Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Pro-LIfers Sitting Out the Election is Political Suicide and Abandons the Babies!

Lila Rose vs. Donald Trump -- How does telling voters not to vote for Donald Trump
 help babies in the womb? It doesn't! It will help elect pro-abort radicals Harris/Walz!

I'm shocked by some of the pro-lifers who would rather feel self-righteous in their moral purity than vote for Donald Trump. Politics is not and never will be our salvation. There is one Savior, Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, engaging in politics is a moral duty for Catholics. And, like the doctors' motto, First Do No Harm, that should be our motto as well. And putting Harris/Walz in office is to inflict a grave harm to babies in the womb.-

Perhaps you think God isn't interested in politics. What nonsense! Read the Bible! He blessed the Kings of Israel in the Old Testament who trusted in Him and did His will. He punished the evil kings. The Babylonian exile was one of those punishments. He sent prophets and angels to talk to political leaders like Moses, Joshua, David, Solomon, etc.

God didn't want the people to have kings, but when they begged for a king; God gave them what they asked for with the warning of how they would be abused. God Himself allowed the creation of political power and there were many corrupt and evil kings in the history of the chosen people.

But even the good kings were not perfect? Not at all! Remember David, a man after God's own heart, and his adultery and murder? Remember Solomon who started out so well, but ended up committing idolotry? Remember Asa? (1 Kings 15) who "did what was right in the sight of the Lord" and banned the evil practices of his mother, a foreigner who worshiped false gods. He was a reformer, but failed to remove the "high places," where the people went to worship those false gods. 

There is no perfect man or woman in politics today and never has been. As voters working in the market place, we have a duty to the weakest and most vulnerable among us to do everything we can to protect them. Is assisting Kamala Harris and Tim Walz to take over the government an act of moral purity as they strive to restore Roe v. Wade and make abortion on demand a human right never to be tampered with?


Steven Mosher has an article at The Federalist challenging Rose's naive and dangerous position.

Withdrawing Support For Trump Would Be Political Suicide For The Pro-Life Movement

Steven Mosher has defended life for decades, probably since before Lila Rose was born. Here's a bit from the article:

Now, I am not going to imply that Lila Rose is a communist, as James Lindsay did. But to suggest that the Trump-Vance ticket does not “stand for pro-life principles,” and that pro-lifers should withhold their votes, as Lila did, is equally outrageous. In an interview with Politico published on Thursday, Lila Rose said she “would not vote for Harris or Trump” if the election were held today and said there are “other candidates” and even “write-in candidates.”

Such comments are a priceless gift to Kamala’s campaign. Expect interviews on CNN, MSNBC, and other regime media to follow as they use Rose to demonize Trump and demoralize pro-life voters into staying home on Election Day....
But the practical politics of the matter are plain: Anyone who is still attacking Trump this close to the election is dispiriting the base, giving quotes to the opposition, and — it must be said — making Kamala Harris’ election more likely.

Is that what Lila Rose — or any pro-lifer — wants? Does anyone (besides Kamala) want pro-life voters so demoralized that they will wash their hands of the whole nasty business of politics, declare a pox on both their houses, and stay home on election day? Because that is the political effect of her reckless words. Whether she knows it or not, Rose is urging the pro-life movement to commit political suicide.

Politico is a liberal group. All you have to do to recognize their bias is read their headlines. If Rose is such a purist, why is she making headlines for a liberal, biased pro-abortion outfit? I will never support Live Action again. I want to save babies; not help elect the most radical pro-abortion team in history.

If Harris/Walz win the election because pro-lifers listen to Rose and stay home, Lila will lose all credibility as a pro-life witness. 


  1. Getting pro-lifers to stay home on election day is just what the devil wants. Set aside the presidential election. There are multiple states that have radical pro-abortion state constitutional amendments on the ballot. These must be defeated. Staying home hands the ACLU and Planned Parenthood victories on a silver platter.

