Friday, May 31, 2024

Homosexual Narcissists Need to Be Out of the Limelight! Not on the Love Boat!

Gary Michael Voris, grifter extraordinaire, is at it again! After destroying Church Militant and giving another sob story about his homosexual addiction and going into rehab for ten minutes, he's back on another "retreat" at sea . Well, hey, "retreats" held on cruise ships are a great way to meet new friends. Remember the sitcom called "The Love Boat?" Somehow, I don't think the "retreat" at sea is about love of God. More like love of pleasure. Presumably, Gary is an expert on that.

But, hey, he's suffered. Remember how often he's told us so? Doesn't he deserve another free cruise vacation paid for by patsies from the pews.  Dymphna says it better than I can. "If anyone signed up for this, then they simply can't be helped outside of Divine Intervention." Remember the old adage, "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice shame on me." How can anyone trust this man? Would you leave your teenage son alone with him? 

Gary needs to be out of the limelight repenting at a monastery. Giving homosexual narcissists the podium is like feeding crack to a drug addict. It's a scandal that anyone would even consider giving this two-timer another opportunity to scandalize the faithful. Neither Voris nor Souls and Liberty who are now featuring him can be trusted. Who's got the hook?


  1. In a way Voris reminds me of Fr. Corapi, who seems to have learned from his narcissism, and according to reports is repentant in retirement...and of a priest I know, very gifted, whose narcissism brought him down, as well. My prayer that he come to a happy ending. We all can benefit from hearing about sad cases. May we all repent.

  2. Voris is now going by his first name, Gary. In his youth, he was called Gary the fairy by his contemporaries. Is going by his first name a way for him to flaunt his now known perversity?

  3. Rebranding as the religious Dave Rubin? The GOP will eat him up with a spoon.

  4. Who would go on a cruise that he speaks at?I don't get people. Plus I don't understand why any of those other speakers would appear on the same platform with him. Enabling him is not charitable.
