Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Dems Upset about Americans Daring to Criticize them at Local Town Hall Meetings

It is always so entertaining to listen to the rhetoric of the liberal left. They are upset at the fact that patriotic Americans have the unmitigated gall to actually challenge their enlightened plans for the hoi polloi (that's us). So they are crying about "mob rule" and calling the challenges at town halls orchestrated events. (If they are it just illustrates that conservatives are finally imitating the tactics of ACORN, gay activists, left-wing anti-everything protesters, etc. only without the violence and the total shutdown of free speech.) Check out Michelle Malkin's video example of mob rule! And the left dares to call citizens questioning the health plan quislings "mob rule?" Get real.

Here's the first one to whet your appetite showing lefties storming a Minuteman meeting at Columbia University. This type of treatment is typical on campuses when pro-lifers speak. Hey, I've been at meetings like that. Free speech? Anyone? Anyone?


  1. All Americans are patriotic. The liberals are upset at the fact that some conservative Americans especially the Christian Conservatives have the unmitigated gall to actually believe health insurance company profits are more important than people. "There are those who profit from the status quo, or see this debate as a political game, and they will stop at nothing to block reform. They are filling the airwaves and the internet with outrageous falsehoods to scare people into opposing change."

    You are doing your part in scaring people.

  2. Greed is greed whether it's politicians getting theirs from Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac or corporate executives taking exorbitatnt salaries.

    You don't fix health care, however, by letting government take it over. Do you think it's free then? We're paying through the nose for it! Medicare is on the verge of bankruptcy and you think we should let the gov. "insure" everybody? And you think you'll get quality care?

    Health care is too expensive. Put the government in charge of it and they'll save money with no-care and rationed care. Then we can all be treated like the vets who were housed in rat-infested buildings with leaky pipes and pealing walls. That scandal was exposed by the Washington Post in 2007. But the inferior care continues in these gov't.-run facilities. See and

    What Obama wants is not reform. Read his own statements about cutting care to the elderly. He wants bureaucrats to decide whether you need a knee or hip replacement and every five years you get the "counseling" to sign up for no-care and death by dehydration.

    No thanks!

    85% of Americans are happy with their health care according to surveys (See Investor's Business Daily). Let's not gut a good system by turning it over to the same government that runs the DMV and takes months to get you a passport!

    And exactly what "outrageous falsehoods" are you talking about? Everything I've posted is backed up with references like the Congressional Budget Office and other sources.

  3. These "town hall attendies" are really run by corporate people. The 19th wealthy man in the world is funding much of the buses for these folks. Rachael Maddow did a great expose on who is behind these astro-turf movements.

    Government is not all bad. It's especially bad when run by republicans and conservatives. Roads, bridges firehouses police are just a few examples where the government has done a great job.

    Private health care is expensive because of the profit. Government health care will be expensive because EVERYONE will be covered. It takes only an ounce of humanity to recognize that you are having the wool pulled over your eyes by corporate America. They have already spent more money against this than the presidential campaigns of 2000 and 2004 combined.

  4. As for falsehoods, that "every five years you get "counseling" to sign up for no-care and death by dehydration" is nothing more than making a living will. This has been around now for 20 years. This way you get to make sure your religious views are to be followed by your children.

  5. Whatever happened to these decisions being made between patients and their doctors with family input. When the government gets involved in pushing living wills on people there is an element of coercions. You can paint it in rosy terms if you want, but it's not some bureaucrat's business!

  6. As for these "average" Americans, Rachel Maddow's piece can be found at

    It hard to believe there is no right to life without the right to health care.