  2. I heard for years that one could not vote for pro-choice democrats such as Biden, Pelosi, Kennedy etc. simply because they were pro-abortion no matter how Catholic/'good' they were on every other issue (seamless garment is hooey). Now the Republican platform is pro-choice at Trump's insistence, Trump is pro-choice, you have a post that we all have to write to Trump to "pivot" or the pro-life movement is irrelevant per Michael Matt and yet you insist must vote for Trump whether he pivots or not. Lila Rose is a pro-life activist - that is her life/job (single issue). If Republicans think they must be pro-abort in order to win (vs pro-life in order to win), the country has become pro-abort. To my mind, if you are seeking a political solution on this issue and that is your life, you cannot vote for Trump/let them get away with this. Republicans must pay with losses or the pro-life vote is irrelevant. Harris is skipping the Al Smith dinner. Trump is uncommitted. It seems the "Catholic" vote is becoming irrelevant and no wonder - Trump can support sodomy and abortion (all you use to whip democrats and deny them communion) and yet you still vote for him. Maybe you should vote for him, but deny yourself communion--or acknowledge that voting is a more nuanced proposition and that many Catholics are voting Republican not because of "pro-life' but for a host of reasons better for them economically being a major one and that they (you) are no better/worse than the Democrat Catholics.

    1. Your take on the matter is dangerously simplistic. When you have two candidates, with one being completely pro-abortion and the other not so much so, one must vote for the one who will do the least harm. Decent moral theologians such as Father Ripperger have said that explicitly. Moreover, you seem to ignore Trump's pivotal role in the demise of Roe v Wade. The candidates that you mentioned (Pelosi, Biden, etc) were completely sold out to abortion.
      Also consider the whole picture. If Harris wins, we may never have another free election again.

    2. So, your position is Trump will only kill a million babies, where Harris will kill 2 million, makes Trump the better choice.

      That's some twisted logic there.

    3. Anonymous 7:26

      Your own logic is twisted. You are presenting the fallacy of the straw man (“an opponent's argument is overstated or misrepresented in order to be more easily attacked or refuted”).

      Your own logic needs to consider the actual issue, which is *agency* - (action that produces a particular effect). There are two Presidential “agents”, and each will produce a particular “effect”.

      There is a vast difference between these two positions:

      1: Legalizing abortion up to the moment of birth and mandating the murder law across all 50 States.

      2: End national abortion mandates across all 50 States (by ending Roe) and allowing all 50 States to set their own abortion murder law at the local level.

      Would I prefer a national prohibition of abortion murder, as with 19th century slavery? Yes.

      Is local protection of life in 38 States out of 50 better than mandated death in all 50? Also yes.

      One choice will break down all walls of restraint and impose by political violence abortion in every nook and cranny of America.

      The other choice will facilitate an ongoing debate and political struggle to protect life at all local levels.

      Huge difference. Especially if you live in a pro-life State.

      And it has *nothing* to do with favoring a 1 instead of 2 million deaths. It is the reality we live in, and *prudentially* one choice is vastly better than the other.

    4. "If Harris wins, we may never have another free election again." Substitute "Trump" for "Harris" and this is the EXACT, SAME argument the democrats are using: "trump is a danger to democracy.' It is hard to make people see how manipulated they are in their views all w/the aim: you MUST participate. Your participation lends legitimacy to the rigamarole: you vote in an election conducted in a way open to fraud (voting machines -- see Israel 'hack' Lebanon pagers, walkie-talkies, radio stations and phones) by government officials already bought by special interests (the democratic/Daly "machine' (and sure there are Republican machines as well)) and then watch/read a controlled media to find out who 'won' (and even the media that we are all to trust: Fox and Lifesite News, and gateway pundit (run by a catholic married sodomite) is reporting lies about "kracken' etc. designed to lead people to D.C. where they are arrested on Epiphany storming the government and still rot in jail to this day).

      The US government engages in regime change all over the world - the latest being Venezuela and when the election scheme didn't work they sent in an assassination team. Following list isn't exhaustive since doesn't include Ukraine:

      It is naive to imagine that these people are not even more concerned and involved in who runs the U.S. This is not an argument not to vote - but don't pretend you are saving democracy/country by voting for Trump/Harris. For all you know, your vote isn't even counted/changed as you vote--or in the reporting by the gov't thru the controlled media. And once you have voted for either candidate don't be surprised if you are locked in your home, forced to take government issued 'medication' or lose your job/"benefits" or labeled a terrorist and jailed/killed for your views/free speech.

