Monday, September 9, 2024

Thought for Monday on the Truth. Yes, Virginia, Truth Exists!

I had the great privilege of attending two retreats with Fr. John Hardon. The second in Windsor, Canada during the Fall of, I think 1999, was probably his last. Cardinal Raymond Burke (a bishop at the time) participated and Fr. Hardon passed the torch of the Marian Catechists to him. Those retreats were two of the greatest blessings of my life along with the two decades of the Spiritual Exercises retreats with Fr. James Buckley. God has blessed me abundantly with such great priest guides and continues to do so. The revival of the Church begins in the cradle and is magnified in the seminary. May God give us many holy priests to lead His Church. 

Fr. Hardon, Servant of God, please pray for us.

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