Thursday, September 26, 2024

The Democrats and Their Allies Have Created an X-Rated LaLa Land Where Crazies Thrive!

The latest would be Trump assassin, Ryan Wesley Routh, sounds like a man who is mentally unbalanced, like the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, who terrorized the nation for almost two decades before his deranged 35,000-word manifesto led to his identification and arrest. A psychiatrist diagnosed Kaczynski as a paranoid schizophrenic. He pleaded guilty to prevent his lawyers from entering an insanity plea. Here's an excerpt from a 2023 NPR article written after Kaczynski died in prison at the age of 81:

A psychiatrist who interviewed Kaczynski in prison diagnosed him as a paranoid schizophrenic.

"Mr. Kaczynski's delusions are mostly persecutory in nature," Sally Johnson wrote in a 47-page report. "The central themes involve his belief that he is being maligned and harassed by family members and modern society."

Kaczynski hated the idea of being viewed as mentally ill and when his lawyers attempted to present an insanity defense, he tried to fire them. When that failed, he tried to hang himself with his underwear.

Kaczynski eventually pleaded guilty rather than let his defense team proceed with an insanity defense.

"I'm confident that I'm sane," Kaczynski told Time magazine in 1999. "I don't get delusions and so forth."

So what about Ryan Wesley Routh charged with the latest Trump assassination attempt? I'm guessing he's another mentally unbalanced zealot overflowing with personal grievances against anyone who fails to embrace his fanaticism. According to the Epoch Times, he addressed a letter to the world saying, “This was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump but I failed you. I tried my best and gave it all the gumption I could muster.” Hubris is often part of the psychological makeup of madmen. Like the world cares about the bees in his bonnet?

How many other would be bombers and assassins are plotting in their dark imaginations to revenge themselves on the world? 

The mentally ill will always be with us, but must we be making more of them? Mental health begins with living in reality. A culture that demonizes reality and actually punishes it as a hate crime is a culture that creates mental illness in its people.

Here are some of the mentally ill wokeisms promoted by liberals like Harris and Walz:

  • Men can become women and women can become men.
  • It is "reproductive health" to use cancer-causing birth control methods and kill babies in the womb sometimes killing their mothers and often injuring them.
  • Men can become pregnant and breast feed.
  • Everyone is responsible for keeping track of the hundreds of pronouns chosen by each person they know.
  • Pedophiles in drag are appropriate teachers of children.
  • Children are safer with homosexuals than heterosexuals.
  • It is more important to hire people based on diversity, equity, and inclusion than for their competence. (Remember that when you think about who's treating you at the hospital, flying the plane taking you somewhere, or teaching your children.)
  • White people are evil.
  • Gene therapy that alters your DNA is a "vaccine."
  • Invaders to your country are "immigrants" and should receive benefits not available to citizens.
I could go on...and on. The culture is insane and an insane culture creates insane people. The antidote to insanity is holiness. As a priest once told me, "Holiness is wholeness." It doesn't mean you don't need to address physical problems and mental disorders; it does mean that the closer you draw to the source of life, the healthier you will be spiritually. And really, that is what matters most. To embrace the will of God is to embrace sanity in its fullness. If people went to confession more frequently, they would need to spend less time in the psychiatrist's office. Jesus is the great physician. May we all run to Him in our daily needs.

Lord Jesus, giver of life, have mercy on  us.
Mary, health of the sick, pray for us.
St. Luke, great and glorious physician, pray for us.



  1. My mom used to say you had to practice good mental health. I would say that means living in reality and addressing troubles either on your own or with help if necessary but recognizing life brings troubles to your door all the time. But today mental illness is treated like an attribute or trait one has and that's the way it is. I can't discuss this issue with certain family members because they have bought into the whole idea that you need therapy or prescriptions to get through life. They don't think I could possibly know what they go through!

    Would you in your kindness remember my husband in your prayers today? He got let go from his job unexpectedly yesterday. He's crushed. He liked his job and was good at it. But he and 2 other near retirement age men were let go. Another job for men like that are hard to come by. I know others are suffering things far worse but it's hard right now.

    We both know we'll be ok. My husband did say to me last night I guess God doesn't want me working there any more. I said guess we start the next phase of life now and not when you planned to retire.

