo. I googled Lucy Fur and up popped a social media account of someone who didn't have enough clothes on. Not nude, thank goodness, but still inappropriate. So, I was a bit confused.

    I was not referring to Sister Lucia as Lucy Fur. I didn't read the entire post and only read the comment Mary Ann wrote referring to the 100 years of Lucy Fur.

    My bad. Mea Culpa.

  8. MikeB, thank you for the clarification. It's greatly appreciated!
