Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Of Homosexual Blackmail and Sacrilege

Dutch homosexuals call off disruptions as parish backs down on Communion

This article makes me want to weep. Catholics know that Jesus is really present in the Holy Eucharist under the appearances of bread of wine. He is crucified again when open and unrpentant sinners who commit public scandal approach for Communion. That they are allowed to blackmail a parish into submission is not only disgraceful, but shows the hardness of their hearts.

The priest's original decision was correct. We deny Communion to non-Catholics because they are not in union with us. Catholics who publicly flaunt their disunion with the Church through denial of doctrine (open sodomites, pro-abortion politicians, and other public sinners) commit scandal and also may not approach for Communion. Those who do show contempt for the faith they profess. They receive Communion, as St. Paul says, to their condemnation. Pray for these poor deluded souls who are in danger of eternal damnation and for the poor priest who either lost his nerve or was instructed to do wrong by his bishop.


  1. The priest will have much for which to answer. He cannot hide behind "obedience", for an order to do that which is inherently wrong is an order not to be obeyed.

  2. Judge not lest ye be judged. The problem with placing the onus on the priest is that priests don't read souls and unless the person receiving is blatantly professing his immorality at the moment and the priest knows him for a sinner one has to wonder on what grounds communion is refused that doesn't fall afoul of the presumption that the other is not in a state of grace.

    I think it is a tough call which is why it is so seldom withheld. It does become a public scandal and under those circumstances I think it is not wrong to withhold communion. But short of that it seems a bit presumptuous.

  3. A priest may never deny Communion to a person, even if he knows him to be an unrepentant murderer, if his knowledge is based on confession or other private circumstance. But those who are publicly flaunting their sins, such as homosexual "activists" fall under Canon 915. The same with Catholics like Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, and Nancy Pelosi who publicly champion the murder of the innocent. To give these folks Communion is a scandal that leads others to sin. After all, if I see someone who publicly endorses grievous sins like abortion and sodomy welcome to receive Communion, I can only conclude that they aren't that sinful after all. Jesus reserved the millstone for those who scandalize little ones. I think that not only means innocent children but those of simple faith.

  4. No Dutch martyrs in that parish.

  5. There was a petition in support of the priest started by Catholica magazine in the Netherlands, but apparently the magazine was scared off in its' support too.
