Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Fiducia supplicans opens a priest to the demonic!

In a recent interview with LifeSiteNews, Kyle Clement, a lay associate and assistant to exorcist, Fr. Chad Ripperger, discussed the dangers of Fiducia supplicans. I've highlighted what I consider particularly important. Let us commit to prayer and fasting for priests. We need holy priests who refuse to be caught up in the insanity of our woke culture and woke cult infecting Holy Mother Church!


The ‘blessing’ of homosexual ‘couples’ and couples living in sexual sin as proposed by Fiducia supplicans opens a priest to the demonic 

LifeSiteNews: Can you explain the difference between imprecatory blessings, those given by way of command in virtue of one’s spiritual authority over some person or thing, and deprecatory blessings, those offered through a prayer of petition addressed directly to God? Under what category do priestly blessings fall? Is it ever the case that a priestly blessing is not a liturgical act as Cardinal Fernandez has claimed?  

Kyle Clement: An imprecatory blessing is: “I,” then “my name,” then there’s a blessing, “bless you.” A classic example is a blessing that is missing in the domestic church, within the home, and it’s very simply: “I, your father, bless you in the name of our Father, God Almighty.” That’s an imprecatory blessing correctly discharged. Now, as the head of my household and as the father of my children, I can only give that blessing in my household and to my children. So that’s a very limited use of the imprecatory form.  

The difference is that [with] a priest of the Most High God, all of his blessings are imprecatory, because he’s configured to God in such an ontological way that he cannot act “as a man.” The idea that a priest is just a man is a false idea. There’s an ontological, metaphysical change that conforms him to God Almighty as a sacrifice set aside. In his life, in his thoughts, words, deeds – everything must comport to that, the new identity, the new ontological conformity to God.  

And so [Cardinal] Fernández is wrong about this, as he is about many other things, and there’s not a way to explain it [away], there’s not a way to massage anything. Every priestly blessing is a liturgical act, is an affirmation of that person’s status within the Church. This is the whole point of [a] benediction.  

LSN: If a priest “blesses” a couple living in adultery or fornication, or a homosexual “couple,” will this invite demonic activity rather than God’s blessings, since he is invoking the name of Christ and the blessed Trinity upon a couple constituted by a mortally sinful sexual relationship?  

KC: The real danger in this type blessing is that it affirms the soul in a state of habitual unrepentant mortal sin. And in doing so, this becomes a millstone moment for the priest. What does that mean? “Better that a millstone be tied around his neck and him cast into the sea, than to lead one of these little ones astray.” (Mt 18:6) Very simply, this is a millstone moment for the priest. And [it] needs to be said. As such, this is a very dangerous thing. 

All of this becomes a mockery. How interesting that there is a mockery of womanhood by homosexual men. You don’t see lesbian women mocking manhood. Homosexual men mock mothers. They mock motherhood. They mock the feminine. And that is where the focus of the attack is. The focus of the first attack was on the woman, on Eve. Now we see this playing out again.  

What are the weapons? The weapons are to return to a time when there was, not perfection, but much more purity than we have now; which is to openly call out as a group, as lay faithful, and say, we will not be led into this howling wasteland, this howling wasteland devoid of virtue, truth, and goodness, this howling wasteland of modernism, and relativism, and equivocation, this howling wasteland where anyone can be called a saint, but no one is saintly, this false ecumenicism which says that Freemasonry may now walk into the Church that it has constantly militated against, this upside down, right is wrong is right, that celebrates Martin Luther, one of the greatest enemies of the Church, and a person whose name and whose action has done more damage than any other single individual to the integrity of the deposit of the faith. 

We’ve got to stop and say we must return to right reason and right order.                                                                        _______________________________________

In the video below, Fr. Ripperger emphasizes the necessity of using objective vs. subjective criteria for recognizing whether possession is actually occurring or not. Reality is not based on feelings, but on authentic, objective experience. 


  1. "Has Fr. Chad Ripperger condemned the use of the blessings described in the FS document?"

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford


  3. Ms Anonymous:

    The article is by Br. Alexis Bugnolo.

    Alexis is not a brother. He is not a religious. He is not the head of a military religious order. Although he collects funds for the non-existent military religious order.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

  4. Richard,

    Huh? The interviewee is Fr. Ripperger. Kyle Clement was the interviewer. Raymund Maria did the write up. Where did this Bugnolo character come into the picture?

  5. Hi Nick, Richard got that from the link posted by Anonymous. I'm aware of Bugnolo, but don't trust him as a source.

  6. Oh, that makes sense. I'm to the point where my brain doesn't even register unexplained hyperlinks... apologies all!
