Friday, September 6, 2024

Tim Walz's family doesn't support their Marxist relative. The Family Feud Continues!

The ‘Nebraska Walz Family’ confirms viral pro-Trump photo: ‘The picture is real. The shirts are real’

From the article:

“Shortly after Governor Tim Walz was named the Democrat Party Vice Presidential nominee, our family had a get-together. We had t-shirts made to show support for President Trump and J.D. Vance. We took a family photo, that was shared with friends. We also granted permission for the photo to be posted. The picture is real. The shirts are real,” the family said.

They added, “We are the Nebraska Walz family and we are related to Gov. Tim Walz, our grandfathers were brothers.”...

SiriusXM’s The Megyn Kelly Show host Megyn Kelly asked on X whether the photo would receive the same amount of media attention as when Trump’s distant family members and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s family criticized them on the campaign trail. 

“Now do we think this will get the same coverage Mary Trump or Kerry Kennedy has received?” Kelly inquired on Wednesday. [Don't hold your breath!]

The FAMILY FEUD continues! 


  1. Looks to me like there is no family feud. They look pretty unified to me; good people, good company at gatherings … they’re from Nebraska, my ancestral roots are there too. Salt of the earth.

    Looks to me like a fraternal correction from a family that sticks together, more than willing to let the black sheep back in if he were to change his ways. Looks to me like a friendly warning from good-hearted souls, missing only one person at their large, raucous extended family gatherings.

    My kind of people!

  2. These are, at best, first cousins of Gov. Walz. Kennedy has been rejected by all of his siblings and at least one of his daughters. Trump’s niece campaigns for Harris.

    1. Anonymous: to your point about family identity … who it is that gathers around the modern-day family reunion table -

      Nuclear Family: “is a family group consisting of parents and their children (one or more), typically living in one home residence.”

      Extended Family: “An extended family is a family that extends beyond the nuclear family of parents and their children to include aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins or other relatives.”

      “Some sociologists and anthropologists consider the extended family structure to be the most common family structure in most cultures and at most times, rather than the nuclear family.”

      (From Wiki)

      Especially now, when divorce rate is 42%, and birth rate is 1.6 (1,600/1,000) - 2.1 being the minimum replacement birth rate. In a culture that enshrines the death of babies and encourages divorce, the nuclear family of close relatives is increasingly a relic of bygone days … various eclectic forms of extended family (or no family) the new norm.

  3. Walz's brother has also disavowed his politics. Your comment further illustrate the family feuds which I talked about in my earlier post.

    But, as Megyn Kelly asked will those family members challenging Harris/Walz get the same media coverage as family members who oppose Trump and Kennedy? Not likely

  4. As far as I can tell, the estranged Walz family members have received no less attention than the ex-president's recently deceased sister, Mary Anne Trump Barry, or nieces and nehpews including Mary and Fred Trump III? Is any of it really so surprising or relevant?

    1. John,
      Everyone who knows Tim Walz dislikes Tim Walz and feels compelled to warn America about him before it’s too late. Whether it’s his extended family, or his military “family”, their story is the same - this guy is commie coward piece of self-serving work. For instance (merely the latest):

      I wonder if there are *any* glowing reviews out there about what a great American hero he is? Haven’t seen them, if so. Up in smoke, I suppose, like Minneapolis.
