Friday, February 20, 2009

White House Power Grab Continues

The White House Plans to take the 2010 census away from the Commerce Department and put it under the President. Why does it matter? Because the census is used for lots of things that have political ramifications: apportioning seats in Congress, dishing out federal money, etc. We need a balance of power. Undermining the census is one more betrayal for someone who claims he wants to bring morality to government. This is just Obama's Chicago machine politics moving to Washington. It'll be interesting to see if ACORN gets the contract for conducting the census. Won't that give you confidence in its integrity? By the way, this is getting very little coverage in the mainstream media. Wonder why.

A Chicago-Style Census

White House Census Power Grab May Violate the Constitution

Only Fox News Concerned With Obama's Census Bureau Coup

White House Nabs Political Control over Census


  1. Amid the uproar the Republicans are in a panic about the current chairman Neuman was appointed by disgraced former Republican Senator Trent Lott. It was the Republicans who said that Obama was moving the census to the White House. The White House has made it clear that they will “"work closely with the Census director."

    Apparently with the Republicans control over the last 8 years, there are some who are thinking that the fundamentals of the Census are as sound as the fundamentals of the economy were. With this in mind, it’s no wonder the republicans panicked and picked a controversy after looking in the mirror.

  2. Why don't we talk about Constitutional principles instead of Democrat vs. Republican. Most Republicans are just Democrat lite and I agree that they are a major part of the problem. But that's because they threw the Constitution out the window long ago agreeing with the Democrats on confiscatory taxes and government control over everything under the sun. Let's get back to small government, low taxes, honesty, and personal responsibility. The government can't save us and believing it will is a huge delusion.
