Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Gay Blogger Advocates Hate Crime Against Bishop!

Robert Polzoni of the "Gay Buzz" blogspot is going after all the bishops who signed the Manhattan Declaration. Not only does he suggest legal activities like picketing, but activities that can only be classified as hate crimes against Christians.
"It is time we let Bishop Cordileone know there are consequences for his actions. Is anyone up for a rally in front of the Oakland Diocese or a disruption of services? Let me know and I’m happy to help organize."

Gays call their activities in schools to indoctrinate our children in the gay lifestyle a civil right. (Yes, it's in the schools big time.) But anyone who opposes their agenda is targeted for both legal protests and hate activities. I've posted some of the examples of gays attacking Christians on this blog before. You can check out a few here and here. You'll find more articles on the blog if you do a search on homosexual hate crimes in the search box.

By the way -- What they do is anything but gay, which used to be a perfectly good synonym for joyful, and I have a hard time seeing anal sex, fisting and golden showers as "love."


  1. What do you know of love? This blog is filled with hate. Hate for liberals, homosexuals, and anyone else whose ideals you disagree with. I'm not expert on Catholicism, but I would imagine that hate mongering is not one of their tenets. Yet, that is all you do.

  2. I think a good example of the deviant behavior is the Folsom Street Fair. The fact that they can attack and threaten people, etc. should be a cause for them to be arrested or thrown in jail. Have your camera, video, etc. ready cause you never know when you'll need to have evidence on their behavior for a court case.

  3. To see my response to Luke (whose comment I was able to recover and post) see