    5. You're right on many points, Anonymous. We still have to do the best we can to advance the common good. Is there a benefit to just throwing up our arms in despair? I follow the advice of the monks, ora et labora. Pray as if everything depended on God and work as if everything depended on us. The first work is prayer, the second is to defend and do all we can to advance the truth in an imperfect world. Defend the faith and speak the truth in charity.

  3. It is also possible for the people who choose to cheat to use your unused ballot. Please vote and don’t leave anything blank.

  4. God gave each human being the gift of ‘free will’ to do good or evil…….abortion is the consequence of a willful evil.

    ….excerpt from Seattle Catholic - The Problem with the Pro-life Movement
    “Abortion is a great evil, but the loss of faith is greater still. Back in 1931, Hilaire Beloc wrote the following: "Our civilization developed as a Catholic civilization. It developed and matured as a Catholic thing. With the loss of Faith, it will slip back not only to Paganism, but into barbarism with the accomplishments of Paganism..." (The New Paganism) .
    “We are now living in the day he described. In a pagan culture, there is very often child sacrifice, that is one of the marks of a pagan society. The solution is not putting aside religious differences and uniting with "moral" pagans to fight abortion; the solution is to end our pagan society by restoring the faith. If the faith is restored, morality will return, and abortion will end; but if we fight to restore morals without restoring the faith we will never accomplish our goal. Therefore, the solution to ending abortion, and many other evils of today, is to restore the faith.”
    ‘‘Let us re-think our means of fighting abortion so that we do not offend God while trying to serve Him. If our goal is merely to fight abortion, we can continue on our current path; but if we seek to eliminate it, let us do our part to restore the faith, because when the faith has been restored, abortion will end. Therefore, I end with this appeal to the pro-life Catholics of the world who are seeking to end abortion: Take the ax to the root!”

    “When the Son of Man return, will He find faith?” (Luke 18:8)

  5. Amen!

    There is no such thing as a “refusal to vote” in our democratic system of governance by vote in a two Party system. As a citizen, you either vote for Trump, or you vote for Kamala; you vote for an imperfect leader, or you vote for consummate evil. Period.

    There is no third option in our system. To refrain from voting is to choose consummate evil.

    There is much self-deception in those who say otherwise. This is only possible at the end of a time of decadence, just prior to the onset of evil, persecution and oppression which decadent times have so far hidden from us. But “something wicked this way comes”.

  6. Thank you for posting this! Excellent. As this "Trump betrayed us" picked up momentum, and sorry to say from many Traditional Catholic bloggers and publishers, I started to worry. Just shut up I would shout, would you rather have the alternative. As Canon said at mass about a year ago. In this nation we have 2 political parties. One is not exactly the party of Jesus Christ but the other is pure Satanic evil and to vote for any of them is serious sin. In this election we do not need gestures just to prove a point. Posting this on twitter and the pub. I don't dare put it in Facebook. Thanks again

  7. Let me preface my comment by saying that I am not American, so I am observing from the outside. I am also praying for all of you as you are in a very difficult situation.

    That said, I do think that Catholic Americans (and all pro-lifers) need to demonstrate their faith tangibly in this election. If you do not wish to support either candidate as they are both pro-abortion, refrain from voting. Remember that God is God; nothing is outside His will or His power. Take that leap of faith and let Him handle the fallout for you, based on your action of not voting for either candidate/ invalidating your vote.

    This seems to me a repetition of the vaccine mandate situation. It took everything I had to refuse it and say," Jesus, I trust in you." He has since blessed and protected my family and me a thousand times over. I mean it in every way imaginable.

    Please try taking that leap of faith and let God be God.

    1. I appreciate your comments, Anon., but I think your comparison is flawed. My husband and I did not take the jab either, but it was after doing the research and recognizing that it was not what Fauci claimed and it was likely to be damaging. It was not a moral issue to take or not to take the shot. I think those who took it were unwise, but it wasn't a moral issue and had little to do with trusting in God in my opinion.

      Your advice on the election seems to me to be akin to the heresy of quietism. Just leave everything to God. It is not immoral to vote for the candidates who will do the least harm to the common good and it is not a failure in trust. As I said in the post, there has never been a presidential candidate since abortion became an issue who was 100% pro-life. By your reasoning, Catholics may never vote. Jesus Himself recognized and obeyed the authority of pagan Rome. He paid the taxes and he proclaimed that the pagan Roman centurion had a faith that He had not found in Israel.

