Wednesday, December 2, 2009

On Comment Moderation and the Meaning of Real Love

I apologize to those who left comments yesterday and early this morning. I was having trouble getting the comments to post and lost them in the process when I went back to unmoderated status.

To Luke who left an opinion on the "gay blogger" post that my site is full of hate, I'm sorry you feel that way. What exactly is your definition of "love" since you are sure I don't have any? And what's your definition of "hate" since you think my blog is full of it?

Too many people think "love" is a gushy, warm feeling (I think that's wetting your pants. Ask Chris Matthews).

Love isn't, in fact, a feeling at all, although feelings can accompany it. It's a verb, a strong verb. Love proves itself by willing and doing good for the other. Love's primary good is to do everything to help the beloved come to eternal salvation. And sometimes doing that means speaking the hard truth.

We live in the "tolerant" and "compassionate" culture of "I'm okay, you're okay." But it's a lie. If you are cheating on your spouse, you're not okay. If you're embezzling from your boss, you're not okay. If you're beating your girlfriend or your children, you're not okay. If you're writing bad checks or shoplifting to get money to support a drug habit, you're not okay. If you're a college student cheating on tests, plagiarizing your research papers, etc., ditto. If you're a scientist fudging the results of global warming data so they match your agenda, you're not okay; you're a fraud.

Sin is not okay, no matter how good it feels or how much you fool yourself into believing that it's good, noble and beautiful because you're so sincere and mean so well. I will never tell someone "You're okay" when I know that statement will help them continue to embrace an evil act. Whether the person I was talking to was one of my children or a sibling or another relative or a friend, I try to speak the truth in love. "Not all who say, 'Lord, Lord' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father in heaven."

Luke, you aren't the first to accuse me of hate. I've been screamed and cursed at outside abortion mills while I was trying to assist women. But the moms who accepted our help and chose life for their babies felt differently, including the Muslim parents who decided not to kill their sixth child when they saw our group praying (with a priest) and took our literature. They invited my husband and me to their older daughter's wedding when the baby we saved was about four. She was the only one of their children who couldn't speak Persian and they called her their "all American girl."

I've had liberal Catholics accuse me of being "violent" for doing nothing more than engage in vigorous debate. If I cared about what other people think of me, I suppose I'd be silent. But I want to meet everybody merrily in heaven and if I hide my light under a bushel I may be cast out with the cowardly servant who buried his talent in the earth. I won't go to hell for the comfort of being silent.

We all need to give up our sins and accept the gracious mercy of our God.
But those who pretend their sins are holy actions, those who call evil good and good evil, will not enter into eternal life. How do I know? Because Jesus said so. And it isn't an act of hate to say that.

I'm a sinner and I freely acknowledge the fact. It's the reason I go to confession often. But I must speak the truth, because Jesus promised the truth will set us free. Some of this blog is opinion and thoughtful people can disagree. I don't claim to be an expert on all the things I express opinions about, but when I present the doctrine of the Church and the truth of the Gospel, I'm not giving my opinion. Christ established the Church and called Peter "the rock." A person can pound his head on that rock all day, but the only thing that will break is his head. God doesn't lie. He wants us all to be saved, but He gave us free will and will not force heaven on unrepentant sinners.

I don't hate anyone, but I hate the evil we all do. And that's a big difference! When people commit evil in the privacy of their bedroom or in the closet, I don't know about it. But when they shove it in my face, when they take their evil to the city streets like the Folsom Street Fair and other perverted "pride" events, when they demand that my grandkids be taught that their evil actions are "civil rights," when they lobby for laws to make me and others cooperate with their evil - I will fight. And that fight is a loving response to the insanity of a sinful disdain for God and His laws.

I'm sorry if that hurts your feelings, Luke. I only want what God wants for you. So buck up and take what I say like a man instead of whining and saying I'm full of hate. After all, shouldn't you practice toward me the tolerance and compassion that's the mantra of the gay community? When you point your finger at me and call me hateful notice where the other fingers on your hand are pointing.


  1. Love is what I feel for my boyfriend. Love is what I feel for my parents, my siblings, my family, my friends, and my nieces and nephews.

    I am a law-abiding citizen who works hard every single day for those people I love. Yet you seem to assume that all I do, along with every other homosexual is go around fisting and peeing on each other. I'm sorry, but you are mistaken. I don't push the homosexual agenda on children hoping for them to join our cause as you seem to think. Quite the opposite, I would not wish homosexuality on anyone, because of people like you who make it so difficult to live a normal, happy life.

    And yes, I do tolerate you. I completely respect your right to write this hate day after day, your right to a happy life, or whatever it is you are searching for. Go forth and find that - I just ask that you let me do the same. Let me love who I love and tolerate who I am, how your God made me.

    I know I can't change your opinions - I'm not sure why I even posted... maybe just to know myself that I am human and that this hate affects me. I do hope you understand how this affects the people around you - especially those who you unknowingly denounce.

  2. A good post in every way. The truth needs to be said. 'I am the Way,the Truth, and the Light' said Our Lord. He was calumniated by those who did not like the truth, did not like what He had to say. Keep up the good fight, and thanks.

  3. I would like to point out to Luke that there are a number of "former" homosexuals and lesbians who have left that lifestyle for Christianity. This is definitely evidence that they are not born that way. Are they now "hateful" because they speak out against it?

  4. Luke,

    Many homosexuals DO target children including Obama's "safe schools" czar, Kevin Jennings. GLSEN and GSAs are all about recruiting children to homosexuality. Just look at the history of their "education" with the Tufts University "Fistgate Conference" 2000 and publication of the obscene "little black book" in 2005. Forcing "diversity" on babes in pre-school and kindergarten is becoming more and more common.

    I'm not the one making it hard for you to live a "normal happy life." It's your own disordered lifestyle. Sin is disordered, so we are all disordered in some way. But honest people see their sinful actions for what they are and don't demand others to respect their sinful disorders. When I sin I go to confession, I don't call a press conference and demand my civil right to sin.

    "Gays" demand for tolerance is no different than a kleptomaniac demanding others to respect the right to shoplift and even pass legislation that recognizes the kleptomaniac's civil right to shoplift because "that's the way God made me."

    Calling the homosexual lifestyle good doesn't make it so. And the temporary pleasure sure isn't worth sacrificing an eternity of heaven for.

    I'll pray for you, Luke. You aren't tolerant of me at all. You've labeled my actions "hate." And "gay" activists are doing everything they can to criminalize what I'm doing by defining it as "hate speech." If that happens I expect many "gays" will be delighted to see me prosecuted and jailed.

    One gentleman posting about another issue has already wished for "gas chambers" to deal with people like me. Frankly, that doesn't surprise me one bit.
