Thursday, July 23, 2009

White House Haste - In a Hurry to Wreck the Country!

President Obama has been in a hurry ever since election day to impose his socialist agenda on the American people. The so-called stimulus bill which was going to stave off unemployment had to be passed yesterday to save us from disaster. Now he claims the stimulus is working and doing exactly what it was planned to do even as it fails. The president certainly follows the old adage that if you repeat a lie long enough people will believe it.

The reality is that the unemployment situation, among other things, is much worse than it would have been without the stimulus and continues to climb. It's personal for me because two of my nieces who have small children have been affected. One's husband was laid off, they had to sell their home, and are moving into her parent's vacation house while he looks for a job. The other was laid off and her income was necessary to maintain their mortgage so they may lose their home too. Meanwhile, the president keeps telling us his plans are working and now he wants to implement a trillion dollar "health" care bill that will mandate killing children, implement rationing for the elderly, outlaw private insurance, increase taxes on small businesses and middle income families, and generally lower the quality of care in this country. Meanwhile he claims just the opposite in his speeches. The devil is in the details of the bill, but who has actually read the 1,000-page tome? Take heart though. Obama promises he'll wait five days after any bill gets to his desk before signing it so the American people can read it. Read it and weep.

This administration is hell bent on expanding the government and doing it quickly before the American people wake up. It's an audacious plan that presumes Obama's personal magnetism and popularity (which is waning) can trump political reality. The question is whether enough freedom-loving Americans have the gumption and the will to challenge him.

It's not the first time conservatives have had to fight massive government takeovers. In 1824 John Randolph of Roanoke stood in the House of Representatives to oppose liberals eager to use public policy to effect quick and massive changes to strengthen federal power. Sound familiar?

Here's what that great conservative politician said:
In all beneficial changes in the natural all those changes, which are the work of an all-wise, all-seeing and superintending will find imperceptible changes; you cannot see the object move, but take your eyes from it for a while, and like the index of that clock, you can see that it has moved. The old proverb says, God works good, and always by degrees. The devil, on the other hand, is bent on mischief, and always in a hurry. He cannot stay; his object is mischief, which can best be effected suddenly, and he must be gone elsewhere.

Almost every day we see evidence of devilish mischief being foisted on the country by this administration and always in a hyper speed hurry. The president speaks words of transparency while acting like a slippery-fingered card shark with aces up his sleeve. In fact, Congress and the White House these days resemble Las Vegas, all glittering and filled with entertaining shows, but with an underbelly of (political) prostitution and (political) payoffs. And for those playing slots or craps in the casino, it's wise to remember that the odds always favor the (White) house over the customers (taxpayers) who are seen as little more than paying patsies.

It's time to slow down this entire administration and require evaluation of all its actions. Otherwise Americans are likely to find themselves in a very different country, one they may not recognize and may not want to live in. When people voted for "change," most had no idea of the radical plans waiting in the wings from a man who talks like a moderate but acts like a socialist.

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