      I will vote for Trump and "let God be God" trusting in Him with the outcome whatever it is. I do not put my trust in men, but I will do the best I can with my vote to protect the weak and vulnerable. My conscience tells me that aiding Harris and Walz by staying home would be a sin for me. I don't judge other people's consciences, but I must follow my own, as a serious Catholic who wants nothing but to do God's Holy Will.

    2. Thank you for your gracious reply. To clarify: 1) For me, not taking the jab was indeed for moral reasons. Once I found out it was developed using cell lines from aborted fetal organs, it was a 'no' for me. Never mind the hasty development process etc. Which is why I lost my job / relationships with family members/ government assistance/ kids' schooling etc. etc. BUT as I mentioned in my original post, God was faithful and saw my family and me through.

      2) I did not mean refrain from voting. I don't know how your electoral system works, but wanted to suggest casting some kind of invalid vote in order to convey to both candidates that you do not support either of them. This would at the same time demonstrate your fidelity to God’s laws/ values as well as demonstrate your trust in Him.

      However, you are right. Each must vote according to his / her conscience. I was simply putting my thoughts out there, that there *is* a third option.

    3. Thank you for reminding me of the moral reason for not taking the jab. I forgot when I responded to your original comment (one of the challenges of getting old). That was the major reason for my own decision. I had appointments with my family doctor and my neurologist and I knew they would both pressure me to get the shot. I knew if I talked about the dangers, etc. they would ask where I got my medical degree. Instead I said what you described, "I have spent my entire adult life fighting for the right to life of babies in the womb. I will never take a shot developed or tested by cannibalizing the babies. I would rather die." That was the end of that. God bless you and your family.

  8. Mar Ann,
    Your answer is good.

    Anonymous 12:58, your answer is bad.

    We are given the duty of prudence to make proper judgements in a fallen world.

    We strive for *perfection* in our lives and in our families and in our churches. But we strive to *make the best of it* in a fallen world surrounded by sinners and various sundry dangers. And *prudence* is the virtue that guides us to proper judgements.

    Prudence dictates that we do not participate in any remote way (not voting) in the imposition of a consummately evil, violent, anti-Christ regime intent on permanent conquest and domination. Prudence dictates we do whatever is in our power to thwart such evil, while the chance remains at the doorstep of martyrdom, and then when we have done all we can do … be at peace.

  9. I should have specified that my reply was for Anon 9:11

  10. Much of the weariness among us, Catholics is the spiritual weariness due to constant bearing the shortcomings of the ‘lesser evil’, which robs this nation (the world) of its Light……Jesus the King of all kings. As St. Pius X once said, they treat the truth ‘like smugglers on the border,’ carrying Catholic fundamentals shyly hidden under their coats. This God given truth, applies to all Catholics, but especially, to His Vicar, Sacred Hierarchy, priests, and religious…….in every age.

    As someone once wrote: “After the time of neutrality comes the time of service of one master, in which either Christ or Satan will be the king……..the solution is chastisement, for HIS Greater Good, for the salvation of souls…..”

    1. Anonymous 5:35
      There is nothing on earth that forces any Catholic to “bear the shortcomings of lesser evil, which robs the nation of its light”.

      Voting for Trump is a prudential judgement that saves countless lives from the darkness of possibly endless communist slavery, saves millions of babies from national abortion mandates, saves souls from institutional wickedness, and instead facilitates the freedom to practice our faith publicly without fear of martyrdom - white or red.

      Before and after that vote in prudence, either for communist slavery or imperfect freedoms, we will always have the spiritual freedom, even if we lose our physical freedoms, to pursue God and spread the Gospel to “all nations”.

  11. Life in the USSRA:

    UPI News:
    Kamala Harris urges ending Senate filibuster to pass abortion rights legislation, imposed on everyone by the iron commie fist.

    Compulsory abortion, in all 50 Soviet Socialist States of America (USSSA), up to the moment of birth (+ a “few” days). Courtesy of those who failed to see the communist forest for the PsyOp trees.

  12. Lila Rose is a disgrace to the pro-life movement. If Harris is elected, she will have the blood of thousands of murdered children on her hands.

