Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mom Jailed For Sending Kids to Better School

Don't we live in an interesting culture? A woman can choose to kill her baby for no reason or any reason. But a mom who wants a better education for her children can't choose another school district. The only thing that would really improve public schools would be to give parents school choice. Let parents choose and if a school is oversubscribed hold a lottery. Any parent willing to drive their kids outside "their district" should be eligible to enroll their children in any public school they want. Why shouldn't those living in poor school districts have the "right to choose" a better education for their children?

Let's face it. The elitists don't care about the "right to choose" except for abortion. And abortion isn't really about choice; it's about money and genocide. Most abortion mills are located in the inner cities and minorities have a higher percentage of abortions than their representation in the population. Planned Parenthood wants abortion funded by the government both for the money and for the elimination of those they consider "unfit." It was one of Margaret Sanger's slogans. "More from the fit; less from the unfit."

And I have one more question. Has a single abortion mill employee who covered up the statutory rape of a minor who came for an abortion with a predatory boyfriend, coach, teacher, etc. been prosecuted and jailed? I sure haven't heard of any. But this mom who loves her children and wants a better life for them is in jail. Go figure!


  1. She's been convicted of a felony? For what? Thank the NEA for this sort of nonsense. Talk about dumbing down people and "spreading the misery". Then they ask a question, "how far should a mother go"? She's just being a mother!

  2. The school district should be ashamed of themselves. They are targeting a mother who is only trying to get her kids a BETTER education. Did they ever think about the consequences? Like...maybe one day these kids will become great leaders of this country instead of being on the streets, causing crime? Man, what a great country huh? Very twisted.
