Monday, September 30, 2024

Random Thoughts for Monday

  • When a man defends a woman's "right to choose," I always wonder how many women he's used as a sex object and how many times he's hired a serial killer abortionist to kill his children.
  • Following your conscience makes sense only if you have an informed conscience. For some people, following their conscience is like hiring a guide who's blind, deaf, and dumb to lead them to their destination. 
  • St. Francis de Sales was a great spiritual director. He advised those he counseled to put the best construction on the actions of others and the worst construction on their own.
  • How many people go to confession to confess the sins of others while excusing their own sins?
  • We live in a victim society. Many people want to blame others for everything that's ever gone wrong in their lives. That mentality leaves them stuck in adolescence. Unfortunately, some people never grow up.
  • One of the best things a person can do every morning is to thank God for another day of life and express gratitude to someone who's blessed their lives. Write a letter, send an email, text a short message to someone to whom you owe gratitude. Or say a prayer for someone who's died to whom you owe gratitude. It will make their day and your own as well. 
Happy Monday!


  1. I think it was St. Jerome that wrote: ‘Remember that you walk in the midst of snares……’

    How the lie is honored!
    As F. Sheen said: ‘from now on you will never hear the truth!’

    Hatred, anger, mockery, arrogance, idolatry, and hypocrisy has paved the way for the future generations, the effect of tolerance, indifference, ignorance, and lethargy, especially of the ‘good’ who fear men, rather than God!
    Who profits the most?, not truth, not peace!

    How very few young girls blush today, who’s mind is darkened by the ‘whims, and passions’ of the immoral society! The modern youth hope for life, based on false promises that very few will achieve.

    Prince of Peace, bring true peace to persons, families, and nations everywhere!
    Holy Spirit, Sanctifier of souls, grace our souls with the holiness of God!

  2. “Why should anyone other than the woman herself have the power to determine what she does with her own body? Restricting a woman's right to choose whether to terminate an unwanted pregnancy is the same as denying her control over her own body. I have carried this belief with me throughout my entire adult life." (Melania Trump, in her stupid new anti-woman, anti-child, anti-life book whose title is not relevant … bargain bin it.)

    I am voting for Trump only because the alternative is flat out communist oppression, but his (and her) position on life is disgusting. She just published naked pictures of herself in some magazine from poses taken long ago. She defended that, too, “beauty of woman’s body, blah blah blah. What a sleaze. I’ve noticed that abortion and pornography always go together - support one, even tacitly, you by definition support the other. And she’s got them both now, porn (magazine spread) and abortion (book), going into the election, releasing her stupid book just a month prior.

    I just heard her reading the passage above. Her voice saying these things almost made me want to puke. Revolting. What a sleaze.

  3. America is committing national suicide, all signs point to it up to and including the latest urgently published views of the prospective first “lady” Melania Trump in support of killing children in the sacred space of a mother’s womb. But this is just the most ugly blatant sign of our national wish for our own demise. There are others, which a blogger by the name of Will Knowland, on Substack, listed and which I pass on below.

    We have lost God. The Catholic Church has largely lost God. How can we expect anything other than what comes next … which is wrath and judgement.

    - quote, from Will Knowland -

    “7 signs of cultural suicide from falling Rome (and the West has them ALL):

    1. Women in blood sports

    In falling Rome, topless female gladiators fought male dwarves in the Colosseum.
    Nero made senators’ wives fight to the death.
    'To a great extent the level of any civilization is the level of its womanhood. When a man loves a woman, he has to become worthy of her. The higher her virtue, the more noble her character, the more devoted she is to truth, justice, goodness, the more a man has to aspire to be worthy of her.'
    - Fulton Sheen

    LESSON: the virtue of the women in a culture shows its spiritual health.

    2. Decaying cities

    In falling Rome, high-rise slums replaced great buildings.
    No monuments were built either.
    As Kenneth Clark said, ‘civilisation requires confidence in the society in which one lives’.

    LESSON: architecture reflects cultural confidence.