  13. I'm glad Harris and company are bringing up contraception. The vast majority of people no nothing about the sin/ills of contracepting....even "Catholics".

  14. In the catechism, #2239, the duties of citizens are outlined, but specifically we are obliged to submission to legitimate authorities. Problem is that some of us have recognized that there are no legitimate authorities. Joe Biden is not the president. None of his administration is legit. None of the "laws" that he "signed" are legit. Nothing he has done while in the white house is legit...

    Participating in the fraud is not a requirement of being catholic.

    Treating a federal election as if it is a football game (rah,rah, go team go) is a fool's errand.

    As I recall from Corintheans, Test everything, keep what is good. The election process in these united states is not good, and no good will come from participating in it.

    Please stop deluding yourselves.

    1. Anonymous 10:13,

      Well, one good thing that will come from electing Trump over commie Harris is that there will be no national abortion mandate imposed across all 50 States, including my presently pro-life abortion free State of Texas. Under commie Harris, my State will have abortion crammed down our throats.

      And that doesn’t even get to all the other topics in which they intend to cram their wicked institutional agenda on every community in America, such as Trans ideology … including forced re-education of children and abduction.

      You are incorrect to say 38 pro-life States is no different than 50 pro-death States. We can do better. One choice allows us freedom to advance. The other choice puts us in national chains of compulsion. These are different things, profoundly. I don’t think it’s optional for a Catholic to defend life and a moral institutional framework to the extent we can. “Test everything, keep what is good” demands we do the best we can given the current condition of the battlefield … which in this case means (at least) protecting life in 38 States (for a start), and not facilitating all those deaths by giving up, quitting the field.

    2. Thank you, MaryAnn & Aqua! Excellent points! I’m voting for Trump, because I don’t want full on tyrannical communism and a total pro-death takeover from Harris! God bless America.🙏🏼♥️🇺🇸

    3. In 2016 Trump was prolife. Now he is pro abortion. The Republican Party platform is also pro death. The Republican candidates have been publicly pro-sodomy since 2012. "In fighting for a lesbian mother's right to serve as her son's Tiger Scout leader, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) is drawing attention to a 1994 video in which Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney voiced his support for gay people's participation in the Boy Scouts of America."

      But how many of you are still card carrying members of the Republican Party? Was there even a pro-life protest at the Kid Rock Wrestling convention? Was there one mention of prolife? One mention of January 6 charged with felonies and still in jail? If you want to vote for sodomy, abortion and obama-care euthanasia 'light' go ahead. But the same people who are putting abortion into the constitution of the rest of the United States will soon be putting it into your state or nationally -- exact same way they did with sodomy. Trump is not going to nominate any supreme court justice who wants to outlaw abortion. People say they pray and work, but when the work (voting for sodomy and abortion) contradicts the prayer, they need to realize we are judged based on how we keep the word of God, not how we hear or lip sync it. So what will you do (like I say even turn in your republican membership)? The place for prolife people, not to mention patriots, who have no state in life duties that take precedence, is jail in my opinion. Let the pro-lifers flood the national prisons as they were doing before blocking the entrance to abortion clinics was made a felony. Some are doing that. This blog was publishing news of them for awhile. Maybe they are out of jail. Some way to get the initiative back on this issue and spread the gospel.

    4. "The place for prolife people, not to mention patriots, who have no state in life duties that take precedence, is jail in my opinion."

      I'm curious, Anonymous. How many times have you been in jail? How many times have you been arrested for defending the unborn? How many times have you sidewalk counseled at abortion facilities or challenged pro-abortion candidates at open forums? Talk is cheap. Even more so, anonymous dissertations.

    5. Anonymous 9:36,
      Your mistake is to think our Catholic life is wrapped up in politics; how we will be judged is based on our political opinions.

      Instead, our lives are consumed by love for Jesus Christ and Our Lady, loving, serving, acting through and for them. Our Catholic life is not if this world but the next. It is spiritual, not physical.

      So when we vote, Catholics realize that any government is some level less than perfect, because we await the Eschaton … it is not yet. We do the best we can with the political reality presented to us, and then when we have done our civic duty … *using the virtue of prudence to guide us* … we return to that which consumes us, which is not politics, not Trump, not the GOP, not anything except Christ our Lord.

