Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hate America First! Chinese Pianist Played Anti-American Song at White House Dinner

We've seen Obama bow to other heads of state. We've heard him apologize over and over for America. And now, at the White House dinner for Chinese President Hu, a pianist was allowed to play an anti-American melody that, if sung, has the verse:

When friends are here, there is fine wine
But if the jackal (U.S. soldiers) comes
What greets it is the hunting rifle.
Wow! What a cool message for your hosts - especially when they buy all your junk. And remember, this is the country with a formal one-child policy and forced abortion. Not only that, their policy has created a lopsided culture with too many men and not enough women. Does anybody really think the Chinese government is our friend?

Read the labels and don't buy "made in China."
See the complete article here.


  1. I still can't believe Obama is Pres. of America. Perhaps Americans will vote for Christina Auguilera for the first woman president next time. Then she and Lang Lang can play together that anti-American song.

  2. B.O. probably chose the tune.

  3. This was insane to be allowed but then insanity and evil is obama who loves his abortion agenda especially when he was the only one in the Senate who would not stop partial-birth abortion when he was a U.S.senator from Ill.
