Monday, August 16, 2010

FDA Approves New Abortion Drug

Last week the FDA unanimously approved a new abortion drug, euphemistically labeled "Ella." It operates by blocking progesterone which prevents both implantation and sustaining pregnancy. The FDA is promoting it as an "emergency contraceptive," not surprising since deceiving women has become the established practice where "reproductive health" is concerned. (Actually, the term reproductive "health" always reminds me of 1984 newspeak where the "ministry of love" engages in torturing those who engage in thought crimes. There is nothing "healthy" about these dangerous drugs.) That Ella is an abortifacient is self-evident from the fact that one can take it up to five days after sex. Obviously, it does not stop the uniting of an egg and sperm if ovulation has already occurred. So the only possible means of "preventing pregnancy" after conception is early abortion either through preventing implantation or shutting off progesterone which allows the baby to develop.

Here are some of my objections to "Ella."

First of all, I resent the name since I have a darling little granddaughter named Ella who is as full of life and joy as a two-year-old can be. To have her name attached to a drug whose only purpose is killing babies in the womb is obscene.

Secondly, the FDA is supposed to protect women from both dangerous drugs and deceptive advertising. They did neither by releasing the drug. What they are doing, however, is allowing the federal government to fund an abortifacient drug while pretending it's a contraceptive and they are willing and eager to lie to women about it. And the game goes on.

Third, (which is the primary reason) murdering babies is just plain diabolical. It must be stopped!

Fourth, there are liars, damn liars, and the FDA.

Anyone who trusts this evil bureaucracy on anything would believe in the peanut butter cure for cancer. Think about it. If FDA docs don't care about the baby's health and the mother's health, why would they care about yours? Last year a group of scientists at the FDA complained about corruption relating to approval of medical devices. See the video below. I'll be doing some research to see what's on the internet with regard to approval of abortifacient and "contraceptive" drugs. I bet there's a money trail between the FDA and the drug companies producing these evil drugs. What are the odds that FDA doctors have links to BIG PHARM? Pretty good I'd say. As the Bible says, "Love of money is the root of all evils."

Stay tuned....

For more information see:

FDA Approves Dangerous Ella 

FDA Approves Emergency Contraceptive


  1. This just makes me want to cry. I've been trying for 2 years now to get pregnant, and I'm fairly certain my difficulties stem from my body not producing enough progesterone. I've had numerous chemical pregnancies that have never taken, and it's a horrible, horrible cross I bear. And now they're convincing women that this is a good thing, all in the name of "women's health." The Lord did warn's still incredibly depressing though.

  2. I'm so sorry, Chudah. I'll be praying for you. When I was teaching NFP we usually had at least one couple trying to conceive and I saw their longing for the child like Hannah's in the Old Testament. Life is so hard.

    Progesterone deficiency can be treated, though. I hope you have a good pro-life NFP doctor near you. If you haven't charted, it can reveal a lot about what's happening. A short luteal phase (from ovulation to next menses) often indicates deficient progesterone which can be supplemented.

  3. "That Ella is an abortifacient is self-evident from the fact that one can take it up to five days after sex. Obviously, it does not stop the uniting of an egg and sperm if ovulation has already occurred. So the only possible means of "preventing pregnancy" after conception is early abortion either through preventing implantation or shutting off progesterone which allows the baby to develop." You're totally correct. There's a really fascinating debate that I thought would be of interest on evolution vs. intelligent design going on at