      In short: vote (in our system of government) for the best of two less than perfect choices - then leave it behind and return to loving, serving, glorifying God in thought, word, deed.

    6. 'In short: vote (in our system of government) for the best of two less than perfect choices - THEN LEAVE IT BEHIND AND RETURN to loving, serving, glorifying God in thought, word, deed.'

      I'm not sure if you have worded yourself terribly or if you do feel you are NOT loving, serving, glorifying God in thought, word, deed by voting (that you are committing a sin?). All I know is you are making a judgment of conscience. My conscience tells me I cannot vote for either Trump or Harris. Not only is it abortion where he is now using the Catholic pro-choice democrat economy excuse (message: its okay to murder to have more), the sodomy (to hear him tell it no-one is more pro-gay than him), the vaccine (MAK has Harris spreading: "Gene therapy that alters your DNA is a "vaccine." " when Trump does to), but it is also Gaza (2 million) where he has told Israel to "finish the job' after his son-in-law, influential in 1st administration, proposed bulldozing an area in the Negev so gaza beach front could be developed (steal to have more!), taken $90 million from Miriam Adelson (supposedly in exchange for the West Bank (5 million)--is it his to sell?) and has now declared several times that Iran (90 million people) should be obliterated/smashed to smithereens not to buy Jewish votes, but because it is attempting to assassinate him according to U.S. intelligence and chief prosecutor of Jan 6 and pro-life terrorists Garland.
      Trump Bafflingly Says It’s “Great Honor” to Be “Most Pro-Gay President in America”
      Perhaps you don't mind being responsible for his actions because you feel sure whatever he does, it will be less reprehensible than Harris.' I don't have your assurance. I think it is too close to call.

    7. Anonymous 5:55
      “Leave it behind” means that the Republican Party is not my idol; its politicians are not my Priests; the government is not my Church. It has power delegated to it by God, but it is not godly. I participate as duty demands, knowing that I am participating in a system that is every bit as debauched as the Roman Republic. As did Mary and Joseph, I participate when I must.

      My position protects the freedom of Catholics to practice our religion and keeps abortion out of my State and the majority of States.

      Your position, if it prevailed and Catholics followed you into an iron Communist state in which we will not be allowed to practice our religion freely, will lead to persecution, will result in countless baby deaths and mandated abortion in my State (etc) and institutional mandated wickedness throughout society.

      Why would I do that? I prefer freedom to slavery; life over death.

      You have been deceived by the PsyOp to think both choices are the same. They are not. If the communists are excluded from rule, it will be no thanks to you who has done less than nothing for the cause of life and religious freedom as the times are dangerous indeed.

      My religion is Catholic, not politics. I vote because it is my duty, not because it is an article if faith. Prudence will guide me to the best choice in a fallen world.

    8. A fascist government or a democracy/republic (like U.S.), or any type of government fighting a war or a dictator/monarchy can be as pagan, oppressive and arbitrary as soviet/chinese/cuban communism. However, Acts of the Apostles indicate they set up communist communities--maybe they learned it from Christ (how they lived w/Him) (?) [Acts 2:44-45] The OT seems to give a type of government where everyone has some property and gets it back every fifty years (hard to believe they would all live that long but maybe their heirs (?)). It is easy to see the joy of the Jubilee year and to wish our society had something like it. Also shows how we are to treat our brothers living in our communities ("with us") under the bondage of poverty--even to redeeming their debt/buying them a house/land. [leviticus 25]

      I believe your premise that you will save the country from communism by voting for Trump is ridiculous. All the democrats are being told they must vote for Harris to save democracy (Trump is a fascist who will not relinquish the presidency) which is equally ridiculous. The democrats are more redistributionist, but they are far from communists and like I say see Leviticus, Acts and Matthew 19:21-30.

      In regard to doing something for "the cause of religious freedom," you should know that Satanists used exactly that heresy to argue against Texas (as well as other states') abortion laws. Jews also claim that criminalizing abortion denies their religious liberty. Atheists too.

      I thought you attended SSPX. You might be interested in SSPX presentation: Crisis Series #28 w/ Fr. Loop: Is Religious Liberty Worse Than Abortion?

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. Mary Ann, I deleted that latest comment after reading your morning’s excellent meditation on patience - “Be Patient with Others, but First with Yourself!”

