Thursday, October 28, 2010

Boot the Entire Congress?

This post can be easily summarized by this scene from the film, Brewster's Millions. Please excuse the rough language, but it is so fitting I just had to connect it to the post.

There's mounting evidence that the American people are fed up with business as usual on Capitol Hill. Rasmussen is reporting an interesting poll result today. Sixty-five percent (65%) of "likely voters" in their random poll said they would choose to throw out the entire Congress and start over. Here are the questions:

By Rasmussen Reports
1* Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the Democratic Party?

2* Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the Republican Party?

3* The following results are a combination of responses from questions 1 and 2.

4* Suppose you could vote this fall on whether to get rid of the entire Congress and start over again. Would you vote to keep the entire Congress or get rid of the entire Congress?

5* Do you consider yourself part of the Tea Party Movement? [those who answered "no" or "Not sure" were asked] Do you have any close friends or family members who are part of the Tea Party movement?
You can see the complete report here.

A couple of other interesting findings from the poll.
  • 82% of Republicans and 78% of unaffiliateds say dump them all. Despite their party’s control of both the House and Senate, Democratic voters are fairly evenly divided: 44% say it’s better to keep the entire Congress, but 38% would prefer to give all the national legislators the heave-ho.
  • Among all voters, just three percent (3%) have a favorable opinion of both parties, while 18% view both unfavorably. Seventy-nine percent (79%) offer mixed reviews.
  • Twenty percent (20%) of voters nationwide now say they are members of the Tea Party, with another 10% who say they aren’t members but have friends or family members who are. Sixty-one percent (61%) say they have no ties to the grass roots movement. [This is a particularly interesting statistic since it takes about 20% of the population to foment a revolution. Which means that liberals are in big trouble if the tea partiers get really organized!]
Election Day is coming. Go out and vote - not Republican or Democrat, but pro-life! Support candidates who will defend the unborn child who has no voice but yours. And, above all, pray. Pray that the Lord blesses us with men and women after His own heart.


  1. The "dump them all!" talk is only one
    more symptom of the lack of rational
    thinking that got us into this mess in
    the first place. What? Should we really
    throw Michelle Bachmann and others like
    her under the bus? We need thought,
    not emotional bombast. Such snarling
    and snorting will get us absolutely
    nowhere. You're right. We need to
    pray. After that, we need to turn off
    our emotions and think in principled
    manners. Then we'll be prepared to
    Janet Baker

  2. I agree, but you have to look at the question. The choices were keep them all or dump them all. Since it's an impossible hypothetical I think the answer is showing the anger of the electorate not a strategy. And the anger is absolutely understandable.

    And let's face it, if we had only two choices - keep them all or dump them all - dumping would be the right choice.

    Call it "term limits."

  3. The anger must be controlled and under rational control at all times,lest we jump from the frying pan into the fire. Cooler heads must prevail. That's why I sound this reminder. Thanks

