Thursday, July 30, 2009

Psst! Need an Organ? Have we got baby body parts for you!

Parts is Parts: The Fetal Market


  1. Pandora's Box was opened with the use of contraception. This is a logical development of that mind-set. Even greater horrors are on the horizon. Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.

  2. I absolutely agree with "Anonymous" regarding contraception as the opening of 'Pandora's Box.'

    What most do not grasp is that once the mind is set against the Will of God, choosing to work first for success, possessions, ease of life, and all the other enticements in life, it necessarily becomes 'anti-baby,' and the logical end result IS abortion, infanticide, and now the 'harvesting' of organs - I can barely write the word without cringing.

    I believe he or she also correctly perceives the greater horrors that await us.

    Evil is invariably perceived as a good thing, but exacts a cruel price of guilt, bad conscience, regret, shame...while what is good is nearly always perceived as hard and difficult, not pleasant, yet if through our humility and obedience, we accept it, we benefit greatly by an increase of charity, love of God and neighbor, deep spiritual satisifaction, clean conscience, growing wisdom and understanding of the ways of God with His people, peace of mind, heart, and soul, and the ability to do penance for our countless sins here in this life.

    St. Augustine reminds us that pleasure is short-lived, but brings with it eternal punishment.

    My own Mother often quietly and correctly observed, "It's all disobedience."

    As pride and disobedience go together, so do humility and obedience - with very different results.

    This life is very, very short - what we suffer here, no matter how hard and difficult, is of no consequence when compared to our eternal happiness. Study the science of the Saints - my goodness, what they achieved, endured for the love of God and we recoil from a little hard work and discomfort? What cry-babies we are! What spiritual pygmies! We need to grow up and stop coddling ourselves!

    Everything offered up for love of God and in reparation for sin is tremendous profit for us! It can all be used for our greater progress in vitue and the sanctification of our souls, but additionally and very importantly, it secures for us happiness in this life far beyond what the 'worldly' can ever experience, and joy with God, the Angels and Saints for all eternity!

    I speak from some experience as a mother of 10 children - the memories of a full and rich life of hard work, joy, peace, and love, and most importantly, I have never lost my holy Faith! It is my greatest treasure - my true inheritance, but do not take it as certainty of my salvation: I remain a wretched sinner in GREAT need of the Mercy of God.

    We MUST 'fight the good fight' of Faith, each and every day until our last breath! The world and everything in it passes away - eternal happiness is forever! So is eternal punishment. A Saint has counseled, always choose what seems difficult, as the easy course is the one that leads to sin.

    It is wise to spend some time each day contemplating eternity. It can be a great help in avoiding sin and encouragement to practice virtue, but oh, never omit prayer: the great means of salvation!

    Our Lady of Guadalupe, Ever Virgin Mary, Queen of Apostles, Queen of Mexico, Empress of all the Americas, Patroness of the Unborn, pray for us!

    O World, O worldings, WAKE UP!
    "Lord, that we may SEE."

  3. I absolutely agree with "Anonymous" regarding contraception as the opening of 'Pandora's Box.'

    What most do not grasp is that once the mind is set against the Will of God, choosing to work first for success, possessions, ease of life, and all the other enticements in life, it necessarily becomes 'anti-baby,' and the logical end result IS abortion, infanticide, and now the 'harvesting' of organs - I can barely write the word without cringing.

    I believe he or she also correctly perceives the greater horrors that await us.

    Evil is invariably perceived as a good thing, but exacts a cruel price of guilt, bad conscience, regret, shame...while what is good is nearly always perceived as hard and difficult, not pleasant, yet if through our humility and obedience, we accept it, we benefit greatly by an increase of charity, love of God and neighbor, deep spiritual satisifaction, clean conscience, growing wisdom and understanding of the ways of God with His people, peace of mind, heart, and soul, and the ability to do penance for our countless sins here in this life.

    St. Augustine reminds us that pleasure is short-lived, but brings with it eternal punishment.

    My own Mother often quietly and correctly observed, "It's all disobedience."

    As pride and disobedience go together, so do humility and obedience - with very different results.

    This life is very, very short - what we suffer here, no matter how hard and difficult, is of no consequence when compared to our eternal happiness. Study the science of the Saints - my goodness, what they achieved, endured for the love of God and we recoil from a little hard work and discomfort? What cry-babies we are! What spiritual pygmies! We need to grow up and stop coddling ourselves!

    Everything offered up for love of God and in reparation for sin is tremendous profit for us! It can all be used for our greater progress in vitue and the sanctification of our souls, but additionally and very importantly, it secures for us happiness in this life far beyond what the 'worldly' can ever experience, and joy with God, the Angels and Saints for all eternity!

    I speak from some experience as a mother of 10 children - the memories of a full and rich life of hard work, joy, peace, and love, and most importantly, I have never lost my holy Faith! It is my greatest treasure - my true inheritance, but do not take it as certainty of my salvation: I remain a wretched sinner in GREAT need of the Mercy of God.

    We MUST 'fight the good fight' of Faith, each and every day until our last breath! The world and everything in it passes away - eternal happiness is forever! So is eternal punishment. A Saint has counseled, always choose what seems difficult, as the easy course is the one that leads to sin.

    It is wise to spend some time each day contemplating eternity. It can be a great help in avoiding sin and encouragement to practice virtue, but oh, never omit prayer: the great means of salvation!

    Our Lady of Guadalupe, Ever Virgin Mary, Queen of Apostles, Queen of Mexico, Empress of all the Americas, Patroness of the Unborn, pray for us!

    O World, O worldings, WAKE UP!
    "Lord, that we may SEE."