      Really good stuff there. I really liked the part about just focusing on one virtue, one spiritual advance at a time.

      Further comments here, especially in that context, not helpful.

  15. "The place for prolife people, not to mention patriots, who have no state in life duties that take precedence, is jail in my opinion."

    I'm curious, Anonymous. How many times have you been in jail? How many times have you been arrested for defending the unborn? How many times have you sidewalk counseled at abortion facilities or challenged pro-abortion candidates at open forums? Talk is cheap. Even more so, anonymous dissertations.

    Many prolifers seem to be instinctively taking this step - w/red rose rescues and the other group you were publishing their letters from jail. Lila Rose is not voting for Trump, but what is the next step? As far as I know she is single w/out family obligations (but I really know nothing about her). You are married still (not widowed) and appear to have some family duties which other family members may or may not be able to pick up - if you were so inclined and your husband agreed/wished to also go to jail, what is the issue? There is no greater love than to lay down your life etc. etc. Abortion has been enshrined as a "right' already in some state constitutions and probably will soon be enshrined in my own state constitution -- on the ballot in November. Even if not enshrined in the constitution, it is ludicrous to me to go to these killing sites and do nothing but pray and counsel while the murders take place as I stand there (and every day while I work, shop, eat lunch etc.) -- it seems the least I could do is go to jail trying to stop these murders (you have not yet resisted unto blood). It also could bring more attention to the issue.

  16. This man is my brother …


  17. I think that they constant replying anonymous, belongs to the demorats, Pelosi's side

  18. Àqua trump is not running in his own money he has been bankrolled.

    Also, the way to vote holding your nose for the lesser evil is to at least *wait till election day* to vote. That way, trump knows he does not have a mandate to do whatever he wants, but only to restore the abolition ready GOP platform that existed before his rape of it.

    1. rohrbachs,
      Trump ended Roe. He made it the centerpiece of his SC pick. Just a fact.

      Now States (like mine) are free to end the scourge of abortion (we did). We have none (0). He saved millions of lives; he changed the conversation from top-down compulsory abortion by fiat for every State to bottom-up abolition from the grassroots for every State. He put us on the path to ending abortion.

      Trump acts, and delivers.
      Everyone else just talk-talks.

      My whole life has been endless life-friendly political platforms … and then *failure after spectacular failure*.

      Now - the rules governing the “game” have changed. Now we have won the big one - the rule governing abortion mandates - and now it’s on to the subsequent smaller battles under terms very favorable to ultimate life victory at the local levels. One.By.One … they will fall individually. Collective abortion death mandates has fallen.

      Thank Trump for that, because no one else came close to delivering like that, or even tried.

    2. Trump ended Roe at the expense of inalienable. No longer does anyone see life as in inalienable right if a state can alienate it. You would have been laughed off the stage in the 1850s if you had said states ought to decide about slavery made you an abolitionist.
      Dobbs *could* have abolished abortion with great justification but it instead made it *harder* to do so by allowing life to be alienable. DJT crossed his fingers when he said *everyone* wanted it to go to the states.

    3. Before Roe, we were winning at the state level. Even New York was sick of its liberal abortion law and repealed it. Governor Rockefeller vetoed the legislation. The Church teaches the law of subsidiarity. That doesn't mean she favors evil laws, but the fact is that you can't impose morality from the top down. You need to change hearts in your own family and neighborhood. But creating abortion free states is a blessing no matter how you look at it.

    4. We can and did impose the morality of abolition of slavery from the top down with the thirteenth and fourteenth amendment. Those hearts that were already changed on slavery were *so primed* to receive the same decision about slavery's twin, abortion. And we had slavery free states antebellum, big whoop.

    5. Anyone that doesn’t think ending Roe was a major victory in the cause of life doesn’t actually support the cause of life.

      What, you want it back? If you do, you favor abortion.

    6. Actually, rohrbachs, that's not true. Slavery was abolished by amending the Constitution which requires at least 3/4 of the STATES to ratify the amendment. The ERA amendment never passed, thank God, because the radical feminists could not get enough states to ratify it. (Thank you, Phyllis Schlafley!) The best way to secure real change is from the bottom up, but it takes serious effort to educate and convince people at the local level. That's why local government is so important. And that approach illustrates subsidiarity. We need to change hearts beginning with the family.

