Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Where Was the Media at the March? AWOL as usual!

Just imagine: dozens of politicians from Capitol Hill come out in the freezing cold to hail abortion on demand or same sex "marriage" and hundreds of enthusiastic supporters come out to hail them. Don't you think the story would make the front page above the fold in the national newspapers? I'm sure of it. Even beforehand, the Washington Post would be carrying the schedule, the parade route, and a list of speakers to encourage as big a crowd as possible to attend. (That's what they always do for the feminist and gay marches.)

What happens when hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers take to the streets to defend the right to life of the innocent?

Media AWOL...
You can almost hear the bored comments of the reporters, "Gosh, this happens every year so it's not news any more. Ho-hum (yawn).

Really? All those Congressmen on the podium, a large representation of the tea party freshmen class, and they aren't newsworthy? Women witnessing to their profound regret for abortion, dozens of them -- they aren't newsworthy? A growing black presence who recognize that abortion is genocide for their race which represents about 12% of the population but has almost 40% of the abortions? Not newsworthy?

No, it's not about news, it's about bias. The Washington Post had a short blog entry calling the enormous 38th March an "anti-abortion" rally in a photo caption of a girl with a few other people in the background. You can always identify the Post's pictures because they go out of their way to avoid showing the crowd. Wouldn't want people to see how many pro-lifers there really are out there.

What about the New York Times, you ask? What do you think the "paper of record" had to say? Nix, nada, nothing, no how, no way. At least I couldn't find a single entry in an internet search.

Then there was TV. We got home from the March in time for the national network news and the March was ignored. Of course, the regular networks had important news to cover like Oprah finding the sister her mom put up for adoption years ago. Now wouldn't that have fit nicely with the pro-life slogan, "adoption, not abortion?"

I have long stopped expecting anything but bias from the mainstream media. But that's why we in the alternative media need to be the trumpeters for the movement. We will not be silenced, we will never stop fighting, and God is on the side of the lives He creates. As I told the administrator of an abortion mill during a rescue in the 1970s. "Sharon, you can never win because those who support killing do not have the staying power of we who support life." Besides, liberals kill their babies at a pretty rapid clip. How will you fight when you have no arrows in your quiver? The most pro-life thing a family can do is have another baby, as Fr. Paul Marx frequently said. Can there ever be too many flowers in God's garden? The victory is ultimately ours because the culture of death cannot win against the kingdom of God. And when the victory comes it will be a glorious one because all the institutions of worldly power are on the other side. But the Holy Spirit is on ours and He cannot be defeated!

Praised be the Lord Jesus Christ. now and forever!


  1. When I read the story about the abortionist who killed 8 babies with scissors, I concluded also that 'pro-life' fight must not be a war only against human but also against devil. No human can do that to the least defensive being. No human can kill babies if he ever embraced and kissed and smelled and touched one.

    Faithful Catholics must keep having babies who will become heavenly soldiers! Not only to show to the world that they are 'pro-life', but also to increase Catholic population and saints!

    May God help us all!

  2. And 100's of 1000's of young punks coming home to see no coverage are learning a great lesson.

    They wouldn't believe the media lies if just mom and dad cuss at the TV.