    This was a good job but he was away from home a lot. I accepted that it was where God wanted things. So it seems now in God's providence he should be home. I am glad he'll be home. I worry about him getting past it though.

  2. I will certainly pray for your husband and for you, Margaret. My mom and my mother-in-law were both Margarets. Daddy was forced out of the Navy early as well -- gotta open up those officer positions for younger guys. I'm asking St. Margaret Mary, Apostle of the Sacred Heart, to intercede for you. I'm also calling the Poor Clares and asking for their prayers. May God help us all on this journey through the Valley of Tears.

    1. Thank you that gives me comfort.

      In the last few years I've become devoted to the Sacred Heart. And because I wasn't named for a saint in particular (Margaret is an oft-used name on my mom's protestant side but Margaret was a saint name so it passed dad's Catholic side lol) I thought I should claim St. Margaret Mary as my name saint and begin to learn more about her.

  3. I respectfully disagree as to the diagnosis (not the symptoms).

    I don’t think he’s insane. I think he’s evil. Insane, crazy. means he is not fully responsible. Evil means he is responsible.

    Insane means something is broken in his brain, his chemical composition. He is driven by what is broke.

    Evil means something is broken in his soul, there are dark spirits in alliance with his. He is driven by his spiritual choices.

    I suppose from one perspective you could say hell itself is “insane”. But I don’t think it’s the best word to describe the core essence of the place. Hell is evil. Hell’s occupants are wicked. Nothing there makes any sense not because they are “crazy”, but because they have chosen dark over light; sin over righteousness; Satan over God.

    I only mention this because the wrong “diagnosis” leads to the wrong treatment and cure. You allude to it in your conclusion.

    You treat the insane with medical solutions for the body.

    You treat the evil with Christian solutions for the sou.

    This is important, because even though most people want to know about physical problems that limit their physical existence, they don’t want to acknowledge spiritual problems that control their eternal existence.

    Most people don’t even want to acknowledge such a thing as a soul, because to acknowledge that is to acknowledge we are more than simply material and the implications of that are existentially important. Where does the the soul come from? What brought it into existence? What is it composed of? Where is it going? What happens to it at death? How does physical conception lead to “ensoulment”?

    The modern world talks of human machines that break and need to be fixed.

    Christians talk of body and soul made in the image and likeness of God in which the soul is wicked and in need of redemption, a Redeemer.

    I think it is best to see it this way as the opening premise to evangelize the lost.

  4. And in a parenthetical to the above, *evil* is why leftism *seems* insane and always only destroys, never builds; always creates ugliness, never beauty. Leftism is the ultimate government and expression of hell itself - the utter black-hole absence of God, infinite goodness and love.

  5. There is such an abundance of evil, it's all around us now, so much of it that it's a negative proof of God's existence. Stay close to us, Lord. Margaret I will pray for your husband and you. We never expected to end up where we are either, what a world. It hurts a man terribly if he's very invested in work. I hope he can feel satisfied with his good work and let it go, on to new things. People who bounce do best, no matter what age. That old saw, it's not what happens to you it's how you react to it, has a lot of truth. God bless you both. Could I please ask for prayer for R, near and dear to me, who is battling mental health issues, transgender madness, and addiction to alcohol. He has deteriorated these last two years, as the country and the world have also gone nuts, people with mental health issues (and yes, Aqua, it's spiritual!) have deteriorated from it all, being not as able to withstand stress as well as others. God help them as well. In fact God please help all of us, amen. Thank you for any prayers for him, he's a dear, he loves Jesus. Something got a hold of him these last two years. Please pray for his release.

    1. I just left a message for the Poor Clares to pray for Margaret and her husband. I also asked for prayers for all those who come to the blog and ask for prayers. The Lord must have read your message before I did. I have an appointment tomorrow over an hour away. My husband and I always say multiple rosaries when we travel, so we will definitely be praying for R and for all those struggling with mental illness. I think every family is suffering with that these days. So many challenges in this Valley of Tears. May God comfort every sorrowing heart and may we find solace in the arms of the Blessed Mother.

  6. Thank you for the prayers

    I'll remember R also.
