Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Never-Ending Story: CCHD Funding of Immoral Organizations

Catholic Campaign for Human Development Criticized, Funded Pro-Abortion Groups

The scandals never stop coming. CCHD (Catholic Campaign for Human Development) spends millions to fund ACORN's fraudulent activity. CCHD funds groups that support abortion, contraception, and same-sex marriage. If CCHD was a vaudeville act, they would have felt the hook years ago, but unfortunately many Catholics aren't paying attention to the show. Their pastors tells them its a hit and they just keep throwing their money in the basket while CCHD does the soft shoe.

Once the word gets out, CCHD is in troube and Bellarmine Veritas Ministry is helping do just that. Their recent report about groups that fund abortion and contraception resulted in several groups being defunded. But how many others out there are doing the same thing?

A bigger question is, who is vetting these groups? Dioceses have chanceries FILLED with church bureaucrats. Are we to believe they don't know what the funded groups are doing? Or are the folks in charge of examining the groups "Catholics" like Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, and the cafeteria bunch at Catholics United who think abortion, stem cell research, same sex marriage, and other life and family issues are marginal?

Pass the information about CCHD to your friends and write a big check to the Missionaries of Charity, a local crisis pregnancy center, or your favorite faithful missionary.

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