Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The Privileged Mindset of Thieves - It's Their Right to Steal!


To keep myself from sedentarily sitting at the computer 24/7 I have a part-time job at a local store as the evening lumber cashier a few nights a week. 

Unfortunately, among all the great people out there, there are those who aren't so great. Some are thieves. Just last week, here's how the exchange went between a stupid obese white woman thief and me:

Me: Excuse me?  (she continued walking toward the lumber exit, pushing the large cart full of merchandise she was trying to steal) Hey! (I stepped in front of her cart...she tried wheeling around me but I was faster so she stopped)

Her: Whut?

Me: I need to see your receipt for this purchase.

Her: You can't ask me that!

Me: Yes, I can. It's company policy.

Her: No, it isn't! You're not allowed to stop people! (in other words, she can steal if she wants to)

Me: Where's your receipt?

Her: My boyfriend has it and he already left. (she thought I'd fall for that because, to her, other people are less intelligent that she is, therefore would believe her lie) 

Me: Well, you will have to call him to come back with the receipt so I can see it in order for you to leave with this stuff.

Her: That's against the law! You're not allowed to stop me! (privileged "I can steal if I want to" mindset)

Me: Yes, I can. You haven't left the store yet. (meanwhile, this large woman was pushing me toward lumber's side exit with the cart. Once out the door she would be home free.)

Her: I'm going to call the police!!! (pretending to fumble for her phone)

Me: (thinking to myself....  Wait...what? She's going to tell police that she's reporting me for not letting her steal?...Super!) You go right ahead and do that. Call them. Meanwhile I'll get a manager here to sort this situation out.

At this point (while customers were standing around watching), since she was still pushing me with the cart, I was standing between the end of the cart and the now open automatic side door, right on the "stealing Scott-free" line. 

Her only option at that point was to run me over with the cart or leave without it. She chose to leave without it while screaming every filthy name she thought I represented as the terrible human being I am for interfering with her privileged right to steal.

This isn't the only time I've stopped would-be robbers. Six or seven months ago two black women tried stealing $1400 worth of DeWalt tools. They accused me of being in, I stopped them from stealing because...racist! I'm supposed to let them steal.

Don't get me wrong. I don't only stop women thieves. I stop men too. Once I got in trouble for not letting a man reach into a cart that I had stopped near the exit and take tools out of it without paying. I had reached in and put my hand on his arm while telling him, "No, no. no you don't!" We have to write up a report, plus it's all on camera. I had touched him. 

Meanwhile the toughest looking Mexican with tattoos literally all over his face like he's MS-13 or something pays for everything (he's a regular customer) while being so completely polite that you'd think he was Mr Rogers. "Yes, ma'am", "Thank you so much". I have no idea what his background is, or what he does for a living, but he's decent to deal with. He's scary looking, but no thief. He's a sweetheart and a courteous PAYING customer. 


  1. Oh man maybe sitting at the computer would be better.

  2. Push back for as long as you can! Good for us and all of us.

  3. Good Job les femmes, stopping retail theft.