    7. Mary Ann, tying in to what you said here about “abolition of slavery being actually grass-roots, bottom up” … agree -

      The abolition movement began 40 years before Lincoln and the Civil War, in homes and churches across the North. Back in my Protestant days I used to read a lot of Charles Finney, who was an excellent preacher (for a proddie … that’s all I knew at the time) but also a fire breathing abolitionist in the 1830s-40s.

      The soil for abolition and war in support of the cause was tilled by all these multitudes of singular private individuals gathered together for the righteous cause. Government response grew out of that, the whole famous civilizational drama was a product of those preparatory 40 years.

  19. Those commenting here in favor of reestablishing Roe, or just regretting it’s end, are perfect examples of what I’ve been talking about: lots of talk; actions fail to match the rhetoric; failure is the constant theme; contentment seems to be in failure; their solution is always unattainable; might as well just quit for now; those who achieve tangible results are their true enemy, their only true object of animus. 🤔

    The pattern is familiar; very familiar.

  20. Anonymous5:47,
    Ending Roe does not change the Declaration of Independence (“inalienable right to life”), nor does it alter God’s Natural Law (life is sacred, made in the image of God from the moment of conception - ensoulment).

    Ending Roe was a major victory on the path to final victory. It ended national abortion mandates as a right according to individual choice everywhere in America. That victory changes the “rules of the game”. The game continues. Now comes the long hard slog to persuade pagans, first to convert to the Catholic Faith (spiritual life); second to persuade those pagans that all human life is sacred made in the Divine image of God, and therefor, as such, “inalienable” in every State.

    This is the first true victory in the battle for life. It is not by any means the end. When we all agree that there are no exceptions to the rule anywhere in America and this is codified in State and Federal law … then the fight is over.

    Until then, we accept champions and allies wherever they may be found - precious few they are.

  21. Maryann, it is my impression when Trump says he wants states rights on abortion he means each state decides it's own laws on abortion, not that he thinks there should be an effort to get a constitutional amendment passed by states (as you say). He has said he would "not* sign a federal abortion ban even if it landed on his desk. Obviously an amendment wouldn't need his signature so I'm thinking if something like Rand Paul's life at conception act landed on his desk he wouldn't sign it. In any case trump doesn't want the federal ban we have against slavery to be duplicated for abortion.

    Subsidiarity involves working at the lowest possible level. The lowest possible level for an inalienable right is federal.

    Àqua I don't want to reestablish Roe but I wanted it to end in a way that would not leave it to states to decide, which alienates the notion of inalienable.

    Back in 73, a supreme Court Justice said that if the fetus were shown to be a person the whole case of Roe would collapse. That personhood conclusion could easily have been an outcome of dobbs were the trump appointees as solidly prolife as we know Clarence Thomas to be . And now that we know how Trump really feels about abortion, we can see why his appointees are wishy washy.

    1. rohrbach,
      The work of ending abortion was impossible until Roe was first ended. Roe was a national brick wall that had to be first removed before the next steps could be taken. It was a national mandate that could not be bypassed.

      Now that is gone.

      Next come the steps you say.

      Trump is not the man to make that case, because he does not believe in life for the right reasons. However Trump is an ally through which we can advance the cause. He has done great good by facilitating the end of Roe. The next steps will be up to others, who can make the case for life for the correct Natural Law reasons. Trump will assist those others. He is not capable of leading those others.

      However, commie Kamala promises to end the efforts of those others and destroy any hope of the cause of life. She will nationalize and institutionalize abortion and re-erect the abortion wall in every State across America as a Federal mandate.

      Ally. Enemy. Those are the choices.

  22. And what a witness it would be to the largely abortion deranged Democrats to say no I won't early vote for Trump because I care about the platform he molested. We need to say to these potential Magdalenes (and their men): I want that platform back; it's ideal welcomes you to the GOP... Come help us achieve it!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Wouldn’t a Trump victory prove that courting pro-lifers is unnecessary to achieve political victory?

    1. A Trump victory will prove that no amount of cheating can stop a tidal wave of support for MAGA on one hand and revulsion against the lunatic commies on the other.

      The fight for sacred human life - all, not just some - has only just begun.
