Thursday, July 23, 2009

"Stupid is as Stupid Does" - Words of Wisdom from Forrest Gump


President Obama played the race card and slandered a courageous police officer yesterday to defend one of his liberal buddies and paint America once again as a racist nation. (Gosh this is getting boring!) Harvard Professor Henry Gates was out of line attacking Officer Crowley for investigating what could have been a break-in of his home. He should have listened and been grateful that his neighbor was watching out for his property and the police were so responsive. Instead, he refused to show his identification and acted like a racist cop-hater which he very well may be judging from the verbal assault on the officers. But he's a FOB (Friend of Barack) and therefore qualifies for special treatment.

Here are some interesting commentaries on the incident:

The President and the professor: "I don't think the President did himself any good last night. He not only failed in his mission to sell ObamaCare, he opened a can of worms by flaunting his willingness to judge without knowing the facts, and condemn a brave police officer. He owes Officer Crowley an apology." Amen!

And from the Fox News report: "Expanding on the implications of the arrest, Obama told reporters Wednesday that this incident shows that there is a long history of racial profiling in the United States." NONSENSE! The police responded to a call. Gates showed the typical action of a man with a chip on his shoulder and verbally assaulted the officers. Assault happens to be a crime in this country. The White House spokesman was right when he said cooler heads should have prevailed, but the one who needed the cooler head was Professor Gates who was yelling and cursing.

Read the police report here.

My brother is a retired police officer. It's a dangerous job. Most policemen are good family men trying to protect life and property at the risk of their own safety. That's what Officer Crowley was doing. His actions were legitimate and both Professor Gates and President Obama should apologize for smearing his good name. But what is more likely is that this good officer will be sacrificed on the altar of political correctness. Pray for him.

And by the way, the liberal professor may sue.

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