Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Abortion Mill Butchers: Safe Legal Abortion is a Myth!

The pro-aborts talk a lot about "safe, legal abortion," but have always opposed any restrictions on abortionists even to protect the mothers. In recent days, it's become more and more obvious that abortion is a business loaded with bottom-feeding butchers who not only don't mind killing babies, but their moms as well. Here's a sampling of these "humanitarians" who are so loved by Planned Parenthood, NARAL, etc. Note that because abortion is unrestricted and the abortion movement fights regulation of any kind that unlicensed butchers, like Bertha Bugarin, can thrive. The back alley operates on main street with the complicity of the abortion movement that has never cared about the safety of women. "Safe, legal abortion" is a myth! And here's just a sample from the rogues' gallery of the abortion movement. But what can you expect? Anyone who is willing to kill a helpless baby, would hardly blanch at any other atrocity.

Nicola Riley

Andrew Rutland

Steven Brigham

George Shepherd

Kermit Gosnell

Eileen O'Neill

Rapin Osathanondh

Mila Means and Greg Linhardt

Nolan Jones

Bertha Bugarin

Romeo Ferrer

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this. I was truly baffled and disturbed after I, for the first time, read Planned Parenthood websites last night where I found "safe, legal abortions" rubbish. I couldn't believe what they were trying to sell, and now I have evidence of many 'unsafe, illegal' abortions, thanks to you. In a way, I pray that all abortionists repent and quit their job in order to end abortion in this country, but in another way, I pray that they all go to hell and pay for what they have done to the most innocent and the most pure and the most weak and the most precious unborn babies.

    I pray that either one happens.
