Sunday, October 5, 2008

Desecration of the Eucharist on YouTube

As of today, I'm not posting any more YouTube videos on my blog. Desecration of the Eucharist is apparently the approved policy of the video channel. Starting with PZ Myers desecration, there are now a series of such acts on YouTube and Catholics can expect to see more. Until YouTube changes its policy to halt these obscenities, I'm through with YouTube.

These desecrations are a powerful witness of why we must return to Communion on the tongue which offers much less opportunity to steal hosts for desecration. Of course, if a disturbed or wicked individual is intent on this behavior, nothing will stop him. Please make acts of reparation for the blasphemies and sacrileges against Jesus Christ and our Blessed Mother. Recite the Litany of Reparation and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for the deluded souls who engage in what is a true hate crime against the Lord of universe. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy.


  1. Hi Mary Ann,

    It's great to see other Catholic bloggers not relying on YouTube any longer. Immediately affter announcing that I would no longer keep YouTube videos on my site, readers have been suggesting alternatives.

    Lets encourage other Catholic bloggers to provide a Catholic version of the YouTube model. Thanks! Suzanne Sadler

  2. i closed my youtube account. couldn't be bothered with a site that promotes desecration of the Eucharist. that site is a total waste of time. you might want to come to my blog and read the atheism post as part of it is referring to the atheist who posted that disgusting set of videos which thankfully, i did not watch. none of them.
