Friday, July 12, 2024

Pretty Is As Pretty Does! Another Head-Shaker from the Trump Campaign and Conservative Republicans

The New York Sun reports that Melania Trump will be hosting a fundraiser for the Log Cabin Republicans, an LGBTQ group. This joined to Trump's watering down the Republican platform's abortion position is bad news for Catholics. 

Trump has often campaigned defending the rights of the little guys out there, but the little guys in the womb are getting the shaft. The document also supports the little guys' gulags, i.e., the freezers where "extra" babies are stored after IVF treatment with the likely end --- elimination as medical waste. 

Take a look at the new Republican platform? There are many good things in the platform, but also evil bombshells that further threaten our nation. What kind of country results when leaders embrace intrinsic moral evils that are truly demonic. What evil has the Trump campaign embraced? The New York Times reports:
The abortion section has been softened. There is no longer a reference to “traditional marriage” as between “one man and one woman.” And there is no longer an emphasis on reducing the national debt, only a brief line about “slashing wasteful government spending.”...The document makes no mention of a federal abortion ban, which Mr. Trump has said he opposes. Instead, the new platform stresses that Republicans oppose “late term abortion” and emphasizes that the party supports “access to birth control, and IVF (fertility treatments).”

Essentially, the new Republican platform, approved by the platform committee in a vote of 84 to 14 gives God and His laws the finger. 

Politics corrupts and Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, J.D. Vance and others illustrate that truth big time! What will a politician not do to keep himself in power. 

The thought that came to me this morning was Nimrod building a tower to reach the skies to show how powerful and almighty he was. God intervened by using language to divide nations one from the other. Is the situation at the border part of God's plan to divide us and create conflict among us in our own country? 

This latest tragedy of moral degradation sinks this country further into chaos and a guarantee of divine retribution. We certainly deserve it! Better be on your knees praying for mercy.

O Jesus, Lord of the Universe, King of Kings, have mercy on us.



  1. Speaking "the finger", did you know the origins of the middle finger? Don't know how true this is, but it's interesting. Enjoy.

    Did You Know? The History of the Middle Finger...

    Well, now...,.. here's something I never knew before, and now that I know it, I feel compelled to share with my intelligent friends in the hopes that they too, will feel blessed in having gained more knowledge. History is way more fun when you know more fun facts about it, don’t you agree?
    Before the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, the French, anticipating victory over the English, proposed to cut off the middle finger of all captured English soldiers. Without the middle finger it would be impossible to draw the renowned English longbow and therefore they would be incapable of fighting in the future. This famous English longbow was made of the native English Yew tree, and the act of drawing the longbow was known as 'plucking the yew' (or 'pluck yew'), Much to the bewilderment of the French, the English won a major upset and began mocking the French by waving their middle fingers at the defeated French, saying, See, we can still pluck yew!
    Over the decades Americans have since changed up the words , the 'pluck yew' is now "f**K you" and the words often used in conjunction with the one-finger-salute! It is also because of the pheasant feathers on the arrows used with the longbow that the symbolic gesture is known as 'giving the bird.' And yew thought yew knew every plucking thing.

  2. Trump has always been a Democrat plant six ways from Sunday. We should worry about why he was planted... Was it so that he could rape the GOP platform? Was it to make conservatives lockdown who would not have under a Democrat president? What else is planned for term 2? Certainly not the abolition of abortion for created equals birthday in 2026!
    He is every bit the reality actor that he played in the world wrestling foundation video but in a more dangerous environment. Why does he not call for Biden to relinquish the nuclear button rather than calling for him dropping from the race? Is it because he *knows* Biden is a puppet drone all this time so the trains will run on time and perhaps he trump allowed *himself* to go limp for the same cabal with (at least) covid? I am not interested in trump covid psyop 2.

    Is there a possibility for GOP delegates to switch to Rand Paul because Trump obviously ran for GOP on false pretenses?

  3. By the way, this dementia reveal by the uniparty is working awfully conveniently to distract people from the GOP platform rape, and to make Trump seem like a strong candidate (while who wouldn't, debating a box of cardboard)

  4. As noted above, Trump is really an LBJ Democrat. Sex, drugs, rock'n'roll!!

    Sad that we have to choose him or an un-indicted traitor who brings along the worst collection of perverts, trolls, and fake/gay ever assembled in Mordor.


  5. We cannot put our moral hope in these political candidates. As Father Altman stated, Trump is not even Catholic, and we expect him to be more holy than our bishops, who are silent or support it.

  6. I looked it up. Nice myth but the real origin is from the Greeks and Romans.

    1. Thanks Mary Ann...guess it was just reinvigorated at Agincourt.

  7. "The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected.” GK Chesterton

  8. I've heard controlled resistance piling on to Trump, he's a Democrat, etc., but who cares. I don't care if he is actually a Jehovah Witness who used to be a member of the Green Party. What many christians and others fail to really comprehend, is where we are in time. Let us not forget, we have SEEN his presidency, he's not an unknown, we do know him. Under the Trump presidency we were all better off, all of us, and he IS the Republican nominee, so I would encourage everyone to climb down from that high horse, stop waiting for St. Athanasius to run, he's not going to, and get solidly behind the best chance the West has for holding on to the things we have grown accustomed to, like law and order, the rule of law, and a functioning border and nation. We're in trouble here, friends. Wake the heck up.

  9. Mary Ann, I was not directing that in your direction. I too disagree with throwing soirees for the Log Cabin Republicans. I'm just saying, we need to get real about our situation.

