Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Where's the ACLU when it comes to ending liberal censorship?

YouTube, a Google, subsidiary hates censorship, right? They let folks post videos desecrating the Blessed Sacrament. (Try that with the Koran.) They tolerate Christian bashing of all stripes. But let an investigative group show undercover footage of Planned Parenthood enabling statutory rape and what happens? CENSORSHIP!

Live Action, a group of students dedicated to undercovering the dark side of Planned Parenthood, has had several videos on YouTube showing PP employees instructing underage girls how to protect adult predators who they believe got them pregnant. Now YouTube has CENSORED the videos in violation of their own rules. Prosecutors in several states have used these videos to call for full investigations of PP for prosecution. The videos are in full compliance with YouTube requirements. So why are they CENSORING Live Action? Visit their website and sign the petition calling on YouTube to back off and repost the videos!

1 comment:

  1. Where is the ACLU?

    CNN Refusing To Run Health Care Ad Critical Of Insurance Industry — already taking criticism for declining to run an ad criticizing Lou Dobbs — is now refusing to run an ad nationally criticizing the insurance industry.

    “Why do insurance companies and Republicans want to kill health insurance reform? Because they like things the way they are now,” the ad says, and then slams Hanway’s annual salary of over $12 million and golden parachute retirement package of over $70 million.

    This is hardly liberal media but more evidence of corporate republican friendly media at work.
