Thursday, April 11, 2024

Dignitas Infanita: "as Hollow as a Sounding Brass or a Tinkling Cymbol"

Does Francis respect the human dignity of all,
or are some animals more equal than others?

Another day, another Vatican document. This one says more by its grave omissions than by its content.

The introduction to the article about Dignitas Infanita (DI) at  Voice of the Family offers a sad commentary on the state of the Vatican's pronouncement: 
...the failure of Cardinal Fernandez to identify the worldwide promotion of the contraceptive mentality, as well as its logical extension, the homosexualist agenda, as a grave threat to human dignity leaves the words of his landmark Declaration ringing as hollow as a sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

I agree! Contraception is the root of many of today's sexual sins, which threaten the dignity of everyone, especially our youth. The article goes on: 

Dignitas infinita is not as heterodox as many feared but sadly it is best described as a “curate’s egg” — only excellent in parts. Unlike recent publications by the Pontifical Academy for Life, it is unequivocal in its defence of the right to life from the moment of conception until its natural end. And in contrast to Pope Francis’s own words, it has no difficulty recognizing the unborn child as a person. For the most part, it avoids the ambiguity that faithful Catholics have come to expect from Church officials today. There is, however, one particularly serious cause for concern. In such a comprehensive document, it is strangely silent on the danger posed by the worldwide promotion of the contraceptive mentality, which separates sexual relations and procreation, as well as its logical extension, the homosexualist agenda. When many of the other pieces of the jigsaw of human dignity fall into place, this omission becomes glaringly obvious.

Some of the Vatican's pet issues made it into the document and illustrate, according to the article, "secular thinking." Should we be surprised?:

Unfortunately, however, there are several indications that the text has been heavily influenced by secular thinking when it attempts to link human dignity to the so-called climate “crisis” (no 28). Dignitas infinita reflects the Holy See’s continued alignment with the climate crisis agenda, which, its critics argue, promotes almost apocalyptical claims that are unsubstantiated by reliable data.3 This global programme has close ties to the population control movement, seeks to impose radical restrictions on civil society — particularly agriculture and the food industry — which threatens the livelihood of millions in the developed world and arrests economic development in the global south.

And then there's the treatment of the death penalty which flies in the face of doctrine which has always recognized the state's duty to protect its citizens including using the death penalty in that regard. My brother had a friend who was murdered by a man who had murdered previously but was released from jail as reformed. Right! His friend picked up a man he thought was a harmless hitchhiker and was murdered for his good deed. Was his dignity upheld by releasing a murderer back into the public to kill again? It's not an infrequent scenario. One murderer who killed a prostitute, was released and murdered nine more. Was their dignity upheld? (Source

I remember a conversation years ago with a neighbor in Alexandria. She equated the death penalty with abortion. What a way to trivialize the murder of the innocent who get no trial, no opportunity to appeal, and not one iota of mercy. 

Am I in favor of the death penalty. NO, except for one exception! I am in favor of LWOP -- life without parole. If the prisoner is innocent, those outside can continue to seek the real killer to exonerate the prisoner. If he's guilty, society is protected from him and he has the opportunity to repent and spend his incarceration like a monk in his "cell" working out his own salvation and the salvation of others. I do favor capitol punishment for an incarcerated prisoner who kills in prison. How can you respect the dignity of other prisoners, guards, etc. if there is no danger of  further punishment?

I haven't read DI yet, but it's been clear for years how little Francis and his minions respect the dignity of mankind, especially people like me described as rigid, pharisaical, past-loving, veil-wearing traditionalists. Like the politicians they are, clerics like Francis, Fernandez, James Martin, etc. use the faith like Bill Clinton used the bible and Joe Biden uses his rosary. Like fortune tellers with statues in the window of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts, they attempt to fool as many as possible. And they often succeed. We need to remember what Jesus said, "When I return will I find faith on the earth?" Judging from the condition of the world, the answer is -- NOT MUCH! And that's why I cling to the faith as taught by the doctors of the Church throughout history and ignore the novelties and documents that preach a different gospel. We all need to know the faith and remember that the Holy Spirit does not choose the pope. In the case of Francis it appears that the St. Gallen's mafia did.  

Catholics need to take seriously these days, the biblical admonition to be as wise as serpents and gentle as doves. We also need to remember that our true enemy is Satan and to pray for the poor slaves who do his bidding. They need our prayers and sacrifices. We all need prayer and sacrifice. May God have mercy on us His creatures, travailing in this valley of tears. God does not desire our destruction, but our repentance. He wants us to know, love, and serve Him so we can be happy with Him in heaven. 

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!


  1. I think there's been a sigh of relief from a lot of people: "Whew! They didn't publish obvious heresy, this time." But there are some "poison pills" or time-bombs in there, such as the reckless treatment of the death penalty, the lack of clarity in identifying the source of the infinity of man's dignity, bizarre attacks on things like deportation that seemingly ignore the tradition of Catholic teaching on such topics, and the messy thinking opposing just war principles (what are the implications for war in self-defense? Self-defense in general?). The implications of such things are as yet not fully examined, whether by the Vatican or others. I don't look forward what the ultimate "take aways" will be.

  2. The phrase "dignitas infinita" will be found in old writers in satisfaction theories of the atonement, i.e. although Christ is only one man, nonetheless Christ's death counts for all humanity due to the "dignitas infinita" of his Person since he is also divine. Therefore to assert that every human being has "dignitas infinita" amounts to a denial of the standard atonement theories. So does the Modern Vatican believe only in "moral influence theory"? To this Prot it looks like it.

  3. The medium is the message, so said Marshall McLuhan. Here the medium is Bergoglio/Tucho. I'd like to say empty vessels but I'm afraid the twosome is far more toxic than that. They have no credence. Whatever they posit that is true has been said by others, the rest can only be regarded at best as bogus confections.
    This is a plainly manipulative and dishonest crew. I recall clearly the report Bergoglio's admonition to Archbishop Forte in regard to communion for the divorced and remarried without benefit of a canonical annulment – “…not too directly or it will make a mess. We’ll clarify it later…”
    Once burnt, twice taught.
    Matthew 16:23 comes to mind…

    1. Mr James:

      DI is orthodox.

      God bless

      Richard W Comerford

    2. Merely asserting that something is true, a la Card. Ladaria's assertion that the change to the Catechism on the death penalty is a development rather than a change in doctrine, is very little convincing when no basis for the assertion is given.

  4. Mr trumbolo
    Re: "Therefore to assert that every human being has "dignitas infinita" amounts to a denial of the standard atonement theories.

    The Roman Catholic Church does not teach or hold to atonement theories. Standard or otherwise. Instead it teaches Dogma. Which is found in the Deposit of Faith. Said Dogma is indisputable within Catholicism.

    The instant document does not address atonement. Indeed the word cannot be found in DI.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

    1. Not anymore it doesn't.

    2. Saying all humans have infinite dignity is denying the old theology that only divine Persons have infinite dignity and that the crucifixion eorks due to Christ's infinite dignity. So this papal bull denies the atonement. If we all have infinite dignity we don't even need atonement. And atonement works by one with infinite dignity dying for many with finite dignity. So this papal bull amounts to a full denial of Christ.

  5. Has everyone recovered from the eclipse?
    When Jesus appeared to St. Faustina, He stressed the importance of Sacrement of Confession. He said that He is there but hidden by the priest... Good News!
    The link below is a Catholic Priest Sunday Mass Sermon about the eclipse..
    The stars, planets. Sun, and constellations are somewhat of a newspaper from Heaven..

    Thank you,
    Leo d. Lion
