Friday, October 3, 2008

Congratulations, taxpayers, you are $700 billion MORE in debt!

Well, Congress did it. They signed the bailout bill, the biggest government takeover in the history of the United States. Barney Frank who is a primary culprit in this debacle should be impeached, but instead the democrats on the hill are making him a savior. The fella whose boyfriend was pimping from his townhouse has (with help from the rest of the gang) financially raped our children and grandchildren, but will anyone in government call him to account? Not likely. And liberal Massachusetts voters will probably send him back with bigger margins than ever in the next election. Ditto for Connecticut's Chris Dodd.

I hope people will take the time to peruse this bill. It is the biggest barrel of pork ever. Michelle Malkin talks about it saying, "They put a gun to our heads....Washington’s pork-stuffed panic mob forked over $700billion/$850billion/$1 trillion-plus of our money over to the Chicken Littles, who handed it over to Foxy Loxy at the Treasury Department."
And they're already oinking for more and the Democrats are doing a good job of convincing people that this is the Republicans' (read George Bush's) fault. It's not, it started with Jimmy Carter and was exacerbated by Clinton, but the "solution" may be. Bush could have backed a real, economically-sensible strategy instead of this monster filled with earmarks, but he's a big-government guy and this let's government grow exponentially. Christian economist Dave Ramsey will discuss the aftermath of the bailout on his radio program Monday. You may want to listen.
One thing's for sure, panic reactions generally lead to bad solutions and this is a case in point. It's just the beginning, for more bailouts to come. By the way, did you know that while the focus was on the banks, Congress voted to give a $25 billion bailout to the auto industry in September? Of course, it was ONLY $25 billion.
For Christians I think the message is pray and get out of debt. Give the country a good example. If you can't afford it, don't buy it. Continue to share what you have with the poor through charities you know are trustworthy (the Missionaries of Charity come to mind). Don't give your hard-earned money to the Catholic Campaign for Human Development which funds some of the very organizations that contributed to this mess and do not help the poor. Also, be sure to see how your senators and congressman voted. If they supported the bailout bill, boot them out in the next election. I'm happy to say, my Virginia Congressman, Bob Goodlatte, was one of the brave house members who said NO! Outgoing Senator John Warner and Democrat Jim Webb both voted yes. SHAME!
One last piece of advice. If you live in the country it might be a good idea to raise some pigs. At least you can eat that kind of pork when things get really tough -- maybe some chickens too for bacon and eggs.

1 comment:

  1. i was disappointed that the bill passed. its not addressing the issues. time will tell if it has any positive effect. time will tell.
