Sunday, September 22, 2024

How Liars Lie to Say Words Don't Mean What They Say!

I wrote yesterday about how language is being manipulated and used to attack the truth. Immediately after writing that post, I came across a blatant example. Governor Tim Walz, candidate for Vice President, represents the most radical wing of the Democrat party. Among his atrocities in Minnesota are new teacher licensing rules set to go into effect in July 2025 before the start of the school year. [Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standard Board Standards of Effective Practice] The rules will force teachers to respect and affirm in the classroom a panoply of abominations, in fact all of the liberal talking points about gender, sex, diversity, etc. Here's some wording from the rules:

"The teacher fosters an environment that ensures student identities such as race/ethnicity, national origin, language, sex and gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical/developmental/emotional ability, socioeconomic class, and religious beliefs are historically and socially contextualized, affirmed, and incorporated into a learning environment where students are empowered to learn and contribute as their whole selves."

Got that? What exactly does it mean? Judging from the persecution of both Christian teachers and Christian students in the past, I can tell you: 

  • Affirm sodomy and other evils,
  • Use the names and pronouns according to gender selection of the child,
  • teach that sins that cry to heaven for vengeance are a-okay, etc.

 Now, to be clear, the rules don't explicitly say that teachers may not practice their faith, but it's clear that if they do, even if they just try to shut up about these things, they will end up in administrative doo-doo. The first time a parent comes in saying little Johnny wasn't called Joanie and his she and her pronouns were ignored, the teacher will be on administrative leave on the way to expulsion.

And these rules don't just affect public school teachers. Any private school that requires teachers to be state certified will be affected because those teachers who refuse to compromise their values will be denied licensing. 

Got that, you stupid faith-practicing Catholics, Protestants, Jews and Muslims? Embrace the religion of secular humanism and woke liberalism or go work at WalMart.

So how did the drive-by media treat this? 

MSN: VERIFY: No, Tim Walz didn't ban Minnesota teachers from practicing their faith

Snopes: No, Minnesota Law Approved by Walz Doesn't Ban Christians, Jews or Muslims from Teaching

The fact checkers are liars. Censorship and discrimination by any other names are still censorship and discrimination. And yes, Virginia, Walz did ban teachers from practicing their faith. He just wasn't honest enough to say People of Faith are unwelcome and need not apply. Anyone who thinks this man is fit for national office needs a brain transplant!

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