Thursday, July 30, 2009

New Evidence that Shroud of Turin is Authentic

Excerpts from CNS article:

"A recent study by French scientist Thierry Castex has revealed that on the shroud are traces of words in Aramaic spelled with Hebrew letters.

"A Vatican researcher, Barbara Frale, told Vatican Radio July 26 that her own studies suggest the letters on the shroud were written more than 1,800 years ago.

"She said that in 1978 a Latin professor in Milan noticed Aramaic writing on the shroud and in 1989 scholars discovered Hebrew characters that probably were portions of the phrase 'The king of the Jews.'

"Castex's recent discovery of the word 'found' with another word next to it, which still has to be deciphered, 'together may mean "because found" or "we found,"' she said.

"What is interesting, she said, is that it recalls a passage in the Gospel of St. Luke, 'We found this man misleading our people,' which was what several Jewish leaders told Pontius Pilate when they asked him to condemn Jesus.

"She said it would not be unusual for something to be written on a burial cloth in order to indicate the identity of the deceased."


  1. I'm skeptical about all alleged writings on the Shroud. You have to wonder why it takes over 500 years for someone to notice. This is added to the collection of highly tentative and speculative findings such as coins, flowers, amulets, phylacteries and Hebrew letters in the neck region and ropes, and nails, and lances all of which have been claimed to be found on the Shroud. Given that the body was rushed to the tomb because it was the eve of the Sabbath and the shroud itself was bought at the last minute, when did they have a chance to do all this stuff?

  2. Mary Ann,
    Sorry, I don't know how to get to you via e-mail. It's probably right in front of my face.
    On the Les Femmes site, when you discuss Meehan, you said she belonged or belongs to Sisters OF Christian Community. It's name is Sister FOR Christian Community, a noncanonical group as you said.
    Just wanted to let you know. Keep up the good work!

  3. Sorry, that should be
    Sisters for Christian Community.
    I left off the s in sisters.
