Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Confronting the Culture with the Truth about Abortion: Remember the Heroes for Life!

Every summer Defend Life of Baltimore, headed by pro-life hero Jack Ames, conducts what they call a "Face the Truth" tour in over a dozen locations in Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia. With giant signs revealing the horrifying truth about the murder of the innocent, they line major highways revealing the truth about abortion that government and media hide. It's all exposing the lie that abortion is like clipping a toenail or removing a tick.

Their late afternoon stop yesterday was in Frederick, MD. Since my husband and I go to see my sister every week at Citizens Care nursing home there, we coordinated our weekly visit so we could join the tour from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. For me it was a reunion with two of my pro-life allies, Jack, whom I've worked with for years and stalwart pro-life activist, Olga Fairfax who, in her 80s still weekly councils at an abortion business in suburban, MD. 

A few months ago Olga was brutally attacked by a raging young woman who, despite photos and much information, remains at large and scott free. It's not just about attacking the babies, but those who defend them!

After the tour stop, the group of about thirty pro-lifers picnicked on the grass. Jack asked me to share some of my experiences from the early rescues from the '70s and 80s and about the heroes among the pro-life patriarchs. 

Together, Jack and I remembered heroes like:

  •  Nellie Gray who founded the March for Life, 
  • Joe Scheidler who gave up a lucrative career to found The Pro-Life Action League in Chicago, 
  • Joan Andrews Bell who spent years in prison for saving babies and is currently in jail with a group of fellow rescuers, 
  • and martyrs of the culture of death like Hugh Finn and Terri Schiavo who were starved and dehydrated to death by their spouses. 
  • Jack Ames, myself and Olga Fairfax belong to the pro-life patriarch generation!
We are in this fight for life: first, for the lives of our children and all victims of the death peddlers whatever their age, and second to be faithful to the end of our own lives following the biblical admonition to "rescue those being led to the slaughter." The fight is from womb to tomb. During COVID we saw many people denied life-saving health care. Like abortionists in white coats, the COVID-compliant government lemmings ignored the science on effective protocols push remdesivir and the ventilator that killed most of those treated with it. It's a sad thing when you can't trust those with the initials M.D., but it's long past time when patients need to interview their doctors and know whose behind the stethoscope. Does he respect life? Or is he a death peddler? It's wise to be your own advocate, getting second opinions and doing the research on any prescribed meds. If you get treated like an idiot for asking questions it's time to go!

One of the most gratifying things about yesterdays tour was the number of young people participating. Half of those standing on the lines were youngsters, probably college students. They are the future of the pro-life movement. I used to worry that when the heroes of the early days were gone, heroes like Nellie Gray, Joe Scheidler, Fr. Paul Marx, Fr. Baby Doe (Norman Weslin), etc. that the victory would be in the arms of the evil. I don't worry about that any more. The Lord is calling a new generation to the front lines and abortion will end in his time. Pray the rosary and spend time in Eucharistic Adoration that the time may be sooner than later!

May Jesus Christ be praised!

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