  10. Trump has his flaws, sure. But I do not fear for the safety of my family under a Trump administration.

    Under Biden, or Kennedy, (Kamala, Obama, Clinton etc) I do fear, tangibly fear, for the safety and freedom of my family and the survival of this nation.

    We are at the precipice of persecution the likes of which we only read about if we don’t end leftism now.

  11. Back when Trump was running against Clinton, I and another person apparently also pointed out exactly this sort of thing to a prominent Catholic blogger. We were accused by that gaseous windbag of wanting Clinton to win (false) and being, as I recall, "sanctimonious Judases." Well, that didn't age well. I wonder what old Mundy thinks now. He'll probably ignore it completely. Sometimes I hate when I'm right.

    1. Phlogiston:

      Encouraging likeminded conservatives that Trump us a crappy candidate and a liberal wolf in conservative sheep’s clothing might not be “wanting” his opponent to be elected … but practically speaking, encouraging such disillusion is advancing that outcome - conservatives stay home at some unfortunate level and leftists march in lock-step as always.

      Roe v Wade is ended thanks to Trump’s judges. 50 years of R’s talked the talk about abortion but failure to defend life has always been the theme … until now.

      As I said above in my comment - I actually fear for the safety and freedom of my family and the survival of this nation if we don’t end leftism now. I disagree with some of what Trump says and dies, sure. But the alternative? Literally, in the fullest sense, a North Korean/Chinese style prison camp if a nation - where abortion is not just legal … but mandated. Leftist religion rammed down our throats by police-state mandates.

      This is the moment. We are at the brink of two alternate futures: continued freedom in one; compulsion to acts of evil in the other. It is clearly that stark.

  12. Trump and Biden on same team, you understand. Both proabort. And as unpleasant as Trump's Biden has been, I *never* want to go back to the 2020 psyop for which quack speed has *never* apologized.. Stand tall with Rand Paul

    1. Rise with Paul - fall with Paul.
      He is not an option at this moment.
      And this moment is the most defining of my lifetime, for sure.
      Our fundamental freedoms are at stake.

      And after all we’ve seen over the last 7.5 years … it is impossible to support the premise that Biden and Trump play for the same team.

  13. I agree with you, Aqua. Not to vote is not an option and I would consider it a sin of omission to stay home. Rohrbachs, you might as well write in Mickey Mouse. He has the same chance as Rand Paul of winning. I don't like Trump, but God often uses flawed and sinful people to do His will. And Trump will definitely do less evil than Kennedy, Biden, or any other Democrat they put forward if they can boot Joe off the ticket.

    1. Amen.

      They have declared pro-life supporters as potential terrorists for their “Watch List”.

      They are putting their opponents in jail after show trials.

      They are storming in force - in helmets, goggles, masks, armor, weapons ready - the family homes of model citizens in front of the children … in some cases (two I can recall) killing those surprised by the home invasion in the dark.

      They are not just advocating for but systemically imposing a regime of total moral degeneracy on the unwilling - one tiny step away from compulsory impositions upon our children.

      So whatever Trump’s flaws are, and I don’t deny them at all … he is *not any of that*. He is, almost alone in the world, being attacked by the leftist blob, his freedom and estate are literally chips he willingly put on the table to fight this fight. If he loses - he *will* spend the rest of life in jail. What they are doing to him, *truly*, is coming for us all in the alternate reality if they prevail. THAT is life in the communist Gulag of China, N Korea, Soviet Russia, (etc).

      Divided we fall. And we will then see persecution we’ve only read about in history books. And the “sin of omission” you mention will be our personal guilty participation in future crimes against the righteous if we don’t do everything in our power to see and resist and avoid the coming pogroms.

  14. I catch a lot of flack from my Catholic friends, but I am steadfast in *probably* never voting in a presidential election. As a female, I plea the 19th Amendment Clause...😂.

    This quote from a fellow Catholic on Twitter sums it up for me: "Once they've got you consenting to "the lesser of two evils" they just ratchet up the evil and make sure you're still consenting."

    Hard pass for me on voting for the lesser of two evils.

    1. This “lesser of two evils” thing is a great example of the fallacy of false equivalence:

      “False equivalence is a logical fallacy where someone incorrectly asserts that two (or more) things are equivalent simply because they share some characteristics, despite there also being substantial differences between them. For example, a false equivalence is saying that cats and dogs are the same animal, since they’re both mammals and have a tail.

      False equivalences, which generally exaggerate similarities and ignore important differences, can be used to equate a wide range of things, including individuals, groups, actions, or arguments, either implicitly or explicitly. Accordingly, false equivalences are frequently used in debates on various topics, especially when it comes to suggesting that there is a moral equivalence between two or more things that are being equated.”

      These “evils” you speak of are not of the same kind. One is trying to use every means necessary to impose evil by force upon an unwilling population. The other doesn’t talk strongly enough against evil, but still makes tangible progress against it. One is a clear and present danger to me and mine (you and yours); the other an imperfect remedy.

    2. "These “evils” you speak of are not of the same kind. One is trying to use every means necessary to impose evil by force upon an unwilling population. The other doesn’t talk strongly enough against evil, but still makes tangible progress against it." Dobbs was not progress, it was regress for taking the argument of "inalienable" off the table by asserting it was a states right to permit abortion. SCOTUS *could* have resolved Dobbs and reversed Roe by flat out abolishing abortion. But then, there were three *Trump appointees*.