    3. Falling fertility

    In falling Rome, the poor lost the confidence to sire children; the rich saw them as a burden.
    Anal intercourse was popular birth control.
    'Childlessness prevailed.'
    - Tacitus

    The fertility-replacement rate is 2.1.
    The USA and UK = 1.7
    Niger and Somalia = 6.8 and 6

    LESSON: a culture that doesn't think life is worth living won't create life.

    4. Unmarried males

    In falling Rome, men saw marriage as a burden, starting with the elites.
    Instead, prostitution, homosexuality and bi-sexuality were rife.
    'How can the commonwealth be preserved if we neither marry nor produce children?'

    - Augustus

    'The family may be regarded as the cradle of civil society, and it is in great measure within the circle of family life that the destiny of states is fostered.'

    - Pope Leo XIII

    LESSON: marriage matters

    5. Abortion

    In falling Rome, many women died or became infertile from abortion attempts.
    Babies were thrown in the sewers or left in the streets for animals to eat.
    The UK exceeds 200,000 abortions annually.
    Without this, it would be at replacement fertility.

    LESSON: after you've rationalised killing your own children, depravity snowballs.

    6. Trashing tradition

    In falling Rome, a below-replacement fertility rate meant Rome depended on immigrants.
    But the immigrants didn’t follow the Roman traditions.
    Why? The elites themselves no longer upheld them.

    LESSON: the rot starts at the top.

    7. Feminism

    In falling Rome, motherhood was devalued.
    But as the historian Jerome Carpocino observed,
    ‘By copying men too closely the Roman woman succeeded more rapidly in emulating man’s vices than in acquiring his strength.’

    LESSON: feminism is misogyny.

    TLDR: 7 Signs of Cultural Suicide from Ancient Rome

    1. Women in blood sports
    2. Decaying cities
    3. Falling fertility
    4. Unmarried males
    5. Abortion
    6. Trashing tradition
    7. Feminism

    Which sign is clearest today?

    - end quote -

  4. Letter to Melania Trump:

    You, like most American women, have completely lost your way in life, using your position of influence to promote and advocate for child murder as you do.

    “Controlling your own body”, especially when that “control” means taking the life of another person within you, and not just any “person” but your own baby, has nothing to do with the meaning, the purpose of life, this short life after which we meet God in eternity to *give an account* for the gifts God has given us to shepherd, grow and invest.

    Virtue. THAT, is the meaning of life. Virtue in devotion to God who made us; to God who governs us; and to God in whom we will very soon return. Love God and serve your Redeemer - heart, soul, mind, body and strength … nothing else matters as a person and as a collective civilization.

    A quote from one of your husband’s predecessors … also shot by an attempted assassin, who also survived the attempt, but who may have seen the moral essence of America more clearly - Teddy Roosevelt:

    - quote -

    “When all is said it is the mother, and the mother only, who is a better citizen even than the soldier who fights for his country. The successful mother, the mother who does her part in rearing and training aright the boys and girls who are to be the men and women of the next generation, is of greater use to the community and occupies, if only she would realize it, a more honorable, as well as a more important position, than any successful man in it. The good mother, the wise mother…is more important to the community than even the ablest man; her career is more worthy of honor and is more useful to the community than the career of any man”

    - To The Delegates to The First International Congress In America on The Welfare of The Child, Theodore Roosvelt, March 10, 1908

    Women are more than their “bodies”. As God intended them to be, they aspire to and embody virtue. The “body”, absent a virtuous soul, is just a sack of meat. America will not survive, will never be “Great Again”, until we reclaim this vital connection to God.

  5. BTW, I don’t like posting as “Anonymous”. Some have said here they think I should use my real name. But I have always posted, since I began posting things 10 or 15 years ago, as “Aqua” - which I use as my personal connection to *grace* … sacred water from the side of our pierced Lord Jesus Christ … without which we are dead in our trespasses and sins. That is what my “screen name” means to me.

    So the previous two Anonymous above is Aqua, fwiw